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The scene that glittered into existence beneath Coco, was enough to make her stop screaming. Her heart was still pumping.
   First, the cloaked people come and take away Jamie before she can get on the flying unicorn, then, after it spends about fifteen minutes soaring majestically away from the evil people, it decides to drop down towards the the ocean below at record speeds, like a pelican just spotted a fish. Clutching anything of the flying horse that she could, and screaming at the top of her lungs, Coco wondered if this was to be the end. Was Jamie lucky to have been taken away? Though the hooded people had tortured her awfully, she doubted they would kill Jamie. So she was the unlucky one, who just happened to be riding a suicidal flying horse.
   Somehow, the unicorn thingy had summoned lightning, or something—Coco's eyes had been closed, and she wasn't sure what the loud crack and cold darkness had been—at the last moment, and now, it was gently landing on a huge bed of soft grass.
   In front of her, was an enormous glowing mansion. It towered at least three stories, and every bit of it was either made of glowing stone, or lit up with millions upon millions of Christmas lights. But it was mid August... or around that time. Coco was pretty sure she had been asleep for quite some time.
   The unicorn snorted, and tugged in its wings, trotting towards the house. Coco shifted over, her throat and body aching, but determined. She needed to get off, and get to the house to get help. Luckily, the horse seemed to notice this, and bent its knees, allowing her to slip off. She landed ungraciously on her butt, but that didn't stop her.
   Picking herself up, she began to run. She pushed on despite the pain. And then she was at the door. She banged on it hard, suddenly panicking. What if they weren't home? Or what if they were caught up with the hooded people, and captured her again?
   The lock on the door clicked, and the door swung open. A woman, dressed in a hastily thrown-on bathrobe stood, silhouetted in the light inside. She scanned Coco, before focusing on her eyes. The woman made a gentle gasping sound.
   "Excuse me, ma'am... I need help. Do you have a phone? My friend Jamie is in trouble." Reasonable enough, but maybe she shouldn't have added Jamie's name.
   "Your eyes," the woman said softly. "Are they green, or blue?"
   Coco wrinkled her brow. "Um, what—" the woman gave her a look. "Green."
   All at once, the woman was pulling her inside by her shoulder. The door was locked behind her, and the lady was running to close the curtains.
   She turned on Coco, once this was done.
  "By Jamie, do you mean Jamie Foster?" There was something delicate and heartbroken about the woman's voice. Something about her voice that made Coco feel inclined to answer, even though it was sensitive information, that could lead to her recapture.
   "Yes, why?"
   Without answering her question, or saying anything else to her, the woman jumped up, and ran as fast as lightning to the bottom of the stairs.
   "Grady!" she practically screamed. "Grady, we have a lead on Jamie! Call the Black Swan!"
   "Ma'am," Coco hovered by the door awkwardly. "My friend Jamie, why do you want to find her?"
   The woman looked over at her, a look of pure hope and determination on her face. "Because she's my granddaughter."

592 Words.

So, how about that? I feel like the story is wrapping up a bit! Any thoughts?


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