27 * Party Sounds Perfect

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I woke up to my alarm and quickly shut it off so I didn't wake up sleeping beauty next to me. It had been so long since we've had a sleepover and I forgot that she talks in her sleep. Someone likes Tony. I quietly got out of bed and changed. I left her a note explaining where I'd be and who's shirt she was wearing. She was gonna love that. I smiled to myself as I left the note next to water and some Advil, just in case.

I made my way to the training room and it was just Wanda. Usually when we trained there would be Steve or Tony. But not today, I guess.

"Hey, love!" I smiled at her and she gave me a hug. "What are you thinking today?"

A smile spread across her face. "Today, we're going to see if you can fly."

I laughed. When she crossed her arms and stared at me I realized she was not joking. "Wanda, I can't fly."

"Why not? Tony does. We're going to use the same logic. Your fire, his arm things."

"Repulsors." I smiled. "Okay. Sure, fuck it. Let's do it."

We spent the next half an hour trying to keep the fire consistent. It's something we've been working on for a while, once I've got it, I can hold it. But getting there is... difficult.

"That's it! Perfect! Now point at the ground and keep yourself perfectly straight. We just want to hover for now."

I did what Wanda said, locking my body up so I wouldn't tilt in any way. I looked down and sure enough, I was fucking floating. It felt just like magic, like I was free. My heartbeat quickened as I thought about my own power, what I could do. What no one side could. I could bring down Hydra. I smiled at Wanda and she smiled back and started to clap when I heard a noise from behind me.

"HOLY SHIT!" I turned and looked to see April in shock in the doorway and I must've forgotten to keep the fire going, because I crashed ass first onto the ground. "Callie! Shit, I'm sorry! I wasn't prepared!" April ran towards me.

"I'm fine, I'm cool. Wanda, April. April, that's Wanda."

Wanda smiled at April and April left my side to talk to her. I got up and shook myself off, rubbing my side ass when April turned back to me and hit my shoulder.

"Ow! Come on!"

"Since when can you fly?!" April practically hissed at me.

"Since today." Wanda answered and April looked at her confused.

"That was my first attempt."

April looked at the ground, guilty. "And I ruined it. I'm sorry." Her head shot up to look at me. "But I didn't even know about the fire thing! Show me."

I smiled and held my hand up with a small ball of fire in it. April's eyes widened and she reached her hand out. "Ow! Hot!"

I put my hand away and rolled my eyes. "It's fire, dumbass! It's hot!"

"Well fire also isn't supposed to come from my best friend's hand but here we are!" April rolled her eyes back at me and Wanda laughed.

"You two are cute." She looked between the two of us.

"Yeah, one's definitely cuter than the other though." Tony spoke from the doorway.

"Thanks, Stark. Really appreciate that." I rolled my eyes. "We good for the day, Wanda?" She nodded and I grabbed April by the hand. "Cool, let's go meet the others."

We stopped by my room to change, she kept on Cap's shirt but pulled on a pair of my leggings. I showered then went with a t shirt and shorts. We walked out to the kitchen area where Bucky and Sam were both sitting on either side of Steve.

"Hey, guys. This is April. April, that's Bucky, Steve, and Sam."

"Nice to meet you all." She sat next to Bucky and smiled. "So, hottie James. We finally meet, after months of avoiding me."

"I wasn't avoiding you. I was trying to keep Callie and I a secret, for safety. I'm sure you can understand why now." Bucky answered, only looking at me.

I sighed and April moved on, now talking to Steve. "Thanks for the shirt, by the way. I'm not giving it back."

The guys all laughed and Steve replied, "that's perfectly fine."

"Oh, and hottie Sam. Don't be cranky, I've heard lots about you too." April said and Sam smiled.

"Oh, please go on." Sam leaned towards her.

"Nah, we have more important things to talk about. Like who gets to take Calliope here on a date for her birthday next week." April shrugged.

"Birthday?" All three guys said at the same time, shocked. I purposely didn't talk about my birthday, but April has known me forever, and never let me get away with it.

"Oh, I heard birthday. So party? Yeah, I think party." Tony came from behind us and put both arms on either side of April, leaning into her. He whispered, "hey, kitten." Into her ear and I watched her blush bright red.

I raised my eyebrow at her and she smiled before turning to look at Tony. "Party sounds perfect. When and where?"

"When's the birthday?"


Tony smiled. "Friday. 8pm. Here. But don't worry, I'll be picking you up." He kissed April before walking away and my jaw dropped.

April was still blushing when Steve asked me, "why didn't we know your birthday was coming up?"

"I'm just not into them." I shrugged.

April rolled her eyes and started discussing plans with the guys, Sam was very invested but Bucky just looked uncomfortable.

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