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  Izuku walked up to UA's gates, the ghostly heroes following right behind.

  Daigoro was chattering away to the other users, while Nana and Toshinori walked alongside the greenette, admiring the grounds.

  "It's just as I remember it..." Toshi mumbled.

  Izuku smiled at his predecessor, walking through the main doors and along the corridor.

  "Do either of you know where 1A is..?" Izuku muttered under his breath.

  Toshinori gave a hearty laugh and a thumbs up.

  "Worry not Izuku! I know exactly where it is, follow me!"


  They were completely lost ten minutes later.

  "I could have sworn it was right here..." Toshinori muttered, staring at the janitor's closet.

  Nana sighed, running a hand down her face.

  "Of course the rat would change the layout every so often..."

  "Oh, hey!" A familiar voice said.

  Izuku turned around. The girl from the entrance exam, the one in the rubble, was standing behind him.

  "H-hello.." Izuku said.

  "Are you looking for 1A?" She asked excitedly.

  Izuku just nodded.

  The brunette beamed.

  "Great, me too! I'm Ochako Uraraka by the way!"

  "I-Izuku Midoriya.." the greenette replied.

  Uraraka pointed down the corridor.

  "Isn't that 1A down there?"


  "We are never trusting you with directions again Eighth." Daigoro said, a large grin on his face.

  Toshinori wilted, his gaze focused on the ground as Nana patted his arm comfortingly.

  Izuku shook the bespectacled boy's hand.

  "I'm Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you Iida."

  A caterpillar crawled up to the door.

  "If you're just here to make friends then you can leave."

  Everyone turned to the thing outside the door. It stood up and unzipped, letting the bedraggled man slouch into the room.

  "It took you all eight seconds to quiet down. That's unacceptable in the hero course, you need to manage your time better. I'm Shota Aizawa, your homeroom teacher. Put on these gym uniforms and head outside."

  With that the man slouched away, leaving the class in shock.


  Izuku arrived on the field amongst the other male students. Aizawa was waiting for them, but he seemed to scowl when his gaze landed on Izuku.

  The man looked familiar... But Izuku wasn't sure how, or why.

  Aizawa looked away from Izuku after a long moment, instead turning to Bakugo.

  "Bakugo, you scored the highest villain points on the entrance exams, how far could you throw a ball in middle school?"

  The blonde thought for a second before smirking.

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