Growing Frienships

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The 3 friends continued to converse in the halls of the vacant school facility, having merry conversation and interaction. As the sun gently ducked beneath the horizon and the sky quickly darkened like a room that had been alluminated by a single candle, until the candle was blown out and the light disappeared, leaving a dark room behind, or in this case, a dark sky, that soon filled with shimmering and glimmering pearls that floated in the sky, and in the distance the biggest pearl of them all rose from its chambers and lit up the bustling town below with its sacred, gentle, radiating white glow. As time went on, Mono learned more and more about everything he wasn't ever taught before, such as manners, how to properly treat someone, what love was. All the things he didn't get to experience. Mayan and Moa taught him about friendship and the necessity of having ones to care for you. Mono continued to remain slightly distant and cold however, even though he was taking all these things to mind to think on later. Despite how uninterested Mono seemed however, Mayan and Moa were still both very pleased, as Mono's state was a large upgrade from when he first arrived. Soon, as time grew on, they decided to finally cease their congregation and retreat back to their quarters, and so they proceeded to do as such, Moa going to her respective dorm building, and Mayan and Mono going to theirs. However, as they reached the hall their dorms lie in, Mayan paused, and quickly asked Mono,
"Hey, uh- Uhm..Well...Mono, could I maybe come into your dorm? If its okay with you-"
Mono turned to Mayan with a nasty scowl
"And why in the hell would you wanna do that for...Just be cause we talked a small bit back there doesn't make us friends, and definitely doesn't mean you can come into my dorm..."
Mayan looked down and held his gentley clenched hand to his chest as he thought about Mono's words.
"I-I know..Y-Yeah, your right..B-But still. I'll keep trying! To be your friend that is! I know you can be better!"
Mono scoffed,
"Whatever...I commend you for your efforts..You damn idiot..."
Mono then looked away from Mayan and walked into his dorm, slamming it behind him. Mayan then wandered down the hall to his dorm and walked inside. Mayan's dorm was pretty generic. It was a rather normal yet comfortable dorm and Mayan really enjoyed it. Mayan came in and sat on his couch before turning the TV on with the remote that lie just beside him on the furniture. Mayan was a hybrid between a bunny and a ferret, and while both being rather weak hybrids, they did come with pretty useful traits. He was much, much more flexible than average, and could jump pretty high normally, along with being able to jump mid air as many times as he wanted, however he wasn't able to rapidly do this, as it took a second before he could do it again, but he can manipulate one double jump and split it into two segments, so he could air jump one direction, then change the direction mid air jump, making a shorter distance that can be covered, but it gave him the ability to dodge protectiles mid air. And this combined with his power made him a rather formidable character. His powers were manifestation and lasers. And they were exactly as they seemed. Manifestation allowed him to form any item he wanted from visualizing it in his mind and then snapping his fingers. As long as he knows what the object he wants to create looks like, then he can create nearly anything. However, it cant be something that he created, such as a weapon or item that he imagined. It has to have already been made by someone else before. And lasers is pretty straightforward. He can project lasers from any part of his body, and they are all fatal. If even the heat signature touches your skin then you'll slowly disintegrate away and there's no antedote or way to stop it. This combined with his flexibility allows easy counter attacks. And on top of this Mayan was undoubtedly the smartest in the entire school, and was branded as a genius. Mayan was truly an amazing young boy. After a bit of watching TV, Mayan stopped and headed to his room to finally get some rest, and with that he concluded his night. And what was Moa up to? Well, in the seperate building from the boys dorm building, she rested in her own dorm room. She idled by her mirror as she judged herself for having extra body weight on her. She hated how she looked, just because she chubby. And secretly for a few years now, she has been severely depressed. She cried that night, calling herself ugly and fat and other harsh insults before crying herself to sleep. Moa was a half bear half lion hybrid, even though she was as cuddly as a big ball of fur, and these came with very useful attributes when it came to combat. She had could open her mouth very wide and had complete control over all parts of her tongue, and she could generate claws that were the closest thing to indestructible there has ever been. She could also go a very long time without eating while still keeping her strength and fat, and had immense strength and speed, along with great swimming and crushing capabilities. However she would nearly never utilize any of her animal traits due to her soft and gentle nature, and would only resort to them if it was in order to protect. But she would use her power, which is probably one of the most unique and useful powers ever, and it was property cancel. This meant she could remove any property of any object that she wanted to. She could make ice unable to chill things, and fire unable to burn you. Basically their ability to transfer heat energy, she could erase it. With a power like this, she was an amazing asset to have accompanied at your side. In the morning, Mono, Mayan, and Moa all did their respective routines before heading out to start the day, Mono freshening up a bit before throwing on some clothes and just heading out, Mayan doing just a bit about the same, but grabbing a light snack to eat for the day, and Moa, cleaning her face from the previous night and putting on a cheery smile before freshening up like her other 2 friends and exiting her room. As Mayan and Mono left, Mayan rushed towards Mono with a granola, honey, and chocolate chip bar in his mouth and a large smile plastered across his face, and Mono acknowledged Mayan with a slight glare before continuing on his way, Mayan close behind. The 3 M's meet at the school building, and as usual people start flooding into their classrooms in a hurry, Mono's murderous presence filling the entire institution in seconds upon entry. Mono seemed to reset everyday, being softened up at the end of one day before returning the next day with unrivaled rage and malicious power. And this is how it went for Mono's freshman, sophmore, and junior year at this school. He'd come in everyday with the presence of satan himself, go through his classes, and then spend the end of the day with Mayan and Moa. And very slowly they broke him open to where he finally did consider them friends. But he was still mostly cold and aggressive. And his grades were also awful since he wasn't able to read or do math, and had a short attention span, and no matter how hard Mayan and Moa attempted to assist Mono, it never worked, as he'd either not pay attention for long and then get mad, get something wrong and get mad, or just already be mad and refuse to let them help. However, although he was failing all his classes, the staff didn't dare fail him, especially because he was the one who constantly won festivals and tournaments that had related to power, because he would destroy his competition each time, it wasn't even a challenge. And these people he was beating were champions, seen as the strongest to ever live, so the school establishment really didn't want to test him, caring about their and the students safety. As Mono's junior year came to an end and summer break was finally upon him once more, he planned on spending it with Mayan and Moa as always. Mayan and Mono went over to Moa's home and they planned out what they wanted to do. The past 2 summers before were mainly just to get Mono comfortable and teach him about what it even was, and during so Mono got many ear and nose piercings, a lip piercing, a tongue piercing, along with a "snake tongue" and an eye brow piercing as well. He found the really interesting and loved the pain. He also got many tattoos, a forearm tattoo that were feathers along his forearm with a tattooed wrist band around his wrist and on the same arm he got an upside down cross tattoo on the side of his hand. He also got a tattoo of a dotted line across his neck, and under it said "Cut here". However, now they were focused on having some real fun. They had already been to the beach, went to amusement parks, traveled out of town, and a surplus of other things, so they were considerably stumped, until Mayan came up with an idea. He suggested they all stayed over Moa's house, and basically lived together for the whole summer, since they had never done something like this before, and Moa was excited immediately. Mono made it clear however he didn't want to live with anyone, but Moa and Mayan somehow convinced him otherwise, and they decide they'd do it. So, after summer break officially began, they went out and bought some entertainment foods, well, more like Mayan and Moa did, as they were the only two out of the 3 with jobs, and bought games and movies and extra blankets and pillows to build a fort later on. Mono reluctantly came along with them on their childish shopping spree, his aura filling each and every store the came into, and it was much more potent than usual. People were quick to get there things and leave, and others were hesitant to even enter, and some elderly even had heart attacks, seizures, and strokes from the overwhelming feeling of dread and dispair that his aura brought along. However his 2 companions weren't phased at all in the slightest, and after a full day of shopping they returned home with their things and started setting up. Moa lived in a large home, with a balcony on the second floor looking down into the living room, an oasis in the kitchen that also looked into the living room, and then the living room, which was very spacious and comfortable. This is where their main fort was soon built following stocking their cabnits with their aquired snacks, and it was one of the most extraordinary and extravagant forts most likely ever made. And with Moa's ability to remove anything's properties, it made keeping blankets and pillows in place easy, as all she needed to do was remove the blankets and pillows gravity and they didn't need support anymore, making the situation much more convenient. Meanwhile Mono was astonished by everything. The large house, the food, the fort. He had never been in a large home before or been in a fort, and it was magical and life changing for him. But he stubbornly relucted to show his gratitude, and went with the flow of the situation. They spent days in their fort at a time, telling stories, watching movies, playing games on their DS's and switches, as Moa had exactly 3 of the consoles each, and listened to music, and when they did come out, it was too stock up on more snacks or use the bathroom. Mono was, for the first time ever, enjoying himself doing something other than murder, and it made his connection with Mayan and Moa stronger than his connection with anything or anyone else. He respected them and was loyal to them, and put up with their jolly attitudes even when he felt more like reeking havoc. This was a major turning point in the 3's relationship, and things were looking up. Time flew passed the group, and before they knew it their 2 and half month hiatus from school had concluded at last, and they were expected to begin their senior and final year at one of the most prestigious schools they could hope to be in. The start of their senior year wasn't any different from their other semesters, and they were avoided for being the weird kids. Mayan and Moa were avoided because they chose to spend a bulk of their time with Mono, and Mono was avoided because his presence felt like that of a twisted murderer who would undoubtedly kill you in the most painful way possible and burn your soul in scorching hell flames in the deepest realms of hell. But, the 3 didn't mind this at all, and they went about their business. However, deep down Moa thought that another reason they avoided them was because of the way she looked. Was because she was fat and unattractive. They all avoided her from the very beginning, way before Mono showed up, and the only one who would give her the time of day would be Mayan. This deepened her insecurities more. However Mayan was onto her, as when they went to the beach or a water park, she would never participate and would always sit out on the fun, and while there her whole demeanor changed, and it made him suspicious for quite some time. Mayan told Mono about his suspicions as well, and although at first Mono was a bit thick headed about things, Mayan soon got him to understand. Moa's depression, insecurities and anxiety thickened throughout the year, but she continued putting on a happy and healthy smile for her 2 friends, even though secretly she was cutting and scratching herself until she bled profusely. Her legs and arms were covered in scratch marks. But she wore long sleeves and long pants, covering these marks, leaving everyone else none the wiser. Until one night, Mayan snuck over to Moa's dorm during one of her breakdowns, and this one seemed to be the most severe out of them all. As he snuck into the girls dormitory and neared Moa's room, he could hear screaming and banging and crashing coming from a room, and as he went to investigate he noticed it was coming from Moa's room. He dashed towards her door and tried the doorhandle, but it was locked, so he used one of his lasers to disintegrate the door, and there behind it was Moa, a bloody, teary, snotty mess, and she had a bottle of pills in her hands that she looked like she was going to consume. Mayan's heart sank and his eyes widened, his stomach immediately tied into knots. He had never ran faster in his life than when he did to knock the pills out of Moa's hands and swaddle her in his arms. She melted in his embrace, feeling ashamed and embarrassed that she had been caught, and that she was really about to kill herself. Mono had been following Mayan from pretty close behind by extinguishing his aura and remaining silent, as he was curious as to what Mayan might've been up to, but as he entered the door way of Moa's room and saw her dorm and the blood and the tears, he immediately got flashbacks from his past. It reminded him so much of the scene he was always in back from when he was a kid. He dashed towards Moa, and embraced her as tight as he could. He was horrified seeing his friend in such a state. Mayan was trying to ask questions but Mono just wanted to comfort her. He didn't want to see someone he had started to care about experience such grief anymore. Mono picked Moa up and carried her out of her room to the school nurse with Mayan right behind them, which suprised her because she always thought she was too heavy and overweight to be carried, as it had never happened before, so after being picked up and carried for the first time in her life by someone she really cared about not only helped diffuse her worries about her weight a bit, but actually reassured her. As soon as they made it to the school nurse, Mono sat Moa down on a chair and Mayan grabbed medical supplies. Mayan was an exceptional doctor, which was what he was hoping to study to be in college, and with a bit of time he was able to tend to Moa's wounds, and Mono cleaned her face with wipe before aiding her with tissue to blow her nose. Afterwards the 2 males grabbed seats of their own, and they talked with Moa, where she then told them everything about how she had been feeling, and this sent Mono into and outrage. Mayan tried a gentle approach, but Mono stood up with aggression and shouted, loud enough to wake the entire school,
Mono then began to talk more than he had during his entire time at that school in a angry yell
Mono's face was red as he yelled and scolded Moa. And Moa's face was even more red. That was by far the most flattering thing Mono has said to anybody, and Moa did not ever expect it would be to her. His words weren't the nicest, but she understood what he meant, and her outlook on herself completely changed. She was much more  confident and proud now, and with a certain burst of joy she jumped up and wrapped her arms and legs around the 6'0 male, causing his face to feel as if it was burning. He hugged her back with flustered movements, all the while Mayan sat there still stunned and mildly- jealous. Yes, Mayan was actually rather jealous. Moa soon jumped down off of Mono, where he then thumps her on the nose and forehead as punishment for so suddenly wrapping around him and making him worry so much, and after a bit more talking and laughing betweem the 3, they all went to Mayan's dorm where they spent the night together, sharing one big bed together to sleep on with Mono on the left, Mayan on the right, and Moa in between, and they stayed up late listening to music and trying to comfort Moa a bit more. They disturbed the peace of a lot of students that night, but their bond became incredible, and they were even closer than they were before, taking turns spending the night at each of their dorms for the following months that had remaining. And as time passed, they reached closer and closer to prom and graduation day, and they planned on doing both together as a trio, and as that day approached they began to plan for their big day. This night it was Mono's room that they were sleeping in, and with prom being just next week, they had to formulate a schedule for the occasion. Moa starts,
"Hey guys, aren't you excited for prom next week?"
Mono says with an uninterested tone
"Uh..What was prom again..?"
Moa sighed befor stating,
"For the 5th time Mono, its basically a really big school dance party with fancy dresses and suits and stuff."
"Oh yeah..And we have to go because...? I don't want to be at a party with an entire school filled with people I don't like..."
"Awee, cmon Mono! Moa and I are really excited for prom and we want you to be there too!"
"Please listen to Mayan, Mono."
Mayan and Moa both begged.
"Ugh..Fine fine fine.."
The two smiled.
"So Mayan, do you think you can help me pick out a dress tomorrow for prom?"
"Sure! And while we're there I'll get me and Mono some suits, since I know he's not gonna be coming with us."
"Damn right I'm not..."
Mayan chuckled nervously. The next day Mayan and Moa went out and purchased some clothes for the occasion. It was a Saturday. Mono stayed locked up in his dorm most of the day, thinking back on the past few years, and he sighed. As he waited he fiddled with his lip piercing before realizing he felt rather upset. He didn't like being alone anymore. He wanted Moa and Mayan by his side. He couldn't get the two of them off his mind no matter how hard he tried, and this caused him to fidget  more before turning on some music and laying in his bed, closing his eyes and sinking into his own mind. Soon he fell asleep, and while asleep he had a dream. Not a nightmare like he usually did, but an actual dream, in which he was with Moa and Mayan, but they were both on top of him and- kissing him. In his dream they didn't have shirts on they lined his body with their hands and tongues before moving down slowly and into his pants. Just then before anything could continue, Mayan and Moa returned, and as they came through the door Mono bolted up, his face red as a cherry and a lump seeming to have formed in his sweatpants. And it was a big lump. Moa and Mayan noticed almost instantly and their faces turned pink as they both wondered to themselves what Mono was doing while they were gone, but Mono quickly dismisses it and changes the subject to the clothes they had purchased. The two show him his outfit for prom and he tries it on in his bathroom, before noticing it looked really good on him and fitted perfectly. Mono exited the bathroom out in front of Mayan and Moa, and asks
"How do I look..?"
Moa and Mayan shift their focus toward Mono and his outfit, and their eyes widened as Mayan covered his mouth and Moa turned away, both their faces red.
"Y-You look r-really good Mono."
"Y-Yeah, It looks almost too good on you."
Mono furrowed his brow in confusion before shrugging and entering the bathroom again to take his outfit off and allow Moa to try his on next. After the 2 cooled down a bit, Mayan went in to put his suit on, and a minute later he emerges from inside of Mono's bathroom and stands there nervously, waiting to be judged. Mono turned to look at Mayan, before standing up and slowly coming up to him, standing before him, with his head straight up but his eyes focused down at Mayan and his hands in his pockets, and afterwards Mono bent down and examined Mayan's new clothing, but in doing so he touched certain areas and this made Mayan's face flood with color. Mono unknowingly ran his fingers down Mayan's crotch area as he felt the fabric of his dress pants and grabbed his hips while feeling his dress shirt and how it fitted Mayan. He was interested because it didn't look like his, and was much more different to Mono. He then got behind Mayan and felt his collar and shoulders a bit, all the while Mayan just standing there letting him do as he please with a flustered expression on his face. Mono tugged on Mayan's waist band and then slid his hand down to Mayan's ass, which he squeezed as he examined the back pocket of his pants. Satisfied, he stood up and walked passed Mayan before sitting down his bed and giving his opinion,
"Its not bad May.."
The whole time Moa watched in shock. She then realized they didn't teach Mono boundaries yet, but even so she felt a weird feeling. She felt, almost jealous. She tries to brush it off however and says to Mayan,
"Yeah, you look really cute and handsome! I think we did good picking out your outfit!"
Mayan smiled at both their replies and thanked them before heading inside the bathroom and taking his clothes back off and after him came Moa. She exited out tho a completely different woman, and when the 2 boys saw her in her prom dress they froze. Mono turned away almost instantly and refused to speak, and before it became too obvious that they were acting strangely, Mayan then blurts out,
"Y-You look- You look great!! R-Really, you're stunning! That dress is really beautiful on you!"
The two of them both made Moa laugh and blush a bit, and finally she was confident that their prom night would go great. After changing out of her dress, night started to arise and they all hopped in Mono's bed gathered around with Mono at the head of the bed laying down with his head in his hand, and Mayan and Moa beside him a bit away from the head of the bed, also doing the same. They talked for hours that night, and once it was time for bed, Mono got in the middle, Mayan got on the right next to the wall, and Moa got on the left, however this night was different. As they all fell asleep, a few hours into their slumber Moa and Mayan would turn over and onto Mono, before snuggling up under him for more warmth, and he put his arms around them unknowingly and thats how they slept that night. But on another note, prom was fast approaching, and the 3 were excited for the day. But what would the upincoming week have in store for them? What else did their journey hold beyond their school days? Only one way to find out I guess! Stay tuned.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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