Just friends (21)

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I did not make this, I found it. If you know who made it please tell me so I can give them credit but I LOVE THIS PHOTO!! Just PARIS with these 2 is just beautiful. I wouldn't be able to walk for days!!🥵😍😫 I would be destroyed!!

The last few weeks have been ok. She hasn't seen Tom since that night in Severus's classroom. She been having her fun with Severus, which is always a good thing.

Tonight she decided to say in the Gryffindor dormitory instead of staying with Severus. She whispered the password and the door opened, revealing the Gryffindor common room behind the picture.

She walked in and walked into the girls dorm to see Ginny and Hermione talking. "Hey," she smiled as she set her stuff down on her old bed.

The girls smiled and stood up to hug Lily. "We haven't seen you in ages!" Hermione said as she hugged her.

"Sorry, I've just been trying to figure things out," she honestly spoke. They started to talking about anything they could think of.

Soon dinner time was coming around so they started to walk to the great hall. As they walked by the hebology class room they heard a shout, "guys wait!"

They turned around and saw Neville running behind them. "Hi guys," he breathed as he caught his breath.

They smiled and greeted him as they walked together. "So how have you been? I know you have been busy," Neville asked sweetly as he wrapped his arms around her shoulder. Her cheeks turned red as her mind started to fill with guilt. "Oh I'm fine," she whispered as she took his off from around her shoulder.

Her looked at her with confusion but ignored whatever feeling he was having. They entered the great hall and sat down at their usual spot.

"So I heard you were staying in the Gryffindor common room tonight. Mind if I join?" Neville asked.

She picked at her food and looked at Neville. She saw his kind eyes and kind smile. Guilt started to consume her completely. "Sure," she smiled weakly.

Tonight is the night. Tonight I break up with him.

She picked at her food, her appetite was very small. She made small conversation and kept her eyes away from Severus. She knew he had his eyes on her but she couldn't look at him. It would fill her with to much guilt.

After the feast Dumbledore started to talk about students. "It has come to my attention that there is a student have physical relations with a teacher," she shot her head up to Severus, both of them had worried looks on their faces.

"If we find out who this is, the student will be expelled and the teacher will be sent to Azkaban for Rape. I'm sorry but it's the law," he shook his head in disappointment, "you may leave."

Lily looked at Severus before Ginny grabbed her arm and dragged her out of the great hall. Hermione and Neville followed not so far behind them.

Once they made it to the common room they sat on the couch. Fred and George came in and sat on the floor. "Hey guys," Lily smiled as the twins waved in unison.

"So what have you to trouble makers been doing recently," she joked around. The boys looked at her and had an mischievous smile on their faces. "Oh nothing really, we can show you are most recent prank if you would like," they grinned.

"Oh I'd love that," she giggled as she got off the couch.

"I'll come too," Neville stood up and followed not far behind them. They 4 of them walked the empty corridors together, it was close to curfew but they didn't care.

Our Little Princess (SS x OC x LM) #1 Where stories live. Discover now