Chapter 6

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I didn't really get any sleep that night. My thoughts kept wandering over what happened like a broken record that refused to stop playing over and over in my head. I twisted and turned in my sleep, consequentially wrapping myself up in the thin sheets that were dyed a brilliant black by the shadows of my room.

Finally, morning comes and my eyes slowly flutter open to the light grey ceiling that lies above me. A small bit of sunlight peaks in through my light blue blinds, casting small rays of golden light on my bed and floor. The peacefulness that I first felt upon arriving has returned and I can instantly tell that this will be a good day, or at least I'm seriously hoping it will be. I roll out of my bed, placing my bare feet on the cool, carpeted ground. The dorms seem to be the only thing carpeted in this school. It's a strange off white colour that matches the ceiling once the shadowed hues fade off of it. It only takes me a few minutes to change into my regular clothing and I walk into the bathroom to see if my clothes from yesterday are dry. They are hanging over the metallic shower rod, wrinkled and unkept, but at least they're dry. I move to the counter and pick up my small compact mirror, looking at my pale reflection. I catch sight of the clothes and sigh. They look even worse in the mirror.

"That reminds me. I need to find the laundry mat around here... That's what it's called, right?" I ask aloud to no one in particular. "I think that's what Andalo called it." Another memory flashes across my mind of Andalo dashing past me in the forest, three magazines ruffling under his tanned arm.

"Andalo? What are you doing?!" I called to him, my voice ringing with heightened curiosity. He gave me an incredulous look as if the answer should be obvious to anyone.

"I got these from a human store!" He whispered to me excitedly. I narrowed my eyes at him. I knew exactly what he meant by that.

"You're telling me that you broke into a store and stole magazines?" I questioned angrily. His grin only widened at my harsh tone.

"They're not just any kind of magazines!" He replied as if I hadn't just snapped at him. With that, he handed me one of the colorful covered booklets and my eyes were drawn to the barely clothed pin up girl.

"The hell is this?" I demanded and threw the booklet to the hard ground where it connected with a soft thud and clatter from the pages bending and possibly ripping. His look turned to one of frustration and he snatched the magazine from the dirt.

"The hell was that for?!" He asked angrily. "I am a man with needs..." My face heated up at the blatant statement. He saw the blush and chuckled under his breath.

"Did you really live a life of innocence until just now?" His laugh grew louder and I shook my head in reply.

"I choose to ignore things that do not.. Well... In this matter, concern me." I answered, fumbling for the right words to say. He noticed my stutter and took a step closer to me. Out of instinct, I took one back. There was something different about him, but I couldn't place it.

"But it does concern you..." He whispered in my ear. I shivered at the feeling of his hot breath on my skin.

"Andalo... You're scaring me..." I said shakily. His expression changed quickly and he moved back.

"I-I'm sorry..." He muttered, a faint hint of pink resting in his tanned cheeks. "I don't know what came over me..." Neither did I. His gaze shifted to the magazines in his hand and a look of confusion crossed his face.

"Why do I have these..?" I gave him a curious look before the realisation hit me. He was being controlled and I knew exactly who did it...

"Serena!" I shouted while my knuckles knocked loudly on the thin wooden door of her shack. There was no answer so I called again. Finally, the door opened a crack and a pair of pale green eyes peek out.

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