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Why does the man look similar to me!? I thought...
"Seulgi unnie Seulgi unni!!!" Joy shouted
"Ahh wae??!!" I said back
"What's thinking so hard huh" she said
"Nothing" I said

Baekhyun came to our dorm
'What happened guys" he shouted after coming
"Calm down baekie it's nothing serious. See we are fine don't worry" I said
He came with few of his members😑...
I heard that Joy told me that someone came to your dorm and did these things.

We all members glared at Joy.
"Ahh don't see me like this. I was scared so just told them. Now don't scare me with these faces" she said

"So tell me what happened?!" He said
Chaneyol and other members too look worried Until Sehun came and told "Baekhyun hyung is not in mood to joke he is worried and shocked too so you better don't dare to joke around"
I gulped and said "OKAY"

I told everything what happened at that moment
He saw me said what's that in your hand??
I saw and it was little scare which that man gave to me when I was fighting with him.
"How you got hurt?? You should not fight like that. That man I will kill him if he again did this to my girl."
We can say he was kind of angry at that moment.
"I am fine" I said
"Hmm okay then"

The makhnae asked
"How did you managed to fight.? You are perfectly a fighters." He said
"I just kind of know self-defense so it's easy for me to fight him"

"Guys guys listen". Yeri said
"What happened now" Sehun said
"Selugi unnie told that the man look similar" she said

"Really. Baekhyun said

"Hmm yes. I don't know why but he looks much similar to me. Like I have seen him before but I don't remember where I have seen him.. I tried to remember but I can't. I was even unable to see his face due to the cover and he weared black everything. So it was impossible for me to see him and recognise him." I said

"It's possible but try to remember where you have seen him before" he said

"But next time just remember to call anyone was us. If it happens again." Chaneyol said

"Okay but I know how to fight. So I don't need you all and Wendy also know how to use knife and self defence so basically we don't need you all. But we will call if we need help" I said

"I am fearless. I am not scared from that idiot." Irene unnie said
"You are never scared but.... You can understand what we all want to say" Suho said

"Yeah we understand what you all want to say" I said
"Be careful everyone. If you all want we can stay here for this night or we will go" Baekhyun said
He gave smirk to me..

Yeri said why don't you all stay you all are five and we all are five so we can share room
I am little scared too.

I said no need Yeri we all are here with you so no need to be scared.
"It's fine guys let them stay here we don't know what will happen in future" Irene unnie said

Atlast I gave up and said fine
So we decided to share our room with each other

I and Baekhyun
Yeri and Sehun
Joy and Kyungsoo
Suho and Irene
Wendy and Chaneyol

It was night Baekhyun said
Do you wanna do something fun?? He gave me smirk while saying.
"Not at all I don't need let me sleep" I said
" Wae!! Why to lie you also need same which I want 😉." He said and jumped on bed
We both started cuddling and next you all know what happened 😶

Rest time you all can imagine yourself 😉


Hope you all liked this story.
Look forward to it
Thank you for 50 reads on my story 🎉. I am happy after seeing that you all read my story.
Thank you so much see you in next chapter 🥰

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