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Eun woo's pov

I missed my sister a lot these days. I tried to call her but she didn't pick up the call. Maybe she is busy. I decided to go to dorm. I missed her like nothing.
Is she okay?. Is she doing well? Did something happened that she is not picking up my call?. I asked to myself. Then I slapped myself slowy. Stop thinking negative Eun woo. I said to myself

"Guys guys" I shouted
"Yes" one of my member said
"Umm I am going to meet Seulgi I will see you all later" I said
"Okay go but remember we have to practice too" he said
"Okay" I said and left for the dorm.

I reached the dorm and rang the bell. Irene noona opened the door. I hugged her and went inside
"What do you want Eun woo?" Irene nonna asked
" I don't need anything I wanted to meet Seulgi. She is not picking my call too. I thought she would be busy so I came here to see her." I said

"Seu-seu-seulgi is outside the dorm actually" Irene noona said
" Ahh I see. Wait it's impossible she told me that every Wednesday she don't have anywork and she is free. It's like her day off so she never get anywork. So how come today??" I asked

"Umm Eun woo don't get angry but I want to tell you something" Irene noona said
"Yeah go on noona" I said

Irene's pov

"Go on noona" he said
Till then I saw three members came and saw Eun woo.
"Anneyonghaseyo" Eun woo said bowing them
"Anneyong" all three members said
"What is he doing here unnie?" joy asked whispering me.
Eun woo give me few minutes let me talk to them for a while till then you eat these things
I said give smile
"Okay" he said
I gathered all my members and told them
Guys I think we have to tell them now everything. This is the only time we can tell. Let's wait because we are not going to tell Baekhyun right now. He will be much worried. So it's better to tell Eun woo. Even tho he is her brother. Let's tell him. Okay? I said
"Hmm okay" all of them agreed
So Eun woo we wanted to tell that- I was unable to say something
"What? Speak " he said
"That Seulgi is kidnapped a few days ago and we can't find her until now" Wendy said suddenly
"What- did I heard wrong. My sister is kidnapped. Say that it's not true.. he said
"it's true Eun woo. We got a call that time not to tell anyone but you are her brother so we told you. We tried our best to find her but we are unable to do that. I said
I saw Eun Woo being red and tears started coming from his eyes
"I can understand Eun woo how you feel right now" I said


I heard a strange voice coming from the door. I turned around and saw

Baekhyun's pov

" I am going to meet Seulgi. Tell everyone. Okay? " I said
"Okay I will" chen said
I went to my car and went in driving. I was listening song. It was TELL ME YOUR WISH BY SEULGI

There was traffic so it took my atleast 30 min to reach their dorm

Time skip

I reached there dorm. I got on elevator and pressed the button which lead to their dorm room
I reached at the floor and saw the door was open
I thought they must be doing something
As I was going there I heard something I stopped there
What I heard was-

That Seulgi is kidnapped a few days ago and we can't find her until now
I was completely shocked at that moment and tried to heard more conversations
"What- did I heard wrong. My sister is kidnapped. Say that it's not true..
it's true Eun woo. We got a call that time not to tell anyone but you are her brother so we told you. We tried our best to find her but we are unable to do that.
I didn't knew what to do. So I came in and shouted

I saw everyone looked at me shocked
I came inside the room and said
Irene how can you not tell me this important thing. I saw Eun Woo crying there his face was fully read from crying.

"I am sorry Baekhyun but we didn't had any courage to tell you that but now you know everything so you need to do something" Yeri said to me
I started feeling tears flowing out from my eyes. I couldn't control it..
"It's fine Baekhyun and Eun Woo to cry. I can understand how you both feel now but now we only have to find solutions to find her nothing else we can do right now" Irene said
I wiped my tears away and said now we need to do something..
"Why don't we make a plan to find her" Eun woo said

Eun woo's pov

"Now we need to do something" Baekhyun hyung said
"Let's make a plan" I said
After so much time I had tried to speak something I was so shocked after listening about her. I felt so bad that I can't even tell

"So guys first thing how can we know where she is" Baekhyun said
"What was the last place she had gone" I said
"I think it was convience store which near our dorm" Joy said
"Okay so let's the CCTV camera there. Maybe we find some clue" Wendy said
"Okay let's do that guys" Joy said

Seulgi's pov

I opened my eyes because of sunlight on my face I saw it was moring I litrally remember half thing from last night.
I just remembered it was Taeyong and Key teh two man who kidnapped me.
"Ohh you I see you are awake now" someone said
I turned around only to see a girl playing with knife there.
"I heard you know self defence and know how to use knife for your self. You know what I literally want to kill you right now with this knife. You know why!!" She said
"What is the reason?" I asked
" You know you stealed my Baekhyun and that fans too. I loved him so much that you don't even love him that much. But you came in between and broke everything." She said and placing knife on my neck. I was so terrified.
She puting the knife more and more close. It was hurting too much and the blood was coming from my neck

"I think this is much for today I hope I would kill you today only but saddly I can't" she said and left
I was breathing heavily. The blood didn't stop flowing because it was very deep cut. I couldn't even stop it my hand was tied. Each part my body was paining a lot. I started crying
Baekhyun come fast and save me..

A/N's pov

There Baekhyun was trying his best to make plan with them. Eun Woo was giving many solutions and suggestions. Red velvet members just listened and help them out
Seulgi was much terrified what that girl did
Baekhyun and Seulgi said at same time

I miss you my love😭

Eun woo also said same thing
I miss you my lovely sister


Many things are going to happen next
See you all in next chapter😊

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