Volume 3 Unleash the Light: Issue 1 (27) A New Evil

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Volume 3 Unleash the Light: a new Chaotix team emerges. As they think the threat presented from Matanga was over when his six of his members known as the deadly six. The six will do anything to snuff out the light and make eternal darkness. The Chaotix must find this light protect it from the deadly six, while also finding the darkness and stopping them from getting it.

Issue 1 (27) A New Evil

Jake Greenburg POV JUN 19 8:42 pm at Westopolis

Me and Kamari were well dress for a drop at Julien's club. I was a waiter wearing a glass that was a hallow gram. It was connected to all of the flicky hovering over the club. Kamari is an escort for the man we were spying. She was wearing a long yellow dress, with a ross on the right side. The guy we were after was the last member of the red serpent dragon. "I see him." Kamari said. I get a flick and I see a guy and it was him, Ju Manree the last head of the red serpent dragon.

I signal Kamari to take out the guy. Kamari easily took out the guy. The rest of the men were out keeping watch. They sort of had the whole place surrounded. Three men went with them to a room to negotiate with Naomi, but she was using her magic and was disguise as an old and defenseless man. Charlie was small and hiding in Kamari flower. Marco, Viktor Collins was with the rest of the police force waiting for the signal.

I had to wait as well, and it wasn't easy. It's one thing severing tables to costumers that give tip, but costumers that are drunk and high is another. "so, you have what I need?" Julien said. Ju look and snaps his finger. The man to his left pull out a briefcase and show something that was messing up with the camera. I wasn't get a clear visual. "this is it." Old man Naomi said to Julien. As he was going to touch the thing, the case closed. "where's the money."

"right your money thirty thousand." Julien said showing the money, but something was wrong. "I have a new buyer and they're willing to pay more. Talk about three hundred thousand." Ju said with a sleezy grin. "I don't have much money. That's not part of the deal." Old man Naomi said to Ju. He and his man started to pack. "wait!" she said, and the stop and look at her. Naomi didn't know what to do next. "Christmas." She said, giving the signal.

I ran to the two men and tackle them. I get my hover board from the back it spin knocking the rest. I press a button making the glasses from in to a masked. I made a fist and fire a rope at two serpents that got tangle. I tried to get as many drunk people out of the arise. Marco did most of the work with his super speed. "what took you so long." He jokingly said making me smile for a bit.

Kamari Showtaro POV JUN 19 8:58 pm at Westopolis

Naomi tried to stop Ju from leaving, but it was getting suspicious for him. "Christmas." She said. I knew that was the signal. Not the way to use it, but we need it. I ran with my knee and shine up. Ramming the man with the gun. I the one with the case tried to get me, but Charmy went to regular size and punch him. "that was awesome."

"Charmy focus." I said pulling him to me. "quick take the briefcase to the police, now." I demanded, and Charlie flew out the window. The man tried to shot at him but Naomi fly in and cast a shield spell the deflected the bullet. "hurry up little one."

"thanks night." Charlie said flying away to Collins. It seem it's going to be a girl fight. I punch him hard enough knocking him away. Naomi grabs him and ram him to the wall. I gave Naomi a hive. She then freak out when one we left got up and point a gun at us. Naomi turn him in to frog. "sorry."

"well thanks for having my back." I said. Naomi and I went after Ju. He was running to the down floor and to the back. Jake and Marco was handling the rest of the members. "He's getting away." I yelled. "no, he's not." Naomi said, using her magic ring to make a portal she made a lope of him run to the same place. "there's nowhere to go Ju." He place his hand up as surrender.

Collins and Marple arrested the rest of the members. It over, its finale over. We caught the rest of the red dragon serpent dragon. If only Keven was here. He was the one that started this mission. He truly wanted to put an end to the crimes int the Westopolis. I guess this has to do with it. Just the five us did it, we stop them. It was cut short when someone came out of nowhere, and they weren't alone. "there in that case." She said, still fixing her nail." The two men that was working for her was deformed in shape.

The guy on the left was skinny and pale skinned. The guy on her right was overweight. "give us the root." The man on the left said. "Charmy go, get out of here." The man cut himself from his arm. It was a long straight down cut, and his blood wasn't dripping. He use his own blood as a scythe trying to cut us. I us a katana to counter his blood scythe. When the katana, it was smoking. The metal was melting. His blood is acidic?

I open a smoke bomb to cover his field of sight. His blood from a giant hand with thin long fingers. The fingers then strike out, try to pierce me. Naomi quickly got in front of me and mad a portal to them. The blood went back at them. I threw in smoke bombs too. "Chaotix!" I yelled out loud. Naomi was right beside me. Then it was Marco and Jake on my left. "attack!" I said, and we charge into the smoke. Marco ran in circle of the smoke making a slight tornado. Jake hover over firing nets from above. I went in first and my visor said there was no one in the smoke. The only heat signature was the acid blood on the ground. "why you stop? We need to stop them."

"they're gone." I said to Naomi. Naomi dissipated the smoke, and the middle there was a hole to the sewers. "we need to follow them."

"no there long gone, that one guy with the blood." I said. I then took a sample of his blood for someone who could help. "the mission is over, go home you guys."

Megan Marple POV JUN 19 9:44 pm at Grand Metropolis

I was a weird dream. It was more of a nightmare to be honest. I was in the dark tunnel running in water. Everything smell terrible. Was I in sewer? "damn it we was so close envy. You two are waste of space and time." A woman said in front of me. Was she talking to me? "we try or best, but they too strong."

"I don't care we need that Gaia root. The more Gaia roots we get the more we can power the machine, you dumb nut, and for some reason magic is dissipating. I'm having trouble using my simplest spells." She said, this woman was mean. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't. "don't worry well get them and kill those Chaotix." I said, but it wasn't me it was the guy, envy. I must be seeing what he sees. So, this isn't a dream, is this part of my powers? This hasn't happened before well, not like this. The only time something close was my brother. I at time could see what he was dreaming, but I thought it was twin telepathy.

First glowing eyes now this, seeing what psychopaths see. I thought Alex had the weird powers of stretching. I wish I were never there at that party. "were here." The woman said, they all stop running and bow down or took a knee. In front of me was an old man with a long bread and mustache. He must be there leader. Next to him was a muscular guy that look like he kill anyone whit his bare hands and would enjoy it. Next to him was a little girl that was a year younger than me. "where is it."

"these two idiots lost it." She lied and blamed the both of us, I mean them. "no, we had some competition. They called themselves the Chaotix. Could they be the same one that took down Mantegna?" envy said. "if it is we need to dispose of them. The same as sonic."

"I'm working on sonic sur. Soon he will be on our side." The girl said with a depressing voice. "very good sloth as you three dismiss. Instead pride envy you two go after the Gaia root. Lust fix the Solaris for our leader Mantegna." He said. I look upon stun and scared as the machine was a like an eagle with a drill at the end. The woman, lust was using magic to move the heavy equipment. They were going to do something that could destroy the city or worst.

The big guy bump into me. He turn and look at me with disgust and anger. Maybe he's wrath? "what is it pride?" envy asked, but pride went up to him. He was staring him down eye to eye. It was if he was looking at my soul. I had to get out of here. He knows something is wrong. Next thing I know I was falling. The fall felt as if it was a long drop, but I hit the ground. There was no way that was a dream.

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