To Be...Or Nah?

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Aaliyah POV

I was helping Krystal get her things packed, and she didn't seem excited, at all.

"You sure you want to leave?" I hugged her.

"Liyah, It's for the best." She squeezed me.

"I'm going to miss you." I sniffled, trying not to cry.

"Thanks for being my second mom." She sniffled.

We wiped eachother's eyes and smiled. It's crazy how Krissy looks just like her, so I'll be looking at mini-Krystal for awhile.

She got dressed, kissed Adrian on his forehead, hugged Krissy and Elgin one last time, then the Taxi came.

"Liyah I love you! Krissy, hold it down!" She blew a kiss from the window and waved.

The Taxi took off.

Prodigy POV

108 unread text messages, 32 missed calls, I even blew up her DM and Email. It's been almost 2 weeks.

I really messed up.

Pictures of the day she caught me flashed in my mind. How upset she looked, how hurt she felt, even the punches she laid on me. Enough is enough, I'm going over there. I drove to her place as fast as I could, I was determined to get Krystal back.

I rang her doorbell.

"Who is it?" Aaliyah said.

"Prodigy." I sighed.

It took a few minutes, but she unlocked the door.

"I see you're trying to talk to Krystal." She scratched the back of her head.

"Ms. Aaliyah, I really need to go in there and at least say sorry."

"Well, my husband in there, and I don't want no blood on the carpet."

"Wait, what?" I stepped back.

"Nevermind that. Look Prodigy, that's really sweet, but she left for the airport an hour ago-"

"I gotta go!" I hugged her and ran back to my car.

I was speeding in my car, I can't lose Krystal.

At least let me say sorry.

I arrive at the airport 20 minutes later. I felt like I was in those corny ass movie scenes. The dude will do anything to get his gir back, and end the end it works. Krystal is different, I really don't know if this wll work.

"All boarding to Jamaica, 30 minute wait at Terminal B." The anouncer said on the intercom.

I final got to Terminal B,and there she was. She had her back turnt, so she couldn't see me.

"Krystal!" I said, out of breath

She turned around. She looked beautiful, well, even more beautiful.

"Don't go! I'm sorry! I know I messed up! I-I" I fell dow on my knees like in Usher's confessions video.

"Craig Crippen Jr. you are making a scene!" She was pushing me away.

"Krystal take me back and I'll get up!"

"No! Do you realized you hurt me?"

I looked up at her. "If I didn't, why am I here?"

Everyone was staring at us.

"Look, Prodigy...I-"

"Now boarding to Jamaica!" The flight attendant said.

She took one good look at me, pushed away from my grip, and walked to the door.

"Krystal!" I yelled after her.

Then she got swept away by a sea of people, she was gone.

Back to Jamaica.

Krystal POV

I kept walking, because if I looked back, I would burst into a pool of tears. I hated him, but I loved him. I can't believe this. It's so hard to take. But last night, I did the unthinkable.

"Princeton, what are you doing here?"

"You looked upset, and I heard you were moving to Jamaica, so I wanted to say bye."

"Thanks boo." I hugged him. Don't get it twisted I call all my friends boo.

He hugged me, then stared at me for a bit.

"Like something you see?" I walked to my bed.

"Yeah," He half-smiled and bit his lip.

"Look, Princeton we-"

"Shh..." He kissed me.

Like a fool, I kissed back.

 Now I'm back on a plane to Jamaica, leaving everyone I loved behind. All because of this...

I really don't know if I should take him back. But it's too late now. Papa and Grandmama are expecting me.

"Hey, I saw that scene out there." The girl sitting next to me said.

"Yeah, and?" I shrugged.

"It wasn't like those corny ass movies scenes." She put on her headphones and went to sleep.

I thought about what she said, then thought about what just happened, and what just happened last night. I think we all messed up. Prodigy for cheating, Princeton for kissing me, and myself for kissing back. I should stop running away from my problems, because I realized I'm leaving too much behind. At least I can see Octavia and Abrianna again.

Hours and hours later, I touched down in Jamaica. The first two people waiting at the Terminal was my best friends.

"Kris!" Tavia and Abri yelled.

I hugged them tight and started crying.

"We need to get you to my house, now!" Abri walked me to her car.

What do you think is going to happen next?

Comment what you think!



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