On their way back to the earth dragon village, Birch's mind was wandering about. Where would summer be now? This wasn't necessarily the first time she's runoff, but it seemed more urgent. They escalated the wooden stairs once again - well, salamander escalated with ease but birch limped his way up, and slowly headed into bluejay's office. The teal dragon turned around to see the others. He slid his glasses off and set them on his desk.
"Sorry for that little outburst," Birch laughed awkwardly.
"It's no problem, in fact, it's understandable. I mean, I did cut off your leg," Bluejay chuckled back.
"Have you seen summer at all?" Salamander chimed in.
Bluejays friendly expression faded into a grim one. He gently shook his head.
"She could be anywhere," Bluejay stated again.
Birch had a twisted feeling in his stomach. His scales shifted uncomfortably. His mind raced at all the possible places she could be, but none really came to mind. Unlike most other dragonettes, they didn't have a secret hiding spot from their parents or even a tree fort that only they were allowed in. Occasionally she would go missing for days, only to be found resting by a river or living in a tree.
Birch limped over to the door. "Thanks for everything you've done, you know, saving my life and everything," he smiled gratefully, pushing those thoughts behind.
"No problem! Come back anytime," bluejay smiled back.
With that, salamander and birch set back off into the night, heading back to venus palace. The stars and moon washing over their scales, making them look like two gems gently floating in the sky.