A Tasty Night

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You walked hand in hand down the street with Flint. You hadn't known him long but you two had a great connection and you were excited to see where it would take you.

After about 10 minutes you arrived in front of what appeared to be a giant tower of jello. It was a yellow/orange colour and was almost transparent. You looked at him confused, "I thought we were going to your house?" "We are, this my home" he said as if it was completely normal to live inside a large amount of jello. You gave him a questioning look and he smiled at you.

"Do you trust me?" He asked holding out his hand for you to take it. You were puzzled, but oddly you did trust him. You took his hand and squeezed it a little bit. He took in a deep breath and held it, his cheeks puffing out. Then he began to walk through the wall of the jello house. You were a little concerned. Isn't he going to drown in there? You thought, but he didn't. He stopped about three feet into the jello tower. He motioned for you to hold your breath and walk through as he had. You were sceptical but after your breakup with Felix you had nothing to lose. You mimicked Flints actions, holding your breath and walking through the wall as he had.

When you came out on the other side of the wall you looked around in awe. Not only was the house made of jello, so was everything inside it. You spotted a jello bed, a jello sofa, a jello table, even a jello lamp which you couldn't for the life of you figure out. It was almost magical. Flint dropped your hand and walked over to his jello kitchen. "Can I get you a drink?" he offered, taking two jello cups out of a jello cabinet. "Water is fine." you replied. He turned to the jello fridge and pulled out a jello jug full of water. As he poured two cups of water you began to walk towards the jello table.

Walking was harder than you anticipated. For whatever reason you had assumed that you could walk normally on the jello floor, this was not the case however. You gasped and almost fell over as the floor wobbled underneath you. Flint looked over to you and giggled slightly, "It takes some getting used to, I used to fall over all the time." You laughed and started carefully trodding your way to him. You both took a seat on the jello sofa and Flint handed you your cup of water. "This house is insane." You said still shocked at where the night had taken you. "Yeah being an inventor doesn't really pay... at all, so I improvised."

You spent hours continuing your conversations from the bar. Flint decided to crack open a bottle of jello wine to really set the mood, as well as the jello LED lights, of course. As the hours only got later you decided to move over to the jello bedroom. You were in for a saucy night...

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