The Date

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*Kat's POV*
I'm so excited! I'm going on my first date in forever! And it's with the world's greatest guy! In his eyes I'm perfect and he treats me like I am the only girl in the world that matters. Plus the sex is amazing. Have you ever had sex with Superman? No well let me tell you it would change your life.

I look in the mirror at my blue body con dress that stops just above my knees with my white heels. I kept my makeup light because Clark doesn't think I need to wear too much and my hair is curled to perfection and thrown to one side of my shoulder. I analyze my face a little more sighing as I look into my eyes. The eyes that I share with my father and little brother. The eyes the lost their sparkle since my heart got broken. I hoped that being with Clark would make the sparkle reappear but it hasn't. I don't understand! I'm happy but why don't my eyes show it.

I sigh as I zip up my overnight bag for when I stay with Clark tonight. As I take one last look in the mirror I hear the doorbell ring I pick up the bag and take off running towards the door swinging it open. Once I see Clark I jump into his arms as he pulls me into a mind blowing kiss before putting me down.

"Someone's happy to see me." He says shyly and I giggle.

"Of course I am you make me happy Clark." I say smiling brightly loving how I make him nervous.

"So are you ready to go now?" Clark asks.

"Yeah let me just tell Damian I'm leaving." I say before walking down the hall to Damian's room.

I knock on the door before entering.
"Little brother I'm leaving now. Remember that there's money on the counter and if anything happens you have my number call me, but I highly doubt you would need my help." I say laughing at the thought of Damian of not being able to handle himself.

"Also please check on Jason periodically. I haven't seen him all day, if something changes with his condition please call me so I can come home. Now be good, love you little brother." I say before ruffling his hair and giving him a kiss on his forehead.

He glares at me before going back to whatever he was doing on his computer.

I walk out of his room closing the door behind me as I walk back to where I left Clark. Before I enter the room again I look down the other hallway towards where Jason has been all day. I debate whether or not I should go see him but I know it wouldn't be wise. I knew if he looked bad I wouldn't have left and me being the selfish woman I am I couldn't do that. I walk over to Clark and I feel a small pain in my heart.

"All ready." I say with a smile I know did not reach my eyes.

~Time Skip~

*Jason's POV*
'I can't believe this is Damian's plan.' I think as I sit at a table not to far away from Kat and the superhuman freak.

"Damian what is the doing besides torturing me?" I ask the boy ask cross from me as we watch their table closely.

"I am the professional assassin here Todd so shut up and stop doubting me." Damian hisses angrily.

I sigh as I watch her laugh at whatever Clark is saying.

"So Kent has paid extra for the restaurant to make a 4 course meal around Kat's favorite dishes. I made sure to have it switched to all the foods Kat hates plus I paid extra for the waitress to spill stuff on Kat repeatedly." Damian says.

"That won't break them apart Kat would only get mad at the situation." I point out.

"You're right except I added a little something else extra." Damian says smirking.

~Time skip~
*No POV*
"Kat I'm so sorry this has to be the worse date ever." Clark says as he attempts to clean Kat's dress with a napkin.

"It's okay Clark it's not your fault." Kat says smiling back at him even though on the inside she was fuming.

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