Chapter 21

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     Jimin woke up to his phone ringing loudly, and he moaned petulantly. He felt around for the stupid thing, and he accidentally slapped something squishy next to him.
     "Ow what the fuck Jimin." a voice grumbled irritably, and Jimin's eyes popped open in surprise. He whipped his head to the side to see Yoongi huffing next to him, rubbing his face. The phone stopped ringing, and it rang again. The two groaned again and Yoongi quickly grabbed Jimin's phone. He gave it to the younger, and Jimin swiftly answered it with wide, tired eyes.
     "Hello?" he said with a raspy voice, his throat hurting. "Who is this??"
     "Jimin!!!" his friend yelled. "Where are you?!"
     "Oh shit hey Nayeon." Jimin winced, already knowing what the older woman was calling for.
     "You skipped work?!? Why?!?!"
     "You see....I'm in a bit of a predicament right now...."
      "........Park Jimin. What. Did. You. Do."
     "I'm in bed with my soulmates..." and it was quiet. That was when Hoseok woke up as well, rubbing his eyes. But they all flinched when Nayeon immediately yelled,
     "......No ma'am."
     "Ok love you bye!" and she hung up.
     ".....Good morning my dearest soulmates." Hoseok smiled, completely ignoring the phone call to litter kisses on Jimin's collarbone. "Did you two have a good sleep?"
     "Not really. My ass and throat hurts." the smaller replied, and Yoongi chuckled. "You two are relentless."
     "Poor little baby." the eldest grinned, getting out of bed stark naked. "Come on Hobi. We all have work to do today. Namjoon and Jungkook come back home today, so we need to be there for them."
     "Oh yea! I forgot about that! We'll see you later Jimin?" Hoseok asked, grinning widely to the younger, who nodded with a tired pout.
     "Yep. I still have to get dressed." Jimin replied, getting out of bed as well.
     "Oh yea." and so, the three soulmates got dressed together, and it felt so domestic and normal.
     I want it to be like this every day...

     Hwasa woke up to her phone ringing irritably, groaning as the sleeping woman next to her grunted in her sleep and turned around on her side. The black haired woman picked up her phone, shaking the woman next to her with her feet.
     "Who is this?" Hwasa asked, shaking the girl more violently. "Get it over with."
     "It's me."
     "Oh. Hey Solar. Where is Moonbyul?"
     "Getting stuff ready for you girly. I'm going over to Jihyo and the others to buy bombs and stuff from them."
     "Ok. I'm just trying to wake up this hook up from my bed. They never stay over. This is going to piss me off immensely."
     "Kill them or whatever. That's what you always do Hwasa."
     "Yea yea whatever. I'll meet you guys at the warehouse." and the long haired woman hung up.
     Hwasa grabbed her gun from under her bed and cocked it, aiming to the girl's head. She shook her one last time, and the girl got up.
     "Ms. Ahn I had a wonderful-" she turned to Hwasa, and immediately screamed. "WHY DO YOU HAVE A GUN?!? P-Please don't kill me...I'm sorry...!"
     "It's too late for your groveling. All of my hook ups know that you never stay the night in my bed, or there will be dire consequences to pay. If I were to fall asleep first, then it is your duty to leave. You overstayed your welcome, so goodbye." and she pulled the trigger. "Damn. I have to buy another bed set. I hate having to do this. But they need to learn to never disobey Ahn Hyejin."

     Jimin limped inside of work, immediately finding Nayeon at the counter and avoiding eye contact with the taller. But when he tried to walk past the older woman, she grabbed his collar and dragged him to the unisex bathroom.
     "Show me." was all she said, and Jimin gulped.
     "S-Show you what...?" he nervously giggled, and Nayeon raised an eyebrow.
     "You know what I mean Park Jimin." and the younger sighed, taking off his shirt. After taking off his shoes and pants, he pouted and looked up at Nayeon. "Goddamn...they went to town on you."
     " was amazing..." Jimin sighed. Spots of reds, blues, and purples decorated Jimin's body, on his shoulders, neck, chesk, hips, and his inner thighs. "It felt like they were going to eat me..."
     "Do you want to tell me about it? You can put your clothes on by the way you dirty thot."
     "Fine fine." Jimin pouted. Once his clothes were on, he sat on the toilet seat while Nayeon leaned on the wall. "It was breathtaking. I didn't even think none of that was even going to happen to me...they were so gentle with me. But they were mean too; just how I like it~"
     "Ok you finally got dick!" Nayeon went over to the brunet and brought him into a tight hug, making him wince. "Oh yea sorry. Hickies do be hurting."
     "Oh yea..."
     "Do you want to go back home? I know you're hurting right now...."
     "Nah I'm good. I fed Michi while I left, so she's good~"
"Ok! Let's get to work Park Jimin!"

Hoseok and Yoongi quickly made it back home, but not before jumping up in surprise when someone cleared their throat on the couch. The two turned around to see Namjoon, Jungkook, Seokjin, and even Taehyung sitting on the couch staring at them.
"Where have you two been?" was the first thing that was spoken, and it was from Namjoon. "I assumed you two were going to be home once me and Kook came back, just for Jin to tell me that you never came back home. I was about to go burn the whole city down for you guys, then he told me where he dropped you two off to. So, mind telling me what happened?" four pairs of eyes were on them, and Hoseok and Yoongi gulped.
"We were at Jimin's house." was Hoseok's reply. "He was upset with us, and we wanted to know why. He told us, and we were planning to leave! But he wanted us to stay....and one thing led to another."
"And we smell like sex basically." Yoongi grunted.
"You lucky bastards." Jungkook grinned, making everyone glare at him. "Oh. You lucky bastard hyungs I meant. Oops."
".....Anyways. We're glad you're here. We don't have good news." Seokjin's smile turned into a frown, and Taehyung nodded as he was perched onto Seokjin's lap. "Do you guys know a Lee Taemin." and their eyes darkened.
"You mean the bastard that hurt Jimin???" Hoseok growled, making everyone's eye widen in surprise. "Then yea, we know him."
"He's dead. Look on the news." Namjoon grabbed the remote and turned on the t.v. Luckily, the news channel was already right there. The two men sat down and watched it, then they turned pale. There Taemin was, his picture on the news. But the bloodied, gruesome, mangled body on t.v. looked nothing like the handsome man who's picture was in the comer. And written in blood were two initials: A.H.
"A.H.?" Yoongi muttered. "What does that mean?"
"There is only one person that is known to put. A.H. at their crime scenes, but her and her gang recently went underground after something terrible that happened years ago. They've been pretty quiet, but as soon as you two started talking to Jimin, they came out from underground and started making messes all around our territory. Her name is Hwasa, and she wants something from us."
"Schedule a meeting with her." Hoseok demanded, and Namjoon nodded. "We'll get our best men and go to her, neutral. We don't need any bloodshed. We'll see what she wants from us."
"I have a bad feeling about this..." Taehyung whispered in Seokjin's ear, making the older reply,
"I do too....this won't end good..."

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