The Admin V's a Mother

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A couple days later, Quackity was soon the adoptive parent of the baby he found on his porch. Though having yet to give the little star a name or tell Sapnap and Karl that they were becoming parents now.

And he wasn't going to name their little star without them so for now this was the surprise when they were finally able to move in.

He has named Niki, his star's godmother however and has gotten the renovations moving towards his house in L'Manberg.

As of late however he's been staying at the White House with his star while the renovations take place.

Anyway Quackity was fairly busy today in his office as Vice but he keeps his little star in sight view.

Turns out that there was an outburst of ancient supernatural magic which hasn't surprised Quackity as his little star survive with the help of his ghost mother so. . .

But there was more of an influx in Logstedshire however. So much coming in constantly that it overshadowed the magic that touched his star.

So Tubbo, Eret and the elected Council of the Badlands went to examine the issue thus leaving others to hold the forts down.  Quackity to hold down the fort in L'Manberg. Fundy, who was officially adopted by Eret and now Prince of the Essempi Kingdom, to hold down the fort. Puffy, High Council Member, to hold down the fort in the Badlands.

Bomberville seeming did not want to investigate the ways of the supernatural in Logstedshire. In fact there was a lot of angry magical letters that Tubbo left for Quackity to answer on invading the ways of nature itself.

Yes, this is anarchists citizens who live in Bomberville that only live to one order. That order being nature itself and thus by the two governmental nations investigating such order. They were insulting Bomberville to the point of war if they do not stop intruding on such order.

So Quackity had a heavy task defusing the situation as Eret had already released a statement of his excitement learning more of supernatural arts and hopefully reconciling with Tommy.

So the Essempi Kingdom was seeking to the arts and not investigate them like L'Manberg is. And Eret had greatly expressed his hopes of expanding the knowledge he finds to the Essempi's education system and libraries.

So the Essempi was on expedition and the Badlands simply joined Eret in their motion of the learning the arts.

Since L'Manberg is investigating and has openly declared it. The powerhouse of a town that is known as Bomberville is simply furious to the say the least. And are declaring this a violation their treaty.

And sadly if Quackity hired a nanny or brought Niki, then the papers would know of it faster then one can blink. And all eyes would staring at his little star before he can even speak.

So Quackity simply brought his star to work and let the agents and staff know finally know of his star and their meeting.

Let's just that was happy moment and his personal agent or Agent Nova Nebula was practically over the freaking moon. She also gave him a good reprimand to tell Sapnap and Karl soon. Also another for hiding his child in the White House.

Anyway happiness aside, Tubbo wasn't answering to his messages to pull out of the investigation and join the expedition. Well actually he did.

President Tubbo shut it down. No evidence would change his mind so this was happening. So Quackity simply did the most logical thing, he could do in this situation.

First he informed Bomberville of his attempts with the hopeful wishing that this would call down the threat of war and lessen the consequences of this investigation.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2021 ⏰

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