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The four girls didn't rode the same car.

Instead, the just stood up.

And feel numb.


All the pain they felt since that day, was worst right now.

"We have no hope now. We should leave" Mina blankly said. "Where we will go? Mina? How can we move forward?" Sana asks.

"Sana, do you think Nayeon will let herself die if we can't handle ourselves? She trusts us. Let's not make her regret." Mina turn her back, and unload the trunk of the car they used.

"Do we still need to go there?" Tzuyu asks. "Nayeon is determined to get there. We must not fail to have justice for her."

Suddenly, a ring was heard that made them feel anxious.

"Well, hi there Mina" a sweet tone of voice that made Mina irritated. "What the fuck you want?"

"Haha, dear. Chaeyoung is still fighting, how about.. Save her, and I'll let y'all go?" Mina's heart felt a throb. "Where is she?"

"Beside me. If you just run away, and leave this baby here?" Mina eagerly shook her head "No way. Who told you we'll leave? Hah"

"Okay. Wait, is Nayeon still there?" Momo's conclusions was right.

"IT WAS YOUR FAULT AGAIN?!" Sana shouted our of frustration. "Oh, hi there Sana"

"Chaeyoungie, little update for your one and only?"

"Where's.. Nayeon-unnie?" Mina's phone fell from her grip. "Fuck. How.. How can we tell her this? I'm sorry" Mina mumbled, and end the call.

"Why did you end the call?" Mina shook her head "Momo, she's searching for Nayeon. We can't tell her"

Tzuyu then again felt an urge to cry.

"Hey.. Don't cry.. I'll be here, alright?" Tzuyu just nod, and follow the two older.

Leaving Sana behind, standing while watching the younger walk.

"I just wanted to be with you.. Why does it have to be like this?"

"Finally" they all sigh. "Mina have this ability of opening a car." Mina started the car they saw while walking.

"Use the seat belts" Mina shortly said, and started driving.

"Mina, do you think we're near?" Mina nods "We're kind off."

"Are you okay?" Momo asks. "Do you think we will be?" Momo didn't talked further.

On the back seat, Tzuyu felt her eyes lids got heavy. Which Sana noticed. Slowly, she made Tzuyu lean her head on her shoulder. Tzuyu wanted to object, but her heavy eye lids gave up.


When do y'all think Jennie, Jisoo, Rosé, and Lisa will appear? Will they help the girls?

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