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Krissy POV

I slept with goddaddy and my future godmommy in their bed. We stayed up all night watching Christmas movies and talking about the wedding. I began wondering around the house as usual, then someone knocks on the door

"Who is it?" I asked.

"Cherry bop," A fimilar voice said.

"Strawberry pop!" I opened up the door.

It was my 17 year old sister, Krystal.

"What are you doing here?" I squeeze her.

"Well, Uncle Ronny said since cousin Tracie moved out here, I can stay with her instead of Mississippi. I was getting sick of the countryside anyway."

"I missed you so much!"

She picked me up and squeezed.

"What's all this noise-Krystal?" Goddaddy stopped and looked at her.

"Hey, G!" She waved.

"Little girl! I haven't seen you since you were 12!"

She grew since 12, I'll tell you that.  She was wearing black pants, a white long-sleeved shirt with big bold black letters that spelled, "YO". She wore a white bandana tied on her head. Her hair was semi-puffy, but it was flat ironed.

"I may look older, but I'm still you favorite niece!" She hugged him.

"You need to meet Aaliyah!" I grabbed her hand.

"THE Aaliyah?" She said, in shock.

"Yeah, who else is my daddy engaged to?"

"Engaged?" She sat down on the couch.

"Oh, Uncle Ronny didn't tell you?" Goddaddy sat next to her.

"Pfft, you know Uncle Ronny wouldn't tell me even if Jesus was coming back!"

"Wow, he didn't tell you anything." I climbed on her lap.

Aaliyah came out of the bedroom, wearing a blue T-shirt with some blue jeans.

"It's THE Aaliyah!" Krystal hid her excitement.

"Hi, and not to be rude, but who are you?" She shook Krystal's hand.

"I'm Krystal. Kristine's older sister."

"Nice to meet you! Krissy why didn't you tell me you had an older sister?"

"You never asked." I said.

"Umm, Krissy, go to your room real quick. Grown folks and teen talk." Goddaddy walked me to my room.

Krystal POV

"Why did you decide to come from Mississippi all of a sudden?" G asked.

"Well,Tracie said it woud be better if I lived wth her. Have a female in my life." I played with the white nail polish on my hands.

I won't tell him exactly why. How Uncle Ronny and his girlfriend get extremely drunk, then when he gets mad at her, he takes his anger out on me and hits me. I wonder how I show the perfect grades but teachers are concerned about the bruises on my thighs when I go to gym. It's not the Christmas spirit for that, so I moved on.

"I passed my ACT and I'm #2 in the top 4 Seniors at my school." I perked up a smile.

"Now we see where Krissy gets her intelligence from." Aaliyah grabbed my hand.

"Thank you for the compliment." I smile and continue playing with my hands.

Krissy's right, she is an angel.

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