Chapter 5

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*At the Bunker*

*branch and poppy were sitting down on branch's bed*

Branch: so what did you wanna talk to me about?

Poppy: Well...*rubs the side of her neck*...I did something really bad...

*poppy admitted looking down*

Branch: Well whatever it is I'm all ears, you can trust me, sweetie

*branch said as he lifted her girlfriend's chin so she'd face him*

Poppy: *sighs and holds her boyfriend's hands* was yesterday after the morning song, I went on a walk and I saw this little animal trapped in a net, so I cut the net and the animal approached me and sniffed my face and snarled at me and it just left

Branch: what did it look like?

Poppy: *sighs shakily* do you promise you won't get mad at me?

Branch: of course babe now what was the creature you saw?

Poppy: was...*Closes eyes tightly* An ali-human

*Branch's eyes widen in shock he knew ali-humans were dangerous but he kept calm and moved his hands up to her arms, Gently rubbing them*

Poppy: branch? do you think I'm a bad queen for releasing that ali-human?

Branch: No baby no *puts poppy on his lap as she snuggled close to his chest* it's not your fault, you just didn't know and besides, I can retrap it and release it into the wild and once it happens it'll be over before you know it

Poppy: *smiles at branch and hugs him* thanks branchie

*Branch hugged her back and rubbed her back softly until...*

*Screams and roaring could be heard outside of the bunker*

Branch: Poppy? D'you hear that?

Poppy: Yeah?

Poppy: it sounds like...*Gasps* the ali-human!

Branch: C'mon we have to stop it before it causes any harm!

*branch said to poppy as he stood up and took her hand as the two ran to the lift*

*When they got outside*

*The citizens of Trollstopia were panicking as the ali-human was chasing after them and roaring at them*

Poppy: Oh no no no!

Branch: Poppy stay here! I'm gonna go get rid of it

Poppy: Okay

*Then branch ran after the ali-human*

*the ali-human was just about to attack a family of pop trolls*

Branch: Hey you!

*The ali-human turned around*

Branch: Yeah you! get away from them!

*the Ali-human started snarling at him and ran towards him*

*then branch used his hair to start whipping at it which started to slow it down but it wasn't enough*

*Branch ended up getting knocked to a wall*

Branch: no-no! Stay back! Stay Back!!

Poppy: Branch!

*Then poppy lunged herself at the ali-human but missed it and accidentally hit a wall, which managed to grab its attention*

Poppy: Oh no

*poppy backed away as far as she could but the ali-human was getting closer and closer...and closer to her*

*then the ali-human bared its fangs, ready to bite poppy*

*then poppy held her hand out and desperately tried not to let the ali-human hurt her*

*but then, the ali-human stopped snarling and its eyes went back to normal and its pupils dilated and laid its forehead against poppy's hand*

Poppy: Wh- what?

*the ali-human sniffed poppy's face and started snuggling against poppy*

*Poppy was absolutely PETRIFIED, she was trembling in fear and was sweating uncontrollably*

Poppy (Petrified) (Whispering): Branch What do I do what do I do?!

Branch (Whispering): Poppy whatever you do, Do Not Move a muscle it looks like it's imprinting on you

Poppy (Petrified) (Whispering): wait it thinks I'm its mom?!

Branch (Whispering): yeah it looks like it but just calm down it'll stop rubbing you in a few seconds

*after 8 seconds the ali-human stops rubbing itself against poppy*

*then the ali-human looks at poppy*

Poppy: are you nice?

*the ali-human sniffed the air*

Poppy: Wh- what are you doing?

*then the ali-human started snarling again at the bush the others were hiding in*

Poppy: Whoa! Hey NO! Stop it! They are not bad! They are GOOD!

*the ali-human stopped snarling*

Branch: nice call popps

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