Chapter 3: First Mission pt. 2

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Once they arrived at the weapons bunker they went straight down to the basement, where Jack, Gustave, and James were all conversing, the first to notice the two Germans was Jack "Hey, we were waiting for you two, we have forty minutes to get everything set up, what's our plan?" Jack asks, the other two turning their attention to Marius and Dominic. Marius pulled out the blueprint that Eliza gave him earlier that night and gestured for the four to follow him. He turned down the hallway to the left, where a large laundry room was, Marius assumed this place used to be a military base, much like their current base, before it became a weapons bunker.

Marius laid the blueprint on the basement down on the counter that was in the middle of the room, all of them gathered around the counter "Ash gave this to me before we left, she said that if we follow these instructions exactly, we'll be fine" he explained, everyone looked at the blueprint "looks as though she's also stationed us in specific parts of the basement" Jack commented, seeing that he was stationed in the exact room they were standing in.

Gustave put a hand up to his chin, holding it in between his thumb and forefinger, he was deep in thought "Looks like they overlooked the second hatch" he said, Marius looked up at him "what are you talking about?" he asked, Gustave sighed "on this blueprint it shows one hatch" he nods his head to the next room, where there is a hatch on the ceiling "that one there, but there's a second one that is directly adjacent to our objective" he said, looking around the room at the other four men.

Everyone was at a loss of what to do, on the blueprint it says that reinforcing that hatch was mandatory, but there was a second hatch right beside their objective, James was the first to suggest something "Didn't Ash also say we have extra reinforcements though?" he asked, everyone nodded "yes, but I took a look in our reinforcements bin and there was only one specific for hatches" Gustave says, Dominic cursed under his breath. Marius took another look at the blueprint "then how about we reinforce the hatch that's near the objective, this one in here is farther away from it and we'll have someone watching it" Jack suggests, Gustave shakes his head again, looking up at the hatch "if these terrorists are smart enough, they'll open up this hatch and we'll lose control of this room, there's a reason this hatch was highlighted" he explains, Dominic then speaks up, looking directly at Gustave "if that other hatch isn't reinforced, we'll lose control of our objective, which do you prefer, losing one room or losing our entire objective?" he asks, for once James and Jack agree with him.

Marius was didn't bother getting in the middle of their argument, he never liked arguing anyways. The longer he looked at the blueprint, the more obvious the solution became, he realized that both him and Gustave were stationed in the objective together, although in their current situation, they only needed one person in the objective. The argument was starting to get heated now "you're saying you'd risk losing our objective rather than leave that hatch unreinforced? We're trained soldiers, we can handle a few terrorists jumping down a hatch" Dominic said, obviously trying not to get too angry over this, as seen by the grit of his teeth "as seen in this blueprint it's important that we keep the laundry room in our control, we lose this room we lose everything, that second hatch is easier to cover" Gustave argued back, even he was starting to lose his calm demeanor "weren't you the one that brought it up in the first place though?" James said.

Marius sighed and slammed his hand on the counter, everyone looked over at him, he was surprised that actually got their attention "a plan is only as good as the intel it was based on, we must be ready for anything" he said, looking back down at the blueprint "that being said, Ash' intel was a little off, we must not blame her" he looked around at the others, they still seemed rather on edge from arguing, but they were still listening "Doc and myself were to be stationed together in the objective, but due to our minor setback, we'll need to cover another room."

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