The Casket Girls

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One of the hardest things in life was to endure the sound of someone you cared about in agonising pain and not being able to do anything to help them through the anguish. Each distressed whimper was the equivalent of a whip lashing your skin. Each desperate cry was parallel to a blow to the stomach. Their screams echoed in your mind for eternity, taunting you for not being able to protect them when they needed you the most.

Imogen was more than used to being on the receiving end of pain but having to listen to her friend screaming in agony was worse than any form of torture she could imagine. It was just over half an hour ago that Josh had walked in on her crying her eyes out in the spare bedroom during a short break and causing her to threaten him with bodily harm if he ever mentioned the incident to Davina, not wanting to provide a reason for her sister to be concerned.

Cami screamed loudly as she curled into a ball on the floor of her apartment and Imogen grimaced sympathetically as she continued to focus her magic on unravelling the complex thread of compulsion that Klaus had embedded in Cami's mind.

"Oh god, it hurts!" Cami cried in a strained voice as she clutched at her head with tears streaming down her cheeks and Davina knelt down in front of her with a sympathetic frown on her lips.

"I'm sorry, Cami. It's the only way to break Klaus' compulsion." Davina informed her softly as she rubbed her hands down the blondes arms comfortingly and Imogen stood up from her positon on the couch as she smiled slightly with pride, impressed with her little sisters compassionate nature.

It was comforting for Imogen to see that their abusive home life hadn't stripped Davina of the sweetness that she was born with. She had tried so hard to keep her sister as innocent as possible, as considerate and soft-hearted as she always was, and it made everything she had been through worth it to know that she had succeeded.

"Believe me, I know what it's like. You're okay." Josh assured her gently from where he stood in the doorway between the two rooms and he held up one of the sticky notes that had the words Don't trust Klaus written in Cami's handwriting. "And hey - all these notes that you made? It's very Momento of you. Nice work."

Cami dropped her hand to the floor with a whimper of pain as she weakly lifted her head to look at the three strangers in her living room and she couldn't help the tears that filled her eyes as her lower lip trembled. "We've been at this all night. I don't understand what's happening to me, I don't understand any of this -"

"But you will. We will unlock every stolen memory, undo every piece of mind control that any vampire has ever done to you. When we're done, you will understand all of it, and you'll be free." Imogen informed her firmly in a kind voice as she knelt down next to her sister in front of the blonde and laid a hand on top of hers with a gentle smile as she caught Cami's gaze empathetically. "We can stop, if you want us to."

"No, don't stop. I want to remember everything."

"Okay. It's going to hurt some more, Cami, but let's me tell you, pain? It makes you stronger. And tears? They make you braver. Trust me on that." the witch said quietly as she gently squeezed the blondes hand to emphasis her point and Cami nodded sagely as she met her friends gaze evenly, her blue eyes filled with unshed tears.

Imogen slipped her hand into Davina's as they both simultaneously raised their free hands in Cami's direction and she felt the familiar stirring of magically energy in her stomach as she concentrated on entering the blonde's subconscious mind. She felt her magic sliver into the creases of Cami's mind, searching for any hidden words left over by Klaus and attacking them into they were exposed like a billboard in Time Square.

Camille's tortured screams echoed through the apartment, making Imogen glance over her shoulder to make sure that the spelled sage that made the room soundproof was still burning.

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