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smith was still at work when she got the call from zayn.

"hey baby, sorry i'm running late." she said still typing away at her desk. it was 11:30pm, the latest she stayed in awhile.

"smith, i love you." he whispered.

immidiately she could tell something was wrong.

he sounded weak.

fragile even.

"zayn, what's wrong?" she whispered back. her typing slowed down as she tried to decide whether she should pack up and head home, or finish her work.

it all depended on zayn's next few words.

"nothing's wrong smith, that's my problem." his voice cracked at the end and smith knew he had been crying.

"what do you mean baby?" she whispered.

"it's like, i'm so fucked up in the head, nothing has to be wrong for me to have these thoughts." she could hear him sniffling over the phone and that's when she began to log off her computer.

"you need to sleep it off babe. just go lie down in bed and i'll be home soon." she had packed up everything in her purse and began to head for the glass doors of her office building.

"yeah, yeah you're right." his voice was so weak, and quiet, she almost didn't hear him.

"goodnight zayn, i'll be there soon okay?"

he tried holding back a sob but failed when his loud breaths were heard clear as day through the phone.

she started her car.

"zayn?" she frantically said quickly pulling out the parking lot.

"goodbye." his words were followed by his loud, heart breaking sobs.

"don't you mean goodnight?" her voice was shaky and in a hushed tone as she waited for his reply.

but instead, she got the dial tone, indicating he hung up.

lol "why can't i write happy stories" is the second biggest question after "where is zayn?"

-birdie x

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