House of the Rising Son

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The sun was shining brightly as Imogen strolled down the footpath in the French Quarter with purpose and she quickly glanced over her shoulder in paranoia when she felt eyes on the back of her head. She shook her head at herself before she turned her head back to face the front and focused her attention on the small bar at the end of the street.

People passed her on the street without batting an eyelash and she was grateful that New Orleans was such a large city so that not everyone knew who she was. After growing up surround by a coven of witches that practiced ancestral magic and studied together generation after generation it was refreshing to go by unnoticed. Her family was well-known as one of the strongest families in the witching community before the incident but now in the last eight months, Imogen had made a name for herself in the negative sense.

The young witch slowed down as she neared the familiar door to the bar where she was meeting her friend and opened the door with a small when she saw the blonde sitting in the side of the bar with textbooks spread out on the table in front of her.

Camille O'Connell was a young woman in her early twenties, standing at approximately 5'6" who had an attractive face possessing green-blue eyes, dark lashes and shoulder length blonde hair. Imogen had met the young bartender on the Tulane College campus where they were both studying psychology and had instantly hit it off when they sat next to each other in one of their classes.

The small bar played country music in the background as a handful of people milled around thankful for a place to get out of the hot Louisiana sun and Imogen smiled to herself gratefully for the air-conditioning in the bar. She shrugged her purse off of her shoulder as she approached the blonde who had yet to look up from her textbook and she sunk down on the seat across from her with a smirk on her lips.

"Hey, Cami." Imogen greeted her friend softly so she didn't startle the other woman as she gently touched her arm and Cami jumped slightly in surprise was her head jerked up from her book with her green eyes wide.

"Oh, crap. Sorry, Imogen. Have you been there long?" Cami asked her friend apologetically as she dropped her highlighter on the book and Imogen shook her head with an amused smile as she reached over to pick up the fallen highlighter.

"I just got here. You really need to relax, Cam."

"I will." Cami agreed with a brief nod of her head as she took the highlighter back from her friend and placing the lid back on with a click before smiling teasingly. "After we graduate."

"Cami...." The brunette groaned playfully as she shook her head at her friend and Cami laughed lightly for the first time that day. She wasn't sure what it was about Imogen but something about her just made it so much easier for Cami to relax and that was exactly what she needed in her life at the moment.

"I know, I know. You've already given me the lecture before." Camille told the other girl with a dismissive wave of her hand as she placed the highlighter down on the table and Imogen sighed at her in resignation before leaning her elbow on the table with her chin resting in the hand. The blonde smiled at her warmly before glancing over the brunette's shoulder subtly and smirking slyly at whatever it was she saw. "Someone's got an admirer."

"What?" Imogen asked in confusion as her forehead furrowed and she turned her head to look over her shoulder at whatever had caught her friend attention. Sitting at the booth near the window at the front of the bar was a familiar man with dark skin, a shaved hair and dark eyes that were trained on the table Imogen and Cami were sitting at. Imogen fought a blush as her bluish eyes met his dark brown ones before she turned back to her friend and smiling shyly as she bit down on her lower lip.

Marcel watched intently as Imogen began talking softly to the young blonde woman across from her as he waited patiently for Klaus to arrive at the bar and he sipped his drink of scotch as he made the decision to respect their privacy enough not to eavesdrop with his vampire hearing. He hadn't planned on seeing Imogen here today but he wasn't going to complain at the opportunity it presented for him because he would take any chance to see the beautiful young witch.

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