The God of Thunder has an announcement

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It had been 12 days until Opheria finally felt like herself again, the bond between her and Loki had returned around the 9th day so he made her as comfortable as he could to stop the pain he could feel emiting through her. They had spent the time in their room, laying in bed, reading and just been together. When it came to Opheria getting out of bed and exploring the palace again she always had a guard with her for protection or Loki, if he wasn't busy studying his magic.

"Hello trouble! Nice to see you out and about!" Emily called to her friend as she made her way towards her. "You heading to get the dress for tonight?" Opheria nodded, Emily taking her arm in hers. "Then i shall come with you, they're giving me a new one since my last one got destroyed saving your helpless ass!" Opheria nudged her friend causing them both to laugh.

They headed into the dress shop, meeting Frigga in the middle of the floor. Two gowns hung up and flew down to the floor which made the girls excited at the thought of trying them on. "Ok ladies, lets get these on and make sure they fit, then onto the hair stylist and nails ready for tonight!" Frigga ordered the girls and they were straight to the changing room with their dresses in hand.

The night came around quickly and again, Emily and Opheria stood outside the golden doors to the hall, their grooms waiting at the end of the aisle. The music started and the doors swung open, everyones heads turning to the two women as they walked towards their grooms, smiles on their faces. Opherias emerald green dress flowing behind her, crossing paths with Emilys Purple dress. They reached the top of the aisle and each held hands with their partner. Lokis eyes smiled brightly into Opherias as Odin began speaking.

"Asgardians, it is my pleasure to welcome you to the bonding of my sons, Thor and Loki and welcome to their brides, Emily and Opheria, who will transition into Asgardians today! I stand before you as your King and your father" he looked to both his sons "and i bond you as one with your partners, in the name of the all father! May the bonding lead you into a strong, happy life together as husband and wife. My sons, begin your bonding" Loki stepped towards Opheria, dipping to her ear

"Since we have already done this part, shall we just skip to the kissing" Loki smirked as he pulled back causing Opheria to laugh quietly. Thor and Emily had finished the bonding process and the couples look to Odin once more.

"You are now bonded in the eyes of the Gods and the nine realms. You may kiss" Frigga stepped up towards Odin as the two couples kissed. Walking hand in hand, Opheria and Loki follow behind Thor and Emily out the doors towards their chambers to get ready for the after party.

It had come to their last week on Asgard and Emily and Opheria had made the decision to stay on Asgard after settling some terms with Odin and the princes.

We can leave when ever we please unless in danger
If the Avengers summon us we must leave immediatly
We wish to have our own homes outside the castle
Any decsions regarding future children will be made by the parents. Not Odin

All terms were agreed on with no issues or debates, Odin had learned to trust his sons and knew their wives were fully capable of making decisions even if his sons weren't. Loki and Opheria sat at the head table with the other royals for dinner, opherias appetitie no where to be found. She hadn't felt like eating for a while but knew she should so she tried to put something in her stomach, even if it was just a slice of bread and butter. Loki had noticed but knew his wife could take of herself so said nothing.

"Lady Opheria, would you do the honour of singing for us tonight, it has been a while since you have blessed the halls with your voice." Odin asked. Opheria nodded and walked onto the stage, plugging her phone into the sound system that Emily had insisted Thor gets.

"Hello everybody, i have been asked to sing for you all" the crowd erupted into cheers and Opheria looked to see Loki cheering with them. "I will be singing you'll be in my heart from an Earth film called Tarzan."

The song was over quickly and before she knew it Opheria was back in her seat, Lokis hand finding hers as soon as she sat down. Thor stood up, silence falling as he asked for peoples attention. He held Emilys hand as she stood up with him.

"We have some joyous news...we are expecting our first child! We found out three weeks ago but wanted to tell you when we felt the time was right. I'm going to be a father" the hall erupted into madness as everyone cheered and shouted their congratulations to the happy couple. Opheria and Loki cheered and clapped along with Odin and Frigga who were smiling from ear to ear. Opheria smiled for her friends but Loki could tell there was sadness in her smile too. One day it would be them making that announcement and he knew it...he just didn't know when

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