Fall of the Robin

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*Kat's Pov*

'He's in trouble'

Those are the only words that rang through my head as I jumped out of the BatJet free falling through the sky activating my jet pack.

'It's all my fault he left. If we didn't get into that fight he wouldn't have left.' I scolded myself feeling hot tears come out my eyes.

I landed on the ground and used my wristlets to call my Nightcycle to me I jumped on it just as daddy got on the Batcycle.

I drove as fast as I could trying to get to the warehouse where Jason is located.

'Please be okay Jason. Please. I need to tell you I'm not mad just please... Be alive.' I said thinking about our fight.

He slept with Samantha. She tricked him into thinking she was me. Jason didn't know but I blamed him. I yelled and I screamed and I cried promising to never speak to him again. But if he died today I know that will be the end of me. I won't be able to hear him call me Princess again, I won't be able to feel his arms around me, I won't be able to kiss him again. He's everything to me.

I neared closer to the warehouse as I reached my destination I jumped off my bike hearing my dad pull up behind my as I full out sprinted towards the door. And that when I broke when the warehouse blew up and I flew back from the impact I hoped and begged that Jason wasn't in there.

I watched in a heap on the ground as my dad walked through the flames carrying Jason, my Jason. He looked so broken with blood, sweat and dirt all over his body.

I stood up and ran towards them ignoring the pain in my body.

My dad fell to his knees with Jason in his arms. I fell in front of them.

"Jason? Jason? Jason wake up baby it's me Kat your Princess. You're fine sweetheart now open your eyes for me please, please Jason." I cried shaking his unresponsive body.

"He's dead kitten." My dad said and I knew beneath his mask he was crying.

"NO! He can't be dead! No, no, nononononono!!!" I yelled and broke down into sobs.

"I'm sorry Jason this is all my fault. If we didn't fight you wouldn't be here. You would be holding me in your arms kissing me goodnight. Please Jason! I need you! Please come back don't leave me! Please!" I sobbed onto his lifeless body but I knew it was no use Jason was gone. The love of my life was gone and I will never be the same again.

*Time Skip*

I watched as Jason's casket was lowered into the ground tears streaming down my face as paparazzi and news crews filmed and photographed my reaction.

I didn't care. All I felt was emptiness as I was people throw flowers into Jason's grave. I kissed the bear Jason gave me when we were younger and I couldn't go to sleep and threw it in the grave. I tied the red ribbon Jason loved when I put in my hair around the bears neck. And I let a sad smile on my face as I thought of the good times.

Daddy and Dick walked up to me and they saw the look on my face knowing I was going to break any second so they pulled me into their arms as I let out a sob crying my eyes out.

As I looked over their shoulders I saw Jess and she looked almost maybe even just as broken as I am and I pulled out of Daddy and Dick's hug once Jess looked up at me we both ran to each other hugging one another tightly crying.

She knew the truth. She knew Jason's death wasn't and accident she knew what the Joker had done to our best friend and it broke her just as much as it broke me.

But we just stood there holding each other as if to say 'we will get revenge.' Because Jason's death won't go on deaf's ear. No we would avenge Jason Peter Todd if it was the last thing we'd do.

We pulled away from each other and turned toward Jason's grave and I saw Sheila.

She had no right here. She sold her son out and for him killed that cold, heartless, bitch.

I stomped up towards her and pushed her away from Jason's grave.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" I snap.

"I'm just paying respects to my dead son." She says calmly pissing me off even more.

"You have no right! It's your fault he's even dead. You should be down there in that casket! You should be dead! Just wait when you leave here I will hunt your ass down and kill you. And you will die a slow painful death." I growl at her as my dad pulls me away and hugs me tight in his arms.

"Shhhhh. You know Jason wouldn't want you to do that Kitten. Just shhhh everything will be fine."

"No, no it won't daddy Jason's gone." As I said that thunder cracked through the sky and it started pouring rain as everyone began to leave. The only people left was Daddy, Dick, Jess, and myself as we stared at Jason's tombstone that read:

"Here lies Jason Peter Todd and amazing person through and through. As well as an amazing son, friend, brother and loving boyfriend may he rest in peace."


I was just watching the clip where Jason died on Youtube and I just thought why not write his death. I don't know if this is how it was because I haven't really seen the movie yet and the boys are all different but I tried my best to make it good.

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