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snuggling on the couch, zayn had his arm slung over smith's waist.

they were having a serious disney movie marathon (suggested by smith) and he felt happy, happy just being there with her, and at the moment, only she was on his mind.

not the movie.

not his blade.

not the voices.


"can we just stay here?" zayn said, leaning forward to kiss the top of her head.

"on the couch?" she picked up the remote, pressed pause and turned around so she was facing him.

their faces were inches apart, and she wanted to lean forward and kiss him, but she also wanted to hear him. she wanted to hear his voice.

he thought of ways he could explain it. but how could he tell her that when it's just them, she makes him happy. she quiets the voices in his head, the voices that tell him to do things he doesn't want.

that he was completely and utterly in love with her.

she looked at him with the biggest smile and tears threatening to spill.

"shit" zayn whispered. "did i say that out loud?"

like i can't write fluff so this is like, total shit lolol

-birdie x

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