Issue 11 (37) Crossover 2 Part 2 Chaotix

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Viktor Collins POV JUN 26 7:35 pm at G.U.N HQ

Out of the news we got might be promising. Kamari was on the other line with a video phone. Keven was holding is he was with me. Topaz was showing something, and it was game changer. "this is a conch called the Cacophonic Conch. After that tragic backstory Mangala said we did a little of investigation in the middle east. That's where we found this magical item." She said. Topaz show a display of it and with one of the deadly six. It was the fat one, but he wasn't big. He was nearly skinny as if he were starving. "what happened to him?"

"this Keven is him what happens when one of them is near the conch in an hour alone." Topaz said. I couldn't believe they did this, oh wait I could. "is this their weakness? Could it kill them?" Kamari asked. "Kamari killing them?"

"yes, Keven they attack the city and our friends. We have to kill them, or they kill us. Topaz do it test if it works." Topaz didn't hesitated and open the latch. The conch went closer to the man and black mist came out of the man and then to the conch. The man was dead in a minute. "it works, that good. Topaz can we use it?"

"fine but we want it back." Topaz then walked away my guest is to signed it off. "we'll come soon tell everything is sorted. Call if anything else comes up, bye." Keven hangs ups and he was furious. "I can't believe Kamari did that. I can't believe she gave an order to execute him like that. What was she thinking?" I agreed with Keven, Kamari has change. "yah it is bad how she acting like Espio." I said and Keven wasn't happy about it, but it was true. She was acting more vicious and dangerous. She was acting like Espio when he came along. Ever scene he came in two body hit the ground. "I have change. You know that."

"yah I know but your sister has too. She took the mantel of Espio when you were with Hilary. She is doing things that you now won't do." I said, and I know Keven doesn't like it. I'm telling the truth, and he has to understand. It's not easy but someone had to do it, and that someone was his sister Kamari. She led the team while Keven was away and ether he's jealous, which I doubt it, or he's a shame of what she became. Keven could be more ashamed of himself for letting this happen to her. I just hop Charlie is ok and don't get in the middle of this. I have it hard taking care of him at first, and then he's turn into a Mobian. All of that I was ok but him being part of this team. I don't know what I'll do with myself if anything bad happens to Charlie.

I wind came and it was Zane. He look like he was out of breath, no he was ok. "Keven we need you, the deadly six attack Jake. Kamari can't reach him." Zane said, making the both of us worry. Topaz waking in with the case holding the conch. I was getting tell she stop me. "Zane Johnson you're underrates."

"what for?" I said. "he let a prisoner escape in his custody." Topaz was anger. We look at Zane. Keven and I knew Zane is a good person. It had to be a mistake or an accident. "Zane is with us and we need him." Keven said defending Zane. "fine let him go, but if I see him again. I'm arresting you." She said and then hands Keven the case. "can you take us to Washington state?" Keven asked.

Zane sighed; he never did two people before. Keven and I are going to be the first. Zane took us to the hide out. and we found a body. It was sloth, and by the look of her wounds she was killed by envy but why? Zane zoom around looking for Jake and Alex. The more I look the more it seem they ran outside. I went out the front and follow the tracks. Keven and Zane were behind me. There were blood going this direction and it stop. I look up and I could see Jake on the ground.

We quickly took him to a hospital, well Zane did. Keven and I had to find our own way to the hospital. I made a called to Kamari, and that Jake is ok. I also called Marple. "Collins is Megan ok, or Alex? How are they? Please tell me they can come home?" Marple doesn't know. I had to tell her about her niece and nephew. It broke her, Marple was trying to not cry but I hear her over the phone. "we're going to fix this, and everything is going to be ok. Tell Charlie to be in bed and I'll be there soon."

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