The Big Bang

477 17 5

___5 months later____

Krystal POV

I was hanging out with Krissy. Braiding her hair, talking about school, and listening to music. Since Prodigy had a meeting in Las Vegas, why not take a time-out and chill with my sis?

My mind sorta shifted from the whole "Uncle Ronny" thing when my bruises started to heal. I can hardly notice them now, so I can finally wear my bridesmaid dress without leggings.

"So, you like kindergarten so far?" I started the left side of her hair.

"I mean, it's okay." She mumbled.

"Why do you say that?'' I raise an eyebrow.

She sat her Barbie down and faced me.

"It's boring. I can't want to graduate so I can see what first grade's like!"

"Well, I bet you're going to miss naptime." I smirked.

"Nope, I hate it. But enough about me, how's it like being a senior?" She picked up her doll.

"It's great! My class is doing a talk show on celebrites and all that stuff."

"Let me guess, you're going to be Chilli?" She started brushing the doll's hair.

"Yep yep!"

I finally finished her hair.

"Done." I washed my hands and went to the kitchen.

"I didn't know my hair was that long." She played in her braids.

"You get your hair from mama." I dried my hands.

"What did mama look like?" She stared at me.

I gave her a long glare, and sighed.

"I'll be right back." I ran to Tracie's room.

Tracie has a lot of pictures of mama, especially around the time she was pregnant with Krissy. I ran back to the kitchen with tons of photo albums.

"What's all of this?" Krissy asked with wide eyes.

"Photos. Some with me and mama, and mama with the rest of the family." I opened the first page.

It showed old baby pics of mama, her birth certificate, and graduations pictures.

"Was that you?" She pointed to mama.

"No, that was mama at age," I flipped the picture over, "17."

"Wow, you could be twins!"

"Yeah," I sigh," I know".

Mama's name was Kimberly Monica Richards, she passed at age 34 because of cancer. I never talk about her much because I'm still trying to heal, even if it was almost 6 years ago now.

More pictures of mama with me and her belly was huge with Krissy in there.

"Have you ever wondered why Aaliyah didn't tell us she was pregnant until 4 months?"

"She probably didn't know, I mean, she had no symtoms at the time." I shrugged.

"How many months is she now?"

"Uhh, I think, 9 months now."

"So, the baby's due any day now?"

"Yep yep."

"When is the wedding?"

Where are all these questions coming from?

"In 3 months, why?"

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