Sparring |Sleepy Bois Inc. Shortstory|

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It was a quiet spring morning in the house of the Sleepy Bois. Phil and his oldest son Wilbur, along with Tubbo, Tommy's best friend who lived with them were already up and about, while the second eldest, Techno, was at home sleeping as well as the youngest. All was peaceful until the youngest Sleepy Bois child, Tommy, came running through the house from his bedroom loud as a stampede. The blonde came bursting into Techno's room, arousing him from his much needed rest. The hybrid's immediate reaction was bolting upright and grabbing his sword from beside his bed, until he realised that it was his 7 year old brother, to which he gently placed the weapon back from where he had taken it.

"Hey there, Tommy." The pinkette said gently, taking note of his brother's startled face. "What are you doing up here?" Techno continued, knowing there was a reason for his brother's sudden arrival to his room. "Well, Dadza and Wilbur went out already, and I was getting bored of playing with the chickens, so I was wondering if you could take me out to the woods for a walk or something maybe?" The child answered. The older then sighed, and slowly got fully out of his bed. Tommy then left Techno to finish getting ready.

When the hybrid came downstairs where the blonde was waiting a few minutes later, he was fully ready and had his iconic crown on, along with his newly sharpened sword at his side. "Why do you have your sword with you Techno? We're only going to the woods." "Well," he started "I got a more fun idea than a walk in the woods." Techno finished. "What's that?" Tommy questioned his brother. "Just get yourself ready, you'll see what it is in a minute." and with that the pinkette went out the door and waited for his younger brother to get himself ready. When Tommy finally came out, Techno was waiting by the door. "Ok, follow me."

"Okay! Where are we going? Do the others know about it? Or is it secret and i'm the first one to know?" Tommy continued spewing out questions for what was only a five minute walk, but what felt like forever to Techno with the blonde's continuous questions of which he never answered.

"Ok, we're here." the pinkette said when they reached a clearing in the wood with a flat side of a hill on one end of it. "What is this place? It just looks like a part of the woods." the youngest commented. The older teen just let out a flat chuckle and walked over to the side of the hill. He then placed something and a doorway was revealed in the side of the hill. "Whoa! You made a secret base or something? What's in it?" the child eagerly asked. "Well, I wouldn't call it a secret base. Everyone but you and Tubbo knew about it. But now you know about it, I'll have to tell Tubbo too." the hybrid replied calmly, "Oh god I hope Phil doesn't kill me for this." the pinkette then said in a slightly more exasperated tone with a dry laugh.

Techno then proceeded to walk into the hidden room, instructing his younger brother to "wait outside for his own safety." Though the blonde questioned his older brother's choice of words, but he reluctantly abided not wanting to ruin his chances of doing whatever this fun thing Techno had planned. The hybrid entered his secret store, and grabbed two wooden swords that he and his younger twin Wilbur had used for sparring when they were Tommy and Tubbo's age. He also grabbed a small set of iron armour knowing the blonde brother would want to wear it just for sake of it. When he exited again, the pinkette saw the younger sitting on the ground intensely staring down a bird in the tree. "Alright, I got it." Techno said, breaking tension between the two and causing the feathered animal to fly away. "Why'd you do that? I was staring it down man, you scared it away!" Tommy retorted frustrated "Well sorry for disturbing your important.... Whatever that was, but I got the stuff for what we're doing." He said, handing Tommy one of the wood swords and the armour.

"WHAT!? WOW! THIS IS SO COOL TECHNO! Do I get to keep this stuff?"

"Only if Phil allows it." Techno responded "Ok. So what are we doing? Or did you just give me this stuff for no reason?" the blonde boy asked the hybrid. "Well, I thought since you're getting older you'll be able to come out with the rest of us soon without one of us staying behind to look after you and Tubbo. So since me and Wilbur started learning combat when we were younger than you, I figured it was time for you to start learning some too." the pink haired teen replied nonchalantly "Wait," Tommy started, "You're gonna spar with me!?" the younger child exclaimed, surprised and happy. "Well, yeah. Unless you don't want to." said Techno. "Are you kidding!? Of course I wanna! Let's get started already!"

"Alright, put the armour on if you want, then i'll start teaching you some combat tricks." The older brother told his sibling.


It had been a few hours since Techno and Tommy had begun sparring and it was almost noon. The pink haired man looked up at the sky and began to realize the time. He knew that Wilbur, Phil and Tubbo would be getting back soon for lunch. "Tommy," he started, "Yeah?" the blonde replied "We should be heading back now. If Phil gets home and we aren't there he'll start to worry. Besides, it's lunch anyway." the pigman finished. "Oh, okay. I was getting hungry anyways." Tommy replied enthusiastically. The two then put the sparring equipment back, and continued on their way back to the house, all the while Tommy talking about how amazing the morning had been. The older walked in silence and listened to his brother occasionally smiling to himself at something the blonde would say.

When they arrived at the house, they saw Phil standing outside on the porch seemingly looking for them. "Ah! There you two are!" the winged man said as they approached. "I was beginning to worry when I saw you two weren't here." "Oh, we were just hanging out in the woods-" "TECHNO WAS LETTING ME SPAR WITH HIM! IT WAS SO COOL! He also showed me this secret thing in the woods with all this cool gear! He also said I could keep some things if it was ok with you! Can I? Can I?" Tommy interrupted his brother. Phil sighed and a small chuckle escaped his lips. The angelic man let a smile cross face before he replied "Sure, I don't see why you can't. Just know that you are not to use it unless me or Techno is around to watch and make sure you don't kill anyone with it." "Hey!" Wilbur said in disbelief, "Why can't I watch him? I'm the same age as Techno, actually older by 25 seconds!" the brunette yelled at his adoptive father. "Because you would kill someone Wilbur, you would blow up the house if we didn't hide the TNT." his twin responded flatly. "......Touche..." Wilbur responded knowing he was correct. It was at this time that Tubbo finally decided to speak "Wait, we can do sparring now?" Philza chuckled "Yes, you can do sparring now Tubbo. After lunch we'll all go down together and spar, like a family sparring tournament!" He continued. "Tch, we all know who'll win that contest." Wilbur remarked pointing at Techno with a teasing look on his face. The whole group started laughing at the comment and proceeded to walk inside for lunch.

Not Proofread

A/n: Im sorry if the ended wasn't satisfying I couldn't think of anything better :')

also i am open to requests if you put them in the comments!

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