Chapter 32

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Back. I was back after long months away from Manchester, which was very normal and usual to me. But after all the time I had spent there and all the things I achieved in the beginning of the year, it was amazing to come back. Seeing my mother once again didn’t particularly delight me, however, I had some good plans for the few days off from business school.

I missed everything I left in Manchester, the friends I had managed to finally get and the memories of good and bad moments. I felt home in Manchester, which was a feeling I never experienced for any place. Ever since my encounter with that someone I tried not to think of for months, this town was my real hometown.

The road trip was one of the things I didn’t actually like, I prefered flights. But it was just impossible for me at the moment. Karl came early in the morning to pick me up, not giving me a choice. We were approaching the city, as the car slowed down a bit because of the traffic. We’d still have a little hour in this car if the traffic were huge.

“I already love this place!” the girl next to me chirped, peeking out of the window.

It was Francia, my assigned partner for a common project in marketing classes. She was also the girl I shared a dorm with before my flat was ready for living. I had previously planned to go back in Manchester and finish our project when I came back. However, we wouldn’t have much time to achieve the project so I brought my partner with me.

The only problem was that Francia was a total mess and erm… Peruvian. I had nothing particular against Latinas. But she was particularly loud and her accent made it worst.

She turned back to me with a large smile across her plump lips, making her eyes disappear under her eyelids.

Francia was allowed in Cambridge University, after getting suddenly rich. That’s why she seemed so excited when we entered Manchester.

“It’s different from my little province! Eve, do you think we’ll have some time to visit?” she asked, leaning into the seat. After pulling her pitch-black hair into a ponytail, she opened her bag, taking out her phone. She inclined in my direction and held her phone up. It was her front camera, taking a photo of us. I made an accidental terrible grimace, as I wasn’t too prepared for a picture.

“I’m going to send this selfie to my parents. I got a new friend.” She yelped, typing stuff on her phone.

Out of the thousands people in Cambridge, why did I stumble on Francia? She sat at the extreme opposite of my way of life. She kind of reminded me of Niall, which wasn’t that bad, considering that I ended up being friends with him. However, she was weirder and way too excited at the smallest thing on her way.

“Francia, calm down. Would you please?” I yelled, moving a few inches away from her. The rear-view caught my attention. I could see Karl laughing to mock me in the mirror. “It’s not funny, Karl.”

After a few minutes, we ended up in front of Sethi Cosmetics building. What a miracle! I thought we’d be in this car for much more time. I had to drop by her office, to let her know I was there. Plus, in total honesty, I wanted to see how the company managed with men on board.

“It can’t be your flat!” Francia pointed out, which was totally unnecessary, as we all already knew it wasn’t. Karl left the driver seat to open the door. I slowly slid out of the car, taking my handbag along with my phone.

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