Chapter 3

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"Darling, I missed you it was so boring to be by myself and that four-eyes" I huge her and started to check her for any injure when the firsts year making their way across the black lake.  I started asking her random questions like "Did you miss your big sister" and "You get even cuter than before" many people were looking in their direction with amazement or wonder as many students were not used to this side of Elaine Peverell.

"I'm fine Elle" she replied to me with her usual sweet smile and bright eyes when she returns my hug. I felt the same eyes burning holes in my head. "Sister complex" Jonathan coughs under his breath as I give him a glare with a pout on my face. He moved to give Bella a side hug with a small smirk on his face. "Did you do as I say?" I say with my eyes as he gives me a small nod. "Are you have a good time with your housemates? No one is giving you trouble, right?  I asked with a soft voice and a smile on my face but my eyes have a hard edge to them.

"No everyone has been super friendly and nice" she replied happily with a sweet smile. I know, I should not worry she is in the house of the loyal besides Hufflepuffs was nice to everyone even Slytherin. We talked for a while before making my way back to the Gryffindor table but a hand stops me before I could reach my house table. "Where did you think you're going big sisters, " that four-eyes brother of mine stop me. I turn around and give him an innocent face to stop me from cures someone.

"Whatever do you mean dear brother of mine" I replied to him with a confused face and my hands behind my back to hide my wand in my hands. I pulled him down next to me and we start whispering fiercely to each other. The great hall watches the two whisper with amusement and eyebrows raised as they saw us pulling each other hair and some of the students and staff had to hold back their laugh. I straight up my hair after the hair-pulling before sticking out my tongue childish at him as he did the same to me before walking back to the Ravenclaw table. I had a sweet smile on my face before making my way down the Slytherin table and stopping in front of one Tom Riddle.

"Can I help you will something Ms.Peverell? A dark and seductive voice asked me with his charming smile fooling everyone around him but me because I have seen his dark side and what he will do to have power and control over everyone below him. Turning around to face me with a small smile that had many girls swooning and giggling around the table. I tried hard to stop myself from gagging and my face natural face from turning into an annoyed frown but kept my sweet smile on and lean closer to him so I could have whispered in his ear hiding my smirk behind his head and said "would you like to make a deal with me? Suddenly I was by my wrist and held in place the air around me become colder and heavier to anyone who could feel the raw magic in the air from both of them, the only reason she did not suffocate under the raw magic power he produced was because she equaled him in power and strength.

"Oh, what kind of deal are we talking about darling? His tone was heavier and had a dark undertone that spoke of sly and cunning intelligence. "The Peverell household has many dark artifacts on immortality and family lines, I heard from a little birdie that you want to find out about your magic family" my voice turn seductive and had a site edge to it that can make anyone fall under my control and in lure them into a trap all while keeping a innocent smile on my face.

His hold tighten and the dark magic around him seems to double in power so of the students were have a hard time breathing and some felt light head even the teachers can the dark magic surround the serpents table. I quickly put my hands on his shoulder and quietly told him to calm down and control his magic before the teachers get involved.

"While it is a attempting offer the Malfoy family also has a large library on the dark arts as well but you know what I truly want, but the question is are you prepared to finally be mine" he said have a dark look in his eyes that contrasted to his emotionless face that give nothing away. "I want your snakes to leave my sister  with my idiot brother and any muggle born in your house or others alone with their safety granted for the entire school year" my voice turn sharper and dark with each word I spoke toward him was a sign that my words were not to be turn light.

"That is a hard thing your asking for my darling songbird" the hold I had in his shoulder tightened after I heard the last two words. His eyes turn a dark red before returning to his normal blue eyes before his lip turn upright into a smirk and pulled me completely into his lap his arms wrapped around my waist giving me no room to escape.

"Your mine, mine, mine" he repeatedly said near my ear with so much possessive and dark undertone that left no room for disagreement. I run my hands into his soft hair and said three words that had his aura turning even darker and stronger. Only this in the same house or same year as them to know exactly what was happening.

"I hate you"

To be continued


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