you didn't expect that

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It was a couple days after Izuku's quirk examination and he became a walking sun, he was as excited as a child could be when they gain a God-like superpower.

Even Izuku himself didn't understand how powerful his quirk was, his flames could burn the world down, he could melt tokyo into a desolate crater if he had a tantrum.

Whatever higher being that dicided to give a child such power was playing with fire, literally.

At kindergarten izuku was praised for having such a strong quirk and suddenly everyone wanted to be his friend, it felt wrong, sickening how everybody was suddenly sucking up to him because of a quirk

Katsumi was amazed although she didn't admit it, she was also a little jealous that izuku had such a great quirk.

Katsumi thought Izuku was great to great, he was amazing, but she was amazing too, but she knew she was gonna have to play catch-up if she wanted to he a great hero.

Overtime throughout the day people began sweating alot despite having the air conditioning, the teacher and students tried to ignore it at first but it didn't last long as everyone was complaining about the heat it was literally smoldering hot heat waves were radiating in the air the only person unaffected was Izuku.

"Izuku! Dear, please get your quirk undercontrol please"

The teacher called out to him in hopes he could control the heat spreading throughout the room, but alas his quirks pyrokinesis not thermokinesis.

"I-I-I can't"

"Why Not!?"

"My quirks Pyrokinesis not thermokinesis!!, I create fire I do not control temperatures and heat!!"

The teacher looked exasperated at the answer, and was going to call someone to help, but then the principal came in.


"I'm sorry ma'am but a students quirk is out of control"

The teacher informed the principal while tiredly pointing to a concerned izuku.

Katsumi personally didn't understand the problem sure the it was hot, but who doesn't like a little heat once in a while?

Izuku was picked up by Inko who quickly took him to a quirk counselor in order to figure out if he could control this.

"Inko Midoriya?"

The counselor called out to the lobby getting inko and her sun's attention

Inko got up and grabbed izuku hand. It felt natrual to her, although what confused her is why she wasn't getting burned, the heat felt warming.

Walking into the counselor's office, the councilor could already feel the heat raidating off the child.

"Hello Ms. Mirdoirya my names Dr. Nina Tucker, would you care to explain what brought you here today"

"Of course Dr. Tucker, I was on my way home from work early when I got a call from Izuku preschool saying he was radiating heat waves, where trying to figure out if there's a way to stop it"

The doctor looked over at Izuku who seemed to be quietly mumbling to himself and took notice of the molten lava inside his mouth.

"It says here his quirk is a emitter/mutation type"

"Yes, his body went through a internal physical mutation in order for his quirk to be able to be sustained within his body however it was very........painful"

Dr. Tucker looked down at her clipboard and looked over a few things before letting out a sigh and reaching into a draw on his desk. Inside the draw was a collection of silver rings that ranged from adult sized to child sized, she pulled out a child sized ring.

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