Chapter 10: Nothing

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(3rd Person POV)
Suddenly he felt the pain of the glass burn his arms. He had used them and the blanket to shield himself from the breaking window. Pulling his hand away from the cat, he stood up and went to knock on the door for Ponk. 

“Do you need something?” Ponk asked, opening the door. 

“Can I have a potion..? I don’t mean to bother you though…” Tubbo said, barely audible. 

“You’re not a bother Tubbo! But potions wo-” Ponk replied.

“I- just need one for some minor glass cuts…-” Tubbo mumbled over Ponk. 

“Oh- Alright- We’ll get you cleaned up.” Ponk gestured for him to come in.

Tubbo went inside the potion room, and looked around. Tommy was set on a bed with an oxygen mask on. There were cabinets covering the walls, and another bed.

Ponk told Tubbo to sit on it, and show him the cuts. Tubbo rolled up his sleeves and showed Ponk, they still had glass in some of them.

Ponk cleaned them out and told Tubbo why potions wouldn’t work for him. Tubbo took the information from what Ponk said.

After he was done wrapping up his arms, he was told to try and get some sleep, even if it was just thirty minutes.

Tubbo nodded in agreement and hopped down from the bed. He waved Ponk out and went to the sofa. He pulled the blanket back over Wilbur, and then went to where Nikki had rolled off to.

He covered her feet with her blanket, and then walked to the stairs. He went up to the room that was meant to be his for the night, and got back into the bed. He looked at the wall and just listened to the wind. 

He acted as though he was a zombie, not moving, no emotion, no nothing. He just stared off into space, and even he didn’t know why.

He didn’t know why he was feeling like something bad was going to happen. Something bad was going to happen.

He couldn’t shake the feeling, and just thought of everything and anything bad that could or would happen. 

Anything could happen, everything could happen. Tubbo started into his mind. Lost in the void of nothingness.

Nothing but his own terrorizing thoughts. The feeling grew as the clock ticked by every second, minute, hour. 

(7:54 a.m.) 

Everyone slowly woke up, and Nikki made breakfast. It wasn’t much, just toast and eggs. Tubbo didn’t touch his food, and just stared out the window.

Nikki and Kristin tried to convince him otherwise, but he just ignored them. He didn’t mean to ignore them, he was just lost in thought.

Ponk finished and went back to monitoring Tommy and his condition. Wilbur wanted to go with but Ponk protested that they all needed more rest.

Wilbur scoffed and just went to see when the Dream Team would be there. Tubbo went and sat where he was a few hours ago, exactly to the millimeter.

He just sat and had the cat jump in his lap again. The others watched and decided to leave him be, everyone handles trauma differently.

Nikki ran to the other room and came out with a stuffed blaze and handed it to Tubbo. Tubbo looked at her, looked at the stuffie, and took it. She smiled at him and he smiled back. Then she went back to the others.

Phil laughed and panicked at the same time when three of his crows found a way into the house. He chased them out, and covered the away the bird came in through.

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