The beginning of life attending school

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He was taken away from everyone else and was placed inside a rather large room where they would test his abilities. First they gave him a personality test to complete in order to gauge how they should appropriately teach their new student. Many personal questions were asked on the test which was of course occupied on paper in printer ink, since none would dare ever ask this mysterious man these questions verbally in case they strike his fuse and he goes berserk. He silently answers all the questions, which took approximately an hour due to the tedious and interminable number of questions. Luckily he learned to write beforehand by teaching himself, so things weren't too bad, although many errors were made, not enough to cause extreme miscommunication, just a bit. After he finishes he's told to stand away from the white table so the faculty could retrieve his test, which he aggressively refuse, so a random staff member is chosen to approach him and retrieve the document. He frightenedly inches forward toward the boy and extends his hand toward the paper, but as the male's eyes turned toward him, a extremely strong gust of wind projects passed him, causing him to drop to his knees. He reaches and snatches the paper away from the table, then retreats to safety with his fellow co-workers, practically falling into their arms from sheer terror, before being administered into medical care after it was clear that he was now mentally shaken from the experience. After it was assured that the staff member got the proper care he needed, they proceeded with the tests. They placed his paper in a machine that scanned its information analyzed it with specific algorithms before giving a second test. He was to describe his hybrid type and the abilities that came with it and what he was most skilled in to calculate his prodigy level. After he was given the paper another suspenseful hour went by as he filled it out with as much detail as possible, actually wanting to provide acceptable work to be granted access into the school's program. Once again a staff member was departed to receive his paper, and nothing but pure, mind stunning horror filled their body as they ever so slowly inched toward the boy in the seat, so terrified of what he may do or if he would snap that the pressure of the total amount of fear they felt burdened them so badly that tears began to rush from their eyes. A mere inch stood between them and the young man now, and they couldn't help but hesitate to grab the paper. Their face became a mass mess of tears, sweat, and mucus, streams of fear triggered tears riddling their face at that moment. Everyone else watched with fear as well, nervous for their colleague who stood in range of the demonic man's furry. They frightendly reached out to receive the paper, but just then the boy jumps at them, and the shock they experienced due to this sudden action stopped their heart, and they fell to the ground. He felt great seeing his teacher fall due to fear, and nothing but delight rose in his body. In the end that staff member died of trauma and heart attack, and so did the other who was previously taken away because of him. They felt it was best to skip the power test of the exam, fearing the terror of their new students power so passionately that they didn't risk anything that would upset him. Afterwards he was excepted into the school and given a dorm, furniture, a monitor, and essentially a luxurious amount of space and items at his disposal. He was given clothes and hygienic products, and even food and beverages to stock his fridge. Soon the sky dimmed and beautifully changed in hue, and began to settle into his room, adapting to the extreme changes in his life. He had never before been introduced to such luxurious items and privileges before, and truthfully they made him feel relaxed and calm. He had much getting accustomed to do however, and a lot of redecorating to fit his desires and personality, but he didn't quite mind at all that much, and only really wanted to replenish his energy with some form of sustenance and rest. So, after eating nearly everything he had been given, he layed down on the floor and began to shut his eyes, twitching instinctively in his sleep from habit to brace himself for any incoming form of attack that may come his way while he tried to rest since that's what always happened to him when he was younger. He slept the night away rather peacefully, not a incident occurring the whole night, and as day began to break open over the city, the suns familiar golden light lay over the many buildings that populated the area and poured into his dorm room, filling its darkness with a pleasently warm glow. As the sun continued to rapidly flood his room, and the light rushed into his seeled eyes, he could feel his brain start to function again after wandering for such an extended period of time, and he began regaining consciousness. His eye lids slowly parted from eachother, releasing the sun's blinding light into his post-sleep affected eyes. He jolts up, suprised to have gone through a night for the first time without being awoken by torture of some sorts. He felt his body, still astonished he was okay, and sat up, actually feeling refreshed for the first time ever before. He stood from the floor and looked around, before approaching the window that allowed the sun's vibrant rays access into his room while rubbing his dreary eyes and looking out of it, seeing the city below and the way the vibrant glow of it alo bounced at him, sending wave after wave of overwhelming movement and light towards him. He faced away from the window and scratched his back and behind a bit as he approached his bathroom, stepping inside slowly while turning on the light, and he looked at himself in the mirror. After examining his face in his reflection, he began a generic morning routine: washing his face, brushing his teeth, showering and washing his hair, combing his hair and putting on some clothes provided for him. He put on a black, long sleeved shirt with black ripped biker jeans and some sneakers before heading out of his dorm room and to the main school building. As soon as he entered through the doors of the school, the whole building froze, sensing him immediately as his overwhelming power was direct and obvious, and everyone turned to look at him. He slowly walked down the giant hall leading into the vast school building, going to the front of office to retrieve his class schedule before heading straight for a crowd of other students heading to their classrooms. They all froze as he approached, so scared they had no idea what to do. The male approached them with eyes as dead and cold and dark as coal, and stuffed his hands into his pockets while walking through. The entire class made way for the beast of a man as he passed through, heading to his homeroom classroom, and once he was passed the large crowd scattered immediately to their rooms, each person responsible for attending homeroom with the frightening new male student all hesitating and begging to go home or skip class. However, they could not, and were forced to accompany him in homeroom. So each student slowly followed behind him at a safe distance as he entered his class, and once he did he sat in a desk in the far back corner, and everyone else sat in either the front or middle section, but not the back row. All accept for one girl and one boy. These were the only two students in the entire school brave enough to be anywhere near the dangerous new kid. Little did they or the male ever suspect however, was that they three would have tremendous impacts on eachother's lives. And now, a brand new life for him would start, this officially marking the beginning of his time spent at this academy.

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