L i m i t

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An: semi-fluffy, kinda sexy, a little emotional. Hope you enjoy.

He felt her behind him in the dark and knew she was staring, he knew she was in the doorway, and he knew that she had a fun little something in her right hand. He sat still, feeling the heat spread down his body knowing that her eyes were trained solely on him.
          "I know you're not asleep." Cara chuckled. "You should be though."

Carter froze when he felt the other side of the bed dip with her weight, but he still said nothing. He didn't have to. She knew what he was asking without words.

         "Being quiet, huh?" She ran a cold hand down his sparsely clad thigh. "Making up for what happened at the party?" She whispered into the crescent of his ear. Her teeth grazed the sensitive skin, making him shiver and reflexively pull away.

      "Don't pull away from me."
Cara shifted the mysterious object from one hand to the other, making sure it's identity stayed unknown.

A shiver ran down Carter's spine when she used that tone with him. It was so soft, but so stern and the thrill made him want to do it again.

So he did it again.

His breath hitched when the cold flat of the mysterious object pressed against his throat. It was her switchblade, the one with her name embroidered on one side and his on the other. She only ever used it when they were together and it wasn't meant for anybody else.

        "I missed this feeling." Carter purred, ghosting his fingers over hers still gripping the knife.

Cara cupped a hand tenderly over his mouth and hushed him. She liked when he talked, she really did, but not in times like these; not when he looked like this.

       "If you're quiet and if you're good for me, nothing bad will happen, okay?" Cara whispered softly.

The knife moved from against his Adam's apple to the middle of his spine, running it down the sensitive flesh hard enough to hurt, but not hard enough to make him bleed.

Carter's mind went blank. It was times like this that he reveled in not thinking, in letting her think for him. He was just a pretty thing for her. 

Her hands caressed his body, running down his abdomen into the hem of his shorts. His abdomen rose and fell with every shallow jagged breath. He knew that her hands were volatile.

He made eye contact with his reflection in the mirror from across the room. He felt like he wasn't the person he saw in the mirror when things got like this. He was such a saint in the daytime, but in the blue hue of his reflection, he was not himself, but hers in the night.

She gestured for him to place his hands behind his back and he did so. And she wrapped the thin rope around his wrists.

She got up from her position on the bed, leaving his bound body to rest there shivering without her warmth. He tried to shift his gaze to where she moved around in the dark, but it was futile, he could barely see a thing. Cara was always so good at navigating in the dark, far better than he was.

Carter felt her weight resting against him again, one hand on his back, the other preoccupied with carrying all the fun things she had for him.

      "This is going to hurt so I'm really going to need to be good for me, okay?"
       Carter weakly acknowledged her and braced himself for the lubed plug that was resting at his entrance.

It did hurt, it really did and he stopped himself from crying out because he knew that if it looked like it hurt too much, she would stop, so he took the pain silently through his wavering breaths. When it was fully in, his body twitched slightly, trying to get used to the pressure he felt inside him. It felt so good to him including the pain.

       "I think this is too much for you, sweetheart." Cara sighed.

Carter began to complain, whining for her just to let him get used to it.

       "No, no, no please. Fuck I need this."

Cara put a hand over his mouth.

       "Don't fight me on this. It is not okay to say no to me when it comes to making sure you're alright. Are we understood?"

Carter nodded his head. The tears in his eyes clouded his vision. She slowly removed the plug from his body, stroking his hair and reassuring him through the pain. He bit into the sheets, truly feeling as if he had taken much more than he could.

      "I'm sorry, baby. I thought you could take it but there's a time and place for testing your limits. Poor judgment on my part." Cara whispered, kissing his forehead and gently pulling out the rest of the plug.

His whole body relaxed when it was finally out of him. She wiped the tears from his eyes and turned on the bedside lamp. The warm light fell over his naked body. His face had gone flush and sweat clung to him. 

     "I'm going to give you a choice. I'm either going to get you cleaned up and have you sleep this off or I can do anything you want me to do to you tonight." Cara asks, untying his wrists.

    "Please just touch me. I wanna be good for you. Do something to me, anything—"

Carter knew he was always allowed to ask for something if he wanted or to say no to her or to set limits, but he found himself at a loss for words. He didn't know what he wanted, he just knew he wanted to be hers.

   "You don't know what you want, do you? Sweetheart, I don't think I can do anything to you in good conscience if you don't ask for me to do it yourself. Use your words."

Carter buried his face further in the sheets, not looking her in the eye.

    "That's what I thought. Let me untie you and I can help get you cleaned up."

Carter nodded his head and sat up so she could undo his restraints. He couldn't help but feel the feeling that he had disappointed her. He got pleasure out of pleasing her and he feared she was displeased.
Cara saw the guilty glint in his eye and she felt bad. She never wanted to make him feel as if he disappointed her simply for having limits.

    "You did good, love. Honestly, you did. You know I'd be proud of you if you used the safe word when it gets to be too much for you. Nod your head if you understand."
She cooed in his ear as she helped him off the bed.

Carter nodded his head obediently, savoring the feeling of her arms around him, wanting nothing more than to stay in the safety of her arms all day.

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