chapter 1: gross..

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shuichi sat at the back of the desk, staring down the couple in the front of the class. who was this couple? kaito and kaede. they would always sit front and centre every class, and kaito'd theaten anyone who sat there. they were the picture perfect couple. straight, happy, in love. they had been together since the 5th grade! but shuichi hated it. so did his best friend, maki.

"they're disgusting." shuichi groaned. "i know, right?" maki agreed. "they always have their tongues down each others throat's every class." and that, maki, was completely true. one look away and one look back was all it took for shuichi and maki to see kaito and kaede practically eating each other. if i mustn't sugarcoat it, they were making out in the middle of class. shuichi shuddered, covering his eyes with his cap. "grossss.." maki complained, looking away too.

once the bell rang, kaito hoisted kaede up in his arms, taking her to the bathroom. they didn't go to the cafeteria during lunch time. they always went to the bathroom to, of course, make out. and other things too, whatever you think hormonal seniors do, thats what they did. shuichi followed them, sneaking into the stall beside them. he stood on the toilet and peaked over the wall, but what he saw was unbelievable.

"you are SO annoying!" kaede screeched at kaito, just for kaito to hollar back. "i'm annoying? look at yourself! i can't believe i put up with you!" the two quarrelled back and forth until the bell rang for class to begin. kaito shoved kaede out the door of the stall, holding her bag for her. he didn't want to. but he always did since they began dating, so if he didn't carry it people would think something was up. kaede shrieked as she was pushed. "ugh!" she shoved him back and stormed out, but suddenly their angry, tense demeanor disappeared as they both got to the door. they were now holding hands, kaito having his and kaede's bag on his shoulder. shuichi was shocked. was the power couple of the school actually extremely fake and forced? shuichi ran out of stall and ran to maki, who was just leaving the cafeteria. "maki!" maki then looked up to shuichi's voice. "yes?" she replied. "meet me outside the school when we're finished. i need to tell you something, important!" he then sprinted off to his next class. "okay..?" maki tried to reply but he was already gone.. weird.

school ended and maki made her way from her last class to the locker. on her way, kaede and kaito stopped her. "hey, loser," kaede cackled. kaito laughed, pushing her. maki whimpered, shutting her eyes. "stop.. i get it.." kaede pouted. "aww, did we upset you? where are you even going, filthy lesbian?" maki gulped. "meeting up with my friend." she tried to walk away. as maki was walking, kaito took hold of her ponytail, pulling her in. "friend? little harukawa has friends, babe?" kaito teased. "i don't think so.. who would wanna be friends with you?" they laughed. "okay.. can i go now?" kaito slammed maki's books out of her hand, causing them to go all over the floor. "now you can." kaede and kaito cackled in unison as kaito wrapped his arm around kaede's waist and they walked away. maki sighed, getting on her knees and picking up the books in a rush. once she finished picking them up, she walked outside to see shuichi. "hi," shuichi gasped. "maki! where were you!?" maki sighed. "they threw my books out of my hands. that's unimportant. come on," the two began walking. "so, what did you wanna tell me?" shuichi walked with her. "i saw kaede and kaito fighting!" maki looked at shuichi.


i dont like your girlfriend! {pregame saimota/kaemaki}Where stories live. Discover now