New Encounters

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Our mysterious protagonist's first day at school went along with minimal problems. However in every class he attended, the same young male and young female sat near him. This incredibly shocked him. He kept his aura and presence relentless, yet they seemed to have little reaction to it. He seemed to have every class with the same two peers, and kept his menacing, heart stopping presence bearing down on the space near him to avoid being close to anyone. He liked the idea of everyone else fearing him. He hated them all. He hated society, knowing truly how cruel they were. He had to experience it most of his childhood and teenhood. So the fact that these two dare had the nerve to be close to him made his blood boil. Therefore, once it was made certain all his classes had concluded for the day and everyone rushed to their dorms. He caught the two before they were given the chance to go, grabbing them both from behind by their collars and dragging them behind a wall. He then grabbed both of their necks and applied unbelievable pressure, tightening his grip on their jugular to the point of instant bruising. He mutters with a dead and cold voice,
"You two get to talking..Why were you two sitting so damn close to me all day..Why didn't you sit with the rest of your class hm..? It was a big mistake to decide to be different today..You should've feared me like everyone else...Because I hate you just as much as everyone fears me, which is exactly why you should do so too, because with power I have, I could wipe you two off the face of the Earth with the twitch of my gaze...So before I do so I want you two to explain what the hell makes you think you can come anywhere near me.."
He lessens the force of his grip on their necks to allow them enough air to breathe and speak. The boy speaks first, coughing and panting uncontrollably beforehand however, sheer terror in his eyes as he coughed up a warm, crimson red liquid. His own blood. He says in response,
"Pl-Please dont kill us..P-Please have mercy..!! We beg you..! At least, dont kill her please! Spare her! She's my best friend..She doesn't deserve to be killed, please..! We sat near you because you're our classmate too like everyone else is!! Just because you might be all menacing doesn't mean we should just avoid you..I believe..We believe that you shouldn't be left out even if you do scare us to the point of strokes..- M-My name is Mayan by the way. You can call me whatever you'd like though if you want..-"
The male, who stated his name was Mayan, was a rather feminine young man. He had short, dirty blonde hair, came in at about 5'10 and weighed around 140 pounds, and had a feminine build to him. A soft and gentle face with pretty, soft and kind eyes, long eyelashes, rather plump lips, and a slender body. He had a very small mole located on his cheek and had a peach colored complection. Our main character was shocked at what he was hearing. Because for the first time ever someone had just said something remotely kind to him. He wasn't used to it at all. His heart sank and he could feel his stomach become knotted and disoriented as he was filled with unusual feelings. These new reactions were all new and strange to him, and he didn't like it very much. Not much at all. His gaze had fallen and had become softer than before, but then he tightened his grip on the feminine Mayan and turned to the girl he still held, with a lessened grip. He barked at her,
She had been coughing and heavily panting the whole time, much more blood coming from her than Mayan. She stammers a response in a hurry,
"U-Uhm, m-my explanation is the same as Mayan's..I dont look at you any differently than anyone else here, and like Mayan said, despite the fact that your horrific in every way I have a feeling that you're not all bad..The names Moa by the way..P-Please dont hurt us.."
Moa, as the young lady said her name was, was of the darker complection and held a Russian accent. She had dark hair, gorgeous, golden eyes, and was thicker and wider than most others. She carried a bit more weight, but was shorter, standing at 5'8 with a weight of 195 pounds. Her lips were just as plump as Mayan's and her hips were wide. Once again, our aggressor is taken aback by these words, wondering just how in the world they could think something like this about him. His entire life he had been close minded and saw the world less understandingly. But on this day, these two opened his eyes and his tunnel vision shattered slightly. His eyes softened again along with his grip on their necks, allowing them to slip free into eachothers arms, them locking embrace with eachother as they wept. Their heart rates soared. He stood there, looking at his hands. They slowly began to tremble. He started questioning everything he had been living by. And as the two others hugged, they looked over at the unnamed character and noticed how his demeanor completely changed, this thus giving them evidence that he wasn't all bad. And as they turned to each other and gave each other a look, confirming they were both thinking the same thing, they decided to try and help this young boy, and prove to others that he is capable of being a non threatening individual. Meanwhile, with our conflicted protagonist standing just feet away, he finally looks up from pondering his own perspective and turns to the two, his aura lessened, but still unbelievably strong. Their hearts began racing again as his cold eyes stared into theirs.
"Listen...Mayan, Moa..Just stay away from me.."
He says before stuffing his hands into his pockets and storming off to his dorm, where he fell onto the floor and curled into a ball, his trauma flooding back to him overwhelmingly, causing a mental breakdown. He spent that night weeping on the floor, nearly spazzing at times from the thought. As for Mayan and Moa, they retreated to their dorms as well, and Mayan's dorm coincidentally was just 5 rooms down from our mysterious demon child. The next day, Mayan leaves his dorm at the same time our protagonist does, and as he looked over he notices him from 5 rooms down, and hesitantly approaches him. He immediately stares down the short male, his eyes widened and filled with rage as he directed his aura directly at Mayan, sending a ruthless wave of dark energy rushing over him, sending him straight to his knees, trembling with terror as color drained from the feminine boy's face. Afterwards, once he noticed who had approached him, his eyes softened ever so slightly and he retreats his dangerously strong presence.
"What are you doing just approaching me like that..I told you to stay away..What do you want..Talk.."
He grumbles, still staring into Mayan's soul with his soul crushing stare. Mayan, with a shuttering voice replied,
"I-I-I-I- I just wanted to greet you this morning..- I w-wanted to try and be your friend..-"
Mayan stumbled over his words. The boy quickly replies,
"Why would you do that..Because I sure wouldn't want to greet your ass, or anyone else for that matter, and I don't wanna be your god damn friend..I only care about myself and you should do the same..."
He then would mumble,
"Everyone in this world only care for themselves in the end anyways..No one has ever cared enough about me to want to greet me or be my friend, why should I believe you would.."
He then turned his head and avoided eye contact. Mayan heard bits and pieces of the no named student's words and pieced together what he must've mumbled, and stood up, his legs still no longer quaking. The unamed teen turned to look at Mayan and saw how he had stood up and wasn't trembling anymore, and it actually shocked him. With the amount of power he used with his aura it would be enough to put anyone in a critical state of panic. Mayan then would bravely and proudly state,
"I wanna be your friend!!! And I wanna greet you every morning!! And I wanna be there for you and have your back like I do Moa! Even if you don't believe me, its true! I don't know what you've been through, but I want you know I really do wanna be your friend and help you!!"
The vitiligo plauged teen's eyes widened. His heart felt like it had melted, and a strange red hue appeared on his cheeks as he felt another new feeling. Something he hadn't ever felt before. He felt...flustered. He turned and covered his face, trying to calm his fluttering heart rate. Mayan noticed the teens unusal reaction to his words and it filled him with joy. No matter what he had been through it was clear that feelings were still located inside him. He came up to the troubled lost soul and extremely gently placed a hand on his back, being as subtle as possible, trying not to provoke a negative response, however, nearly immediately the troubled boy swiftly spun and the back of his hand connected perfectly with Mayan's face, sending him flying down the hall. His reflexes were always hostile, and he could hardly control them. Mayan laid at the end of the hall, his face burning and stinging from the aggressive slap, and he laid there trembling holding his cheek as he silently wept. He immediately rushed over to Mayan and knelt before him, not knowing what to do. For the first time ever, he didn't mean to hurt somebody. He looked at his hands again as they curled into fists. He felt conflicted again like back in the hallway the previous day. He then darted away to the school building to his first class of the day, feeling emotions so complicated he wanted to breakdown again. However he resisted the urge to do so and nullified these emotions that started surfacing from deep within so he could regain the full power of his menacing aura and keep all the students under his terrifying power. As the day went on and his lunch period came to arrive, he went to a secluded area of the school to think more on these "feelings" he started to feel. However, his thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected presence: it was Moa. She had come in search of him specifically after Mayan had informed her about what happened that morning, and she wanted to talk to him to try to help. As soon as he saw her he stood up quickly and stormed towards her, grabbing her by the throat and pushing her up against a wall. However, he didn't apply nearly as much force as he did before. He growled,
"What are you doing here..What do you want.."
Our protagonist's signature aura quickly began crashing down onto Moa. Moa quickly replied,
"I-I-I wanted to find you and just talk! Th-Thats all! I'm sorry! I-I can leave..-" He paused, before taking his hands from Moa's neck and turning away.
"Just tell me what you want.."
Moa would grab her bruised neck, wincing and coughing gently as she did, and she would begin to speak.
"I know your not this completely terrible and frightening boy. You have emotions, even if you dont accept them. I know something must've happened to you when you were younger maybe, but you cant let it limit your emotional output."
Moa came into the boy's view, as to not come up on him like Mayan made the mistake of doing, and brings him into her embrace. This made his heart skip a beat. He had never been hugged before. But now that he had been he could feel the genuine love that she was putting out. He had never experienced any amount of love before, and at first he had no reaction, he was just in shock. However as she continued holding him in her arms, he could feel his face heat up and grow red in tint. He had no idea whatsoever what was happening to his face, but he did noticed how his heart rate fluttered even more vigorously than before and it confused and shocked him, and he entered a state he had never felt before. But in almost no time however he jerked from this daze and shoved Moa away into a wall, crossing his arms and averting his eyes. However the hug definitely altered his personality and attitude.
"D-Dont touch me okay..Jeez.."
Moa smiled gleefully, even tho the shove did hurt her a bit, and she was estatic she was making progress. She came over to the male and chuckled. "Sir, I think were gonna be good friends you me and Mayan!"
The male then glared over at Moa, not happy how comfortable Moa had become with him so quickly. He still was on the edge with Moa and Mayan.
"Dont get all comfortable you bitch..Dont pretend we're friends..."
Moa paused, but understood where he was coming from and calmed down a bit. She had been momentarily overide with excitement after seeing how well the male was doing at starting to show emotions.
"Fine, fine, your right. Hey, by the way, whats your name if I may ask?"
The boy then paused. He just then realized he was never given a name when he was a child. But he didn't realize at the time just how big of a problem this was.
"I aint got one..."
He'd casually state as he looked at Moa. Moa gasped.
"You serious?? You don't have a name?? Dont tell me that- That you seriously weren't given a name by your parents..-"
He quickly and seriously replied,
"I wasnt..Whats the big deal anyways.?"
Moa stood there shocked.
"Everyone has a name! A name is something special for you and you only! And you have the right to one just as anyone else is!"
Moa proceeded to argue.
"Fine, do whatever alright, I dont care.."
Moa stood there in thought for a moment, before deciding on what she wanted to call him.
"Hmm..How about we call youuu....Uhm..Mono. I think that name is pretty fitting don't you think?"
Mono turned to look at Moa.
"Hm...All of our names start with an M now then..."
Moa paused. She thought for a second.
"Hm? What do you- Oh! Your right! Mayan, Moa, and Mono! Were the 3 M's! The 3 Musketeers!"
Mono looked confused at Moa's words, but in a cute and innocent way though.
"Eh, I'll explain it to you later! Dont worry!"
As lunch approached its end, Mayan could be seen walking over to the two, bringing the 3 M's together. Mayan greets the two as he arrives and Moa rushes over to Mayan and hugs him.
"Hey Mayan! You're here!"
"Hehe, hey Moa. Yeah, I'm here now. You guys found a pretty isolated place here I see, it was pretty hard to find you guys."
Mayan held an ice pack to his swollen cheek, making it a bit difficult to understand his speech.
"How's your cheek feeling May? Still sore?"
"Yeah, a bit. He sure did get me good..-"
Mayan would then turn to Mono, looking at him with a forgiving stare.
"But its not his fault of course!"
Mayan smiled at him. Mono blushed from Mayan's smile and turned away without words. Moa then interjected.
''Oh yeah! May, can you believe he didn't have a name before!? He seriously had gone all his without a name! So I gave him one myself!: Mono!"
Mayan's eyes widened as he turned to Mono.
"Is this true Mono? Did you really not have a namr before? Did your- Did your parents not give you a name..?"
Mono scoffed as he glared into Mayan's eyes.
"Yeah, they didnt..So what though, to hell with them..And to hell with you for bringing it up again...And for having s name that starts with the same letter as mine.."
Mayan and Moa giggle at Mono's cute response, and with that, the lunch bell rung, signifying lunch had concluded, however the 3 students skipped classes, talking and chipping away at Mono's diamond hard shell that he had built from his past, and that's how they proceeded to spend the day until it reached night fall. And this would start the beginning of a young friendship between the 3 that would soon blossom farther along in their journey into something unbreakable. What does the future hold for these 3 peers. Only one way to find out. Stay tuned!

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