Chapter 16

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     Jimin ran over to Nayeon and the others, his heart pounding.
     "Jimin! Are you ok?" Nayeon asked worriedly. "You look pale!"
     "I-I need to get somewhere!" Jimin gasped out, falling into the older girl's arms. "Please! I need to see them! I-It hurts...!"
     "What happened?!?" Jeongyeon panicked. "Jimin what the fuck???"
     "Something is wrong with one of my soulmates!! I need to go!!" Jimin whimpered, the pain increasing. "I-It felt like I was shot! My s-stomach!"
     "......Oh no...Jimin we have to get you out of here." Jeongyeon suddenly picked Jimin up i. bridal style. "Let's go Nayeon. Sorry Sana and Momo; we have to cut this short! One of Jimin's soulmates are in trouble!"
     "It's ok!" Sana smiled while sitting next to Momo. "Tell then hi for me!"
     "We understand! Now go!" Momo waved them off, sipping on a martini. Nayeon nodded and the three ran out, with Hwasa watching them with an unreadable expression on her face.
My plan failed.....time for plan 2.

     Hoseok gasped and fell to the ground, catching Yoongi before he fell on his face.
     "Where did he shoot you." Hoseok demanded and Yoongi shakily took his hand off of his stomach. "I'm going to rip your shirt now."
     "O-Ok." the older gulped as the younger ripped his shirt, putting the ripped shirt onto the wound and putting pressure on it.
"You'll be ok'll be ok!" Hoseok fretted. Hoseok only used the hyung card when he was nervous, or angry. "Just keep your eyes open ok? Don't you dare die on me or Jimin!"
"I-I know you feel the pain too Hoseok." Yoongi grunted out. "And so will Jimin. You need to call him to make sure he's alright. I-I don't think he's ever f-felt a gunshot wound before. He might be worrying over us.."
"I'll call him ok? Just stay quiet for me." Hoseok kept the pressure until he heard thundering footsteps coming towards them, and he turned around to see Namjoon and Jungkook in the doorway.
"What the hell happened??" Namjoon demanded.
"Hyung?" Jungkook worried.
"Come help us instead of gawking! We need to get Yoongi out of here before he loses more blood." Jungkook nodded and went over to the two, bending down.
"How do you want to do this?" the younger asked.
"We'll have to take him to the Mad Doctor." Hoseok gulped.
"Oh no....not her.."

Hwasa cursed angrily as Jimin was quickly carried out of the club by his friends, and she stalked over to Wheein, who was sadly nursing on a drink.
"Ma'am?" she asked, watching her boss stalk towards her. "Are you ok?"
"We need to go." Hwasa gritted out, ignoring the question. Wheein nodded ans she stood up, and the two walking away.
They got to their car and Hwasa started it, peeling off with furrowed eyebrows.
"Ma'am are you ok?" Wheein asked again worriedly, and Hwasa grunted and glared at the girl. "Sorry..."
"I just want to kill someone. No questions. So once we get back to the house, line up all of my workers. I heard that there was a snitch in our home and I want them dead."

They quickly rushed home, with Jungkook driving as fast as he could with Namjoon in the passenger seat. Jin was sitting in another car with the prostitutes they saved, and Hoseok and Yoongi were in the car with Jungkook and Namjoon. They were driving to the Mad Doctor; someone they could trust and simultaneously be terrified of.
"I didn't think the situation was so dire that we needed to go to the Doctor." Jungkook gulped, turning a corner. "Did anyone call her yet? I'm terrified of her...she's absolutely mad."
"I did." Hoseok replied, still holding the torn shirt to Yoongi's wound. "Hyung you ok?"
"Yea I'm ok. Kind of worried for Jimin though. Someone get me a pen." Hoseok rolled his eyes, but took a pen from Namjoon. "Write him please. Let him know we're ok."
"Yea of course." Hoseok tucked his shirt sleeves up, showcasing his lean arms. Then, he started to write.

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