Little Sun

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Izuku POV

"Hey Kacchan" A green haired boy with freckles catches the attention of of an female pomeranian around his age

"What?, Izu" The blonde asks curiously, "When were older I'm gonna marry you!!" The girl blushes profusely whilst the giggles of their parents are heard in the background

"F-Fine!! But Y-you have to be the strongest, I can only Marry the strongest! You got that!!!" The blonde tells whilst setting off explosions on her palms "I understand Kacchan"

Timeskip to doctors appointment

Izuku was getting worried as was his mom but the were worried for two diffrent reasons, Inko was worried that izuku's quirk hadn't come in and how that would ewenegatively affect his future, Izuku was worried that because his quirk hadn't come in he couldn't be the strongest and therefore couldn't marry kacchan

The doctor a short bald man with goggles enters the room with an impressed face with a hint of curiosity, "Ms. Midoriya what were you and your Ex-husbands quirks again?" "I have a weak telekinesis quirk and that bastard was able to breath fire, why?"

"Well you're son possesses easily one of if not the strongest pyrokinesis quirk on the planet even I dont know its possibilities, he can either end up one of the greatest superheroes to walk the planet rivaling even all might or he could become a walking calamity" Inko was shocked to say the least but she was ready to take on the burden of raising the little sun

"However there is one thing you should be aware off" this immediately got inko's attention, "his quirk whilst already extremely powerful will be strongest at exactly 12:00AM when the sun's at its highest, so it's highly probable that it will awaken tomorrow at that time, it also might be slightly painful so be prepared for that" Inko quickly retained this information and left with izuku to make preparations for when her son's quirk comes in but not before having izuku's quirk named Ultra-Pyrokinesis

"Izuku, would you like to head over to see Katsumi to tell her about your quirk?" Inko asked as she looked at her son who seemed to be in deep thought in his carseat, Izuku shook his head no suprising inko and said "No, I want it to be a surprise, Also what did the doctor mean it might be painful?"

"He meant it might get a little hot when your quirk appears" Inko said quickly reassuring her son, but to be honest even she dosen't know what might happen, they were both oblivious to her car heating up slightly


The two celebrated with katsudon and ice cream however izuku ice cream melted unnaturally fast, which made sense to both of them it was summer and today seemed really hot to the both of them for some reason

Izuku's dreams were strange to night, he was sitting in space just floating with the sun right infront of him, no other stars or planets around just the sun, nothing happened except the sun getting brighter slowly he was just sitting their for hours, fully conscious but still dreaming

Inko was awoken not her alarm but by the blistering heat flowing through her house causing her to strip down to her underwear, being extremely uncomfortable with the heat she awoke to see heat waves which did not sit well with her checking the time, it said 11:57 whiched caused her to think

"Izuku has one of if not the strongest pyrokinetic quirk in the world" the voice of the quirk doctor rang out through her head, "it will most likely awaken at 12:00AM when the sun's at its highest"

It took a minute for inko to realize that her son was about to become a sun, it was now 11:58

Quickly throwing on a plain white shirt, she ran out of her room to izukus, grabbing the door handle was a mistake as it was Very Hot which led to a string of curses that somehow didn't wake izuku up, 11:59

Quickly grabbing a pair of oven mitts she turned the knob of the door opening the door led to a wave of blistering heat, inside izuku's room felt like an microwave but inko being the determined mother she is trecked through izuku's room and grabbed him

Now instead of izuku's room being a microwave now she was holding the microwave as it slowly gets even hotter than it was before, "this is definitely going to leave some burns"

When she finally made it outside to her backyard away from the house she layed izuku down on the grass and got a far enough distance from him

Izuku POV

The sun infront of him all of a sudden got very bright forcing him to shut his  eyes, his body felt like it was on fire and he had the urge to throw up

His eyes shot open to the outside world, he knew he was outside but that wasn't important at the moment, he was scared and in pain, and needed his mom

He got up and immediately fell back on to his knees, he tried calling for help but all he could due to cough up smoke and fire causing him to look like a raging dragon, he cried but what came out of his tear ducts were not salty tears but hot molten lava, it was hot but it did not burn him

He had the urge to throw up, and he did but last niggts diner was not what came up it was molten lava burning the grass, he finally understood why everything burned, all his organs were literally being melted by lava

Inko wanted so desperately to hold her son and tell him everything was going to be okay, but she couldn't she wasnt fire prof, 12:00

Izuku burst into flames incinerating the grass around him, he was know fully puking up lava, his insides slowly slowly cooling down allowing him to get used to the feeling of lava flowing through his veins,

After a while he was able to calm down and wasn't in pain that much anymore, he felt his molten tears solidifying on his face crack and crumble onto the ground below

Inko ran over to hug and comfort her son but quickly withdrew when she felt his skin it was burning hot, but she went back to hugging him anyways allowing her skin to burn so she could comfort her child


After the whole quirk awakening and getting izuku dressed because he burnt through his clothes inko took him back to the quirk doctor where the ran some tests, or tried too

The first test was a blood test when they tried to draw blood the molten lava in its place burnt through the syringe, then the tried a cotton swap however due to his saliva also being molten lava it didn't work out that well, the X-rays showed something new however, it read that izuku's original skeleton was burnt to a crisp and was replaced by a metallic obsidian like substance in its place

"Well Ms. Midoriya from are tests, we have good news and bad news" this worried inko, "what's the good news?" The curious but worried greenette mother asked

"Well it appears as a result of your son's organs becoming something similar to magma rock he can't get sick anymore or develop any diseases, the bad news is that because of that and his blood being lava if he were to be suffering of blood loss we most likely wouldn't be able to give him any" Inko listened carefully taking in the information she was gonna make sure her son was okay

Leaving the office was an excited izuku and relatively calm izuku but worried inko, Izuku's happy because he gets to marry Katsumi, inko's worried that once hisashi learns of izuku's quirk he'll try and take him from her

She's not gonna allow that bastard to take her Little Sun

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