Chapter 7

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It was a well-known fact that Tom Riddle and Elaine Peverell were powerhouses that ruled Slytherin and Gryffindor as king and queen but these in the same year were the only ones that know the true reason why Slytherin didn't have a queen and Gryffindor a king. Their fights were legendary and regular glimpsed but the amount of destruction and chaos left behind destroy many parts of Hogwarts that have not been fully repaired. The staff turns a blind eye to this because they both were star students and proud of the school meaning both had some leverage. She knows this and was tempted to start one but away from her darling sister so that was how she found herself pinned against a wall with Riddle trying to eat her face off. The one time you want to avoid conflict she thought in my mind replaying the events a few minutes ago.

She bides her sibling goodbye before walking ahead of Riddle and continues to ignore him neither speaking up to start a conversation. I was allowing my mind to wander off as we passed portraits chatting away and making our way down the dungeon. Riddle had only a select few in his inner circle with Malfoy, Avery, Lestrange, Black, and Nott all from powerful pureblood families that support his rule as well as his court in Slytherin. She knows that Malfoy and Black were no threat even with them being one of the most ancient houses because she had leverage against both of them besides she was the heiress of more than one house but she was keeping that for a triumph card should she ever need to use it.

"How you decide on your future job darling?

"I do wish you stop calling me that Riddle only my beloved can call me that"

I could feel the amusement in his eyes trying to burn a hole in my head but we both knew that had I not been kidding, he would have teared the school part looking for the person I was referring to and while it be not be a pretty sight to see. One moment I was calmly nearing the classroom and the next pinned against the wall.

"What do you think your doing"

She had her wand right against his gut and a glare that would scare off any less person but Tom Riddle was not just anyone. There was a strange grit in his eyes that set a chill down my spine, I had to fight the sudden urge to cast everything dark spell at him.  His hand pin my right hand agains the wall while his entire body was pressed against mines leaving no room between us our faces were so close together and I could feel his hot breath and his hair brushed against mine.

"Can we not return to how things were before when we were just children Elaine"

My mind went blank for a second before progressing what he just said, I had the urge to star laughing like a crazy person while I could feel my magic losing control for a second at the angry I was feeling but I slammed it back in I did not want to cause a commotion and I knew that was his aim. She tried to push him off of her but his solid chest didn't even move an inch.

"Riddle stop mm.. stop"

It was getting hard to breath but she refused to say it no matter what it was, a promise she made ever since that day but it would seem that he was not letting up, his tongue reach everywhere inside her mouth sucking and testing with hers.


With that he finally get off of me with our a string of saliva connecting to each other mouths. I wanted to punch him in his prefect face and wipe that smirk off his face but not now later when I have him defenseless. There can't be witnesses around for the beat down that will happen.  He continued walking as if nothing happen at all stoping to greet professor Slughorn with a charming smile of a prefect student that had him getting away with many things. Slughorn had a proud look on his seeming to hang on every word he was saying but two can play that game.

"Professor Slughorn"

I made my way towards them with a bright smile on my face giving a air of youthful and innocent vibes rolling off me. I could see his face lit up and a grin making it way up his face, one thing you need to know about Slughorn was that he has a habit of collecting valuable things that will bring him fame and recognition. I was standing right next to Riddle with a curious look on my face before asking about the set up for  a new potions project we will be doing this year.

"Dear girl, I so happy to see you after just a eventful year , I remember you and Tom were completing against each other for the top when you were only first years and that potion accident that had both of you stick together for a whole day or when I caught the both of you together passed curfew!

I know exactly where he was going with this but my face remain cheerful with a smile that can put the sun to shame but in my mind I was thinking of murdering a teacher and where to hide the body probably the forbidden forest, from the corner of my eye I could see  Riddle smiling politely but the smug look in his eyes told a different story.

"I would hate for my best students to not reach their full abilities and I have the perfect project this year this will count as your finals with the two of you as partners!

Professor Slughorn was probably on something or drunk for him to suggest something like these when he knows what happen last year and the hatred I felt for Riddle but from the happy grin he was sprouting, he was trying to make up for a mistake or trying to play-matching again.  I was not happy at all and could only reply with a polite nod with Riddle calmly agreeing with him practically singing him praise for the great idea.

This year was going to be terrible I just know it was the thought running through my mind as I made my way to the front of the classroom.

Famous last words

To be  continued

;) Yuki

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