🏙 13: Twenty Six Years

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"This pie was a great choice, dear." Patricia says as she takes a seat in her chair at the table. She has just finished serving everyone a slice of chocolate pie which Zayn had brought for dessert.

"Yeah. It really is. I always say nothing beats a cold dessert in the hot summer." Waliyha says.

"Except cake." Safaa counters. "Cake beats anything."

"You can eat cake cold too, Saf."

"Hmm. I guess."

While his sisters are talking, Zayn ignores them and picks up his fork so he can eat his pie.

"I've been meaning to ask you, Zayn. How is the house coming along?" He hears Yaser ask.

"Great. Everything is great."

"That's good. Your mom and I and Safaa were looking to drop by to see how it looks soon."



But Patricia chuckles quietly. "Why did you say it like that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Well there was surprise in your voice."

He shrugs. "Right. Yeah. Cause I was surprised to hear you say that. After last time when you saw the area, I didn't think you'd want to come back."

"Of course we would, Zayn. Why wouldn't we? It's your home and we want to see how it's all coming along. Besides, your father and I were talking about how much potential that house really has. It can be very nice one day."

"Yeah. It can and it will."

"Although, I have to wonder." Yaser says.

"About what?"

"Why you haven't called me? I told you if you ever needed help to call me and you said you would. But the phone hasn't rung yet, son. Not for that, at least."

"Interestingly enough, not for me either." Waliyha adds. "I too offered my services."

Zayn nods and then picks up his glass to drink from so he can properly stall for an answer. "I know. But that's because I haven't needed any help."

"Did you hire someone like I suggested?" Doniya asks.

"No. I asked Liam and he's done plenty for me."


But then Zayn holds his hands out because he can see the way his sisters are all looking at him. "But, as friends. Trust me. That's it."

"Aha. You're sure this isn't the beginnings of you two getting back together?"

"No." He frowns. "I told you already. We didn't fit. And that wasn't just me saying that. Liam said it too. Those three weeks were a mistake which we have both clearly moved on from."


"Really. And on top of that, Liam's dating someone right now and he's just his type. And if you had met him like I did, you would know that we are nothing alike."

"Wow." Doniya says. "So when people break up and say 'let's be friends', that was something you two really meant."


"Well then good for both of you, Zayn. Now I guess you're on a new quest. Finding someone new too."

Zayn laughs quietly before cutting a piece of pie with his fork. But he never says anything.

"That's interesting." Safaa says with a curious tone to her voice.

"What is?"

"The way you just acted. When Doniya brought up getting together with Liam again, you quickly shut her down. But when she mentioned finding someone new, you just smiled down at your plate."

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