Chapter 22

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The next week is dreadfully boring and excruciatingly painful for both me and Duke. He comes by every day to check on me and every day, I am worse off than he last saw me. Even his own health seems to be deteriorating. There are dark bags under his eyes that only seem to grow with his lack of sleep.

"You should rest." I whisper to him once the nurse finally leaves. He shakes his head, some of his long hair falling into my face as I sit up. I sputter and swing weakly at it and he musters a soft chuckle with no heart behind it. That is pretty much how each day passed for us. I know it must seem tedious and boring for someone like him, but it's honestly what I need at the moment.

"Kylee..." He says one day while the nurse is out on a call. I look up at him, forcing my eyes open. He is sitting on the edge of the cot, his back tense as if he's waiting for someone to attack.

"What is it?" I whisper back, my voice barely audible. I can see the wrinkles form in his forehead while he thinks for a moment, clearly worried about my condition.

"I... Can help you, but..." He sighs and I suddenly grow curious.

"How?" I demand, forcing myself to sit up and lightly grabbing his shoulder for support.

"I have to show you something first, though." He continues, ignoring my plea. "Lay down." I know that I don't have much of a choice, so I oblige, pressing the back of my head into the pillow.

"Close your eyes." My eyelids slide shut and I feel the soothing warmth of his hand lying on my forehead.

"Now... Don't move and no matter what, keep breathing." He whispers. I try to understand what he means but suddenly the bed vanishes from under me and I'm sent falling, plummeting down towards the ground. I try to scream, but no sounds pass my lips. My breath hitches in my throat and I squeeze my eyes shut, bracing for the sure to be bloody impact. After a few moments of eerie silence, my eyes slowly open and I'm staring up at wintry trees, icicles hanging dangerously far on the darkened and bowing limbs. Everything is covered in a thick layer of white that I have never seen before. Yes, it's snowed before, but nothing like this. Everything seems to be in its own little prism of time, perfectly still and harmonized.

"Come on big brother! I wanna find the treasure!" A high pitched voice giggles and a man's chuckle follows soon after. In the distance a man walks, partially hunched with a little blonde haired girl sitting on his shoulders. His long white hair almost blends in with the snow around him, but his familiar clothing stands out like a splatter of blood. I gulp nervously and take a deep breath. It's Duke no doubt, but who is the girl?

He shakes his head but smiles softly at the ground. "I'm sure there is treasure hidden inside the house where it is warm." I hear her groan and she kicks her bare legs into his chest.

"But there's more treasure in the snow!" She protests, wriggling as if trying to jump off of him.

"Kylee..." He warns, but there is a tinge of playfulness to his voice. They are only a few feet away from me but I seem to be completely invisible to them. The girl's blue eyes narrow and she crinkles her nose in a not so silent pout.

"Duke! I wanna find the treasure!" A large breeze passes us and whips off her pirate hat. She reaches out her small arm, desperately reaching for it, but the navy blue hat passes just out of her grasp, landing about ten feet away in the snow. She sniffles and covers her head with her hands as if trying to make a makeshift hat in place of the old one.

"It's alright." Duke whispers to her and turns around, marching through the ankle deep snow until he bends down and picks up the frozen fabric. The girl takes the opportunity to jump off of his shoulders and stomach-flop into the White powder, giggling madly.

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