23 * No Hard Feelings, Right?

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I woke up on the couch alone, I wondered when Bucky had left and frowned. I sat up and I heard him talk from the kitchen.

"Oh, you're awake. I made coffee." He smiled at me and placed my mug on the table before kissing my cheek and walking away. I smiled and took my cup to my room to get showered and changed.


"Okay, Callie. Today we're not training. We're sparring. Go ahead and show me what Romanoff has been teaching you, other than just kissing." I rolled my eyes and Steve stood there with his arms crossed. His confidence made me want to win even more.

I looked to Nat and she smirked. "Go ahead, Princess."

I flashed a smile back at her before I removed my shirt and shoes, I walked onto the mat and waited for Steve. He took his shirt and shoes off too and smiled at me letting me know he was ready. I took a step forward to him and he swung. I used my opposite arm to block and push his arm away. His eyebrows raised as he swung with his other arm, I ducked and went around his left side so I was behind him. He started to turn around but I went under his legs, jumped up in front of him and grabbed his neck. I used my leg to kick one of his out distracting him as I lifted him with my hip and flipped him over my side onto his back. He sighed and laid on the ground. I walked around and smiled at him before reaching my hand out to help him up. He took it and laughed.

"Yeah, they were right. You look great fighting, Callie. A natural." He turned to Natasha. "I could take Bucky and Sam, right?" He said as he put his arm around me.

"You wish, punk." Bucky spoke from the doorway. I hadn't noticed he came in. "Hey doll. You did great for someone only getting three hours of sleep." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm gonna take a shower. Thanks for letting me kick your ass Steve." I blew a kiss and then winked at Natasha. Her face broke into a huge smile and I heard her say that she was proud as I left.


After my shower I went to the kitchen to make a sandwich, I was pulling out the lunch meat when Steve walked up to me.

"Hey Cap." I smiled at him. "No hard feelings, right?"

He laughed and sat down. "None at all. It's exactly what I wanted, to know you can take care of yourself. That's not what I'm here about." I stopped making my sandwich and looked at him. "Bucky told me about your conversation last night, I hope you don't mind. I have a question, though. Was this before or after the serum?"

I looked at him and thought hard. Trying to remember exact details. "It was... before. Because after they gave me the serum, I was naked the entire time. And I watched the videos of Bucky with clothes on, so it would've been before." Steve nodded. "Why?"

He sighed. "This is just a guess, I'm not sure. But based on our knowledge of hydra and how they act... I think your feelings for Bucky were why Hydra decided to keep you. They realized they could control you, by controlling him. And knowing how he felt about you, vice versa."

I stared at him. It makes sense. It makes an awful amount of sense. I loved Bucky, of course they could use him to hurt me, and the other way around. I blinked when I realized I just thought that I love him. The sudden realization of that made me momentarily forget I was talking to Steve. I cleared my throat and spoke.

"Have you told anyone this theory?"


I sighed. "Don't. Please. That would kill James if he knew and it's not important. We're here now." I finished making my sandwich and took a bite.

Steve smiled at me. "You're kind of a badass, you know."

I raised my eyebrow at him. "Ooh, the mouth on you, Cap. Shame shame." I wiggled my finger at him and he rolled his eyes before laughing and walking away.

I went back to my thoughts about loving Bucky. Did I mean that? What does that mean for us? For Sam? I sighed. Sam was amazing, so good to me. But I've barely seen him recently. I finished my sandwich and went looking for him.

He wasn't in his room. Or the training area. "FRIDAY? Can you tell me where Sam is?"

"The roof, Miss Mathers."

"Thanks, FRIDAY."

I took the elevator up and as the doors opened I saw Sam laying down, staring at the sky. I walked up and laid next to him, not talking. Eventually he sighed.

"My spot has been found, I see."

"FRIDAY ratted you out. In her defense, I was looking for you." I turned to look at him, he stayed staring at the sky. "Are you okay, Sam?"

He was quiet before answering. "Yeah, just like to think here."

"Anything I'd also like to think about?" I smiled at him and I watched part of his lips curl upwards and then stop as he shook his head no. "Okay. Mind if I stay here? I have some thoughts to think as well."

"Sure." He answered simply and I grabbed his hand with mine. He didn't pull away, but he didn't hold it tightly either. I stared at the sky and wondered what was on his mind, almost wishing we could go back to just a inning with each other. Things were much simpler then. And he was much happier.

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