Chapter 29

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     "JIMIN!!!!!" both Yoongi and Hwasa screamed, and Yoongi went over to his soulmate.
     "Jimin shit let me help you." Yoongi grunted, tearing his shirt and putting it to the bleeding boy. He sat the younger up on his crossed legs, trying not to panic. "Jimin don't you close your fucking eyes..! Baby please.."
     "Hyung..." Jimin looked up at the grey haired man with glossed eyes, sniffing a bit with a pained smile on his face. And even though Jimin was in immense pain, he still smiled for Yoongi. "Don't cry ok..? I'll keep my eyes open for you and Hobi hyung.." Yoongi didn't even know he was crying until Jimin pointed it out, and in his Paris feel vision, he saw Hoseok crawling towards them. "Oh Hobi hyung....hi.."
     "Hi Jiminie.." Hoseok sniffled, stopping in the other side of Yoongi. "Hi baby...we'll get you all better ok? Just....don't die on us. We need you to be with us..."
     "Ok...I'll keep my eyes open..but I'm so tired though.." Yoongi and Hoseok paled at the words, but they stayed quiet. But when they heard a shrill shriek, they turned their heads to see Hwasa holding up her gun, glaring at them with crazed eyes.
     "YOU MADE ME SHOOT JIMIN!!!" she screamed, black tears running down her face.
     Must be from makeup....Hoseok thought, but he shook himself out of his head to stare at the woman.
     "AND NOW YOU'LL PAY FOR IT WITH YOUR LIVES!!" but the woman was suddenly tackled for the second time that day, and they all looked on in shock.
     "Is that...." Soobin started.
     "The Orchids..." Taehyun finished. By now, everyone was in the warehouse, standing around with their guns pointed to Hwasa. But eleven women stood in front of Hwasa, and Jimin gasped at two familiar faces.

"Nayeon?! Jeongyeon?!" Jimin yelled out, getting the attention of the other two girls.
"Jimin!" Nayeon yelled back, trying to get to her friend. But Jeongyeon stopped her, glaring at Hwasa.
"So....Moonbyul and Solar." Hwasa chuckled deeply, staring at the two women in front of her. "Betraying me huh? Why am I not even surprised..."
"Because this needed to end Hwasa." Moonbyul replied emotionlessly, pointing her own gun to Hwasa. "This obsession is disgusting. Your reign is ending, you are no more. The way you ruled us was terrible; your father was wrong about you. You were never fit to rule over a gang, you got too hungry with power."
     "So we made a deal with the Orchids." Solar
spoke up as well. "We'll merge our gangs, and we'll take you out. Easy as that. We didn't want to start no turf war with Bangtan in the first place; you did. You wanted their soulmate, who doesn't even love you back. You had your own soulmate right in front of you and you didn't do shit.."
     "My....soulmate..?" Hwasa coughed out. "But who.....Wheein...?"
     "Yes it's Wheein. But you were so caught up in Bangtan and yourself that you didn't even notice..." another voice came from behind Hwasa, and they all turned around to see Wheein behind the other woman. "I just wanted you to see me...and no one else.."
"So, now what will you do Hwasa?" Jihyo stood in front of her own gang, staring daggers at the woman on the ground. "Will you leave peacefully, or will we have to shoot you? Either way I'm happy with no longer seeing your face."
"This is my gang, how dare you try to think about taking what's mine?" Hwasa growled, trying to stand up. Jihyo hummed with a smile, glancing to the girl on her side.
"Momo, you know what to do." she said, and Momo grinned. She pulled the trigger. But it wasn't Hwasa who fell to the ground, it was Wheein.
"WHEEIN NOOOOO!!!" Hwasa screamed, crawling over to the other woman.
"Oh shit." Hongjoong hissed, looking to his bosses and their soulmate. "Should we leave?"
"No." Yoongi held out his hand, stopping the others. "I have a feeling that we should stay. But you guys take Jimin and Hoseok out of here. Take them to Hyuna. I'll stay here with RM and JK." the other members nodded, and Bang Chan walked over to Jimin.
"Sorry mate." he said with a smile, picking up the brunet. "You'll get all better in no time
soon. Hyuna and her team will fix you right up. Just like with Hope hyung."
That's nice..... and Jimin closed his eyes. Now it's time for me to sleep....

Soon, Yoongi was left alone with the rival gang, along with Namjoon and Jungkook.
"I have a feeling that Jihyo will forge some
sort of truce with me once this thing is over." Yoongi whispered to the two, who nodded. "For now, we'll stay and see how this goes."
"Y-You shot her..." Hwasa cried, holding her barely alive woman in his arms. "Wheein can you hear me...?"
"Yea...I can hear you.." she replied with a cough, blood spluttering out of her mouth. "You've never held me like this's nice."
"Don't you leave me! I'm begging you..."
"I can't be saved Hyejin, but it's ok. Because you're the one who's living. You need-" but another gunshot rang out, and Hwasa gasped. "W-What?!"
"She's not staying alive."'Moonbyul scoffed, putting her gun into its holster as Hwasa looked down to her bleeding chest. "I just made sure of it. Now you two can die together~how romantic."
"I-I'm sorry for never noticing you all those years ago..." Hwasa smiled weakly, and Wheein sniffed.
      "It's ok! I-I was just happy to b-be by your side...I-I love you Hyejin, and it''s ok if you don't say it back..I'm just happy to die in your....." and it went silent.
      "Wheein....Wheein...? WHEEIN!!!!!" the girl's eyes were closed, and Hwasa paled. "No.....please open those eyes again...I want to see them..!"
      "This is taking too long." Jihyo rolled her eye, shooting her own gun. It hit Hwasa straight in the head, killing her immediately. "That's better."
      "They're...." Jungkook gulped, "Something.."
     "Ah Suga I see you're still here." Jihyo grinned, motioning for her team to follow her. "I wish to strike a deal."

      Jimin woke up to brightness, and he groaned a bit.
"Jimin...?" two voices called out in unison, and the small man opens his eyes with a grimace.
"Where am I...? he tried to sit up, but a hand stopped him.
"Jimin you need to stay laying down." a voice that suspiciously sounded like Yoongi sighed, "Your stomach is still stitched up."
"How long was I out for..?" Jimin looked to his soulmate, who looked down.
"About three days." Hoseok replied for the younger, and Jimin gasped a bit. "I woke up yesterday. Yoongi was worried sick for us both. He was crying when I woke up. It was pretty cute~"
"Shut up Hobah." Yoongi hissed, pink dusting his cheeks. "But how are you feeling Jimin?"
"My head hurts. But I'm really hungry." and the two older men chuckled. "Do you guys know what happened...? With...Hwasa and Wheein?"
"They're both dead." Yoongi replied, running a hand through his hair. "There was a ceremony. Jihyo meshed up the two gangs, naming them the....Blood Orchids. And we did a truce together. So, no more gang fights for a while. We...we don't have to hide anymore. We can be out and about without having to worry about no one being kidnapped or being shot at."
     "We're free to" Jimin gulped, reaching out to hold Yoongi's hand. "Can Hobi hyung get up?"
     "Yea of course I can." the black haired older slowly got to, grunting a bit. He wobbled over to the two, sitting down on the other side of Jimin to hold his other hand. "We're ok Jimin..."
      Yea.....we're ok....

there is one last chapter and then an epilogue after this🥺im so sad to see this go. its my first poly fic, so im so happy at the love and support it gave me. ill be forever thankful to the people who read my fics.
i love every single one of you and i hope you all have a good day or night🥰🥰

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