~ ten ~

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You woke up to the sun suddenly shining into your eyes. Someone had opened the curtains.

"Come on sleepyhead, wake up." Suddenly you felt a pillow hit you in the face. "Coach have news to tell us at the cafeteria, so hurry up so you don't miss it."

You look up at Kiyoko, annoyed. She just let out a chuckle and puts her shoes on. If only the boys know what she's like, their would be lying on the floor dead in shock.

You finally decided to get up, after a while of Kiyoko nagging you. You put your hair up in a messy bun, you grab your toiletries and start heading to girls bathroom.

On your way there, their were a few people roaming round the hallway. You greet a few people and their did the same.

Then you felt a tap on your shoulder, which it did scare you abit. You turn you head to see who it is.

Your eyes widened seeing you bestfriend and his stupid smug, couldn't believe your eyes right now. Your favourite person standing in front of you. You haven't seen him since middle school. Don't know what to say, you jump into his arms hugging him tightly.

"Fucking hell! your suffocating me." He said trying to push you off, but you didn't care. He let out a sigh followed with a chuckle hugging you back. You guys haven't seen each other in forever.

"Fuck! I miss your stupid face. I didn't even recognise you with your blonde hair." You said pulling away. You quickly admire his apareance. He's hair is short blond with an undercut, his eyes is light chocolate brown eyes with thick but neat eyebrows.

"And I miss your annoying ass." He said ruffling your hair. You swatted his hand away, look up at him jokingly getting annoyed. But you both start cracking up laughing.

"What brought you here by the way Atsumu?" You ask your best friend, still having a huge smile on your face.

Little did you know that an over energetic owl and an irritated cat is watching you both.

Cat & Owl POV:

"Isn't that guy from Inarizaki? What is he doing hugging Y/N like that just then." Bokuto said while leaning against the wall, trying to listen to the conversation.

"How would I know, I just got here at the same time as you." Kuroo said, leaning on the wall as well trying to listen to the conversation.

"Do you think it's her boyfriend?" Bokuto ask looking abit irritated.

"There's no way she'll go for a guy who dyed their hair blonde." Kuroo sniggered.

But on the back of Kuroo's mind he hope there's a chance that he is not Y/N boyfriend.

"What are you losers doing?" Someone had spoke from behind them, making Bokuto and Kuroo jump. Both boys turn around to see who had caught them.

"What the hell four eyes?" Kuroo said in panicked, but quickly calm his nerves.

"It's Tsukisima." Tsuki said annoyed.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto happily went over giving Akaashi fist bump.

"What are you two doing?" Akaashi ask though not really interested.

"Come and look." Bokuto said pointing his index finger towards Y/N and that sangwoo looking ass dude.

"Do you think they're dating?" Bokuto ask feeling confuse and have the urge to find out.

"Don't know, don't care." Tsuki said walking away.

"Wow so helpful." Kuroo said rolling his eyes.

"Guys if you wanna know, just ask her." Akaashi said as if it was the most obvious thing.

"Oh yeah true, why the fuck are we hiding here like a creep for?" Kuroo question even tho both him and Bokuto are literally stalking her.

"Okay then let's go, Akashi you're coming." Bokuto said grabbing Akashi  arm and drag him.

"Okay fine." Akashi said rolling his eye. I mean there's nothing i can do. He thought.

i'm so thankful for you guys who supported my book. this book is the first book that i actually like.


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