It's Them

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The girls with tears filled their eyes attentively listen to the older who was narrating.

"You even spoke each words with feelings, Jisoo." Jennie spoke.

"But.. It was sad.." Rosé suddenly stated with tears falling form her eyes. "That's cruel! They should've just let the two human being love each other!" Rosé cried out.

Jisoo frowned. "Why are you crying?" Rosé sniff for the third time then sob. "It's.. Heh, my tears are light. They could fall even over a small thing. But this is just making my heart ache"

"That's fucked up. Even though they died in each others arms, it could've been more happy if they live with all the happiness they deserve" Jennie stated out of frustration.

"They're meant to be. They're soulmates. They're for each other. It's their fate to be together--" Rosé stopped herself as she heard Jisoo chuckled.

"Soulmates? Yes. They totally are. Meant to be? I don't believe to a such thing, but sure they are. Their fate to be together? Dear, they're not for each other by the time"

Jisoo averted her eyes at Jennie, who is frowning. "I bet it's so hard for them. They just wanted to love each other, yet it's not their time" Lisa suddenly spoke. Jennie nods. "It's bullshit. Who the heck killed them? Yes, they died. But those were 9 girls"

"9 girls." Lisa added. "They all died."

"It was because of one person" Rosé gasped as Jisoo explained. "One person?! It's not a person to call! It's a demon!" Rosé exclaimed.

"But she's pretty" Jisoo shrug. "Pretty, but a demon. Who would do a thing? It's cruel" Jennie rolled her eyes in distress.

"But wait, Jisoo-unnie" Jisoo turn her gaze to the person who spoke.

It was Lisa.

"How do you know about that story? You told us it's true and not a fiction. But how did you knew?" Jennie snap her fingers. "Yes! That's the question. Did your friend--"

"Nope." Jisoo pursed her lips then shook her head.

"But we are the only person who is friends with Jisoo-unnie, right?" Rosé said.

Jisoo softly, warmly, and sweetly chuckled.

Then she smirk.

"I witnessed them all" Jennie's eyes widen. "Are you the only one who survive among them?!" Lisa asks.

Jisoo shook her head.

"No? Or, maybe kind of."

"How?! Did you manage to know who the killer is?!" Jisoo nods innocently.

"It was me"

"You're.. A demon yourself! Who.." the three, Jennie, Rosé, and Lisa stood up from their seats. "Are you.. Not joking?" Jisoo shrug.

"Who am i to joke, Jen? If someone die, is a joke to you?"

Rosé took a step back with shaking legs, then cried. "You're.. Such a selfish human being! Who are you to kill them?! Huh?! Jisoo-unnie.. Why.. Will you kill us too?! Because we might tell the police?!" Rosé panicked.

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