Jamaican Me Crazy

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I'm taking a moment to thank my sis KenderGingerHaughton for helping me write the last two chapters She also inspired the outfits in the media. Love ya boo!

Krystal POV

I just got off the plane to Jamaica. I said all of my goodbyes and see you soons. I fastened  my seatbelt as we took off.

To be sure I didn't cry like the little baby I was, I got on my phone and started watching videos on Youtube. Thank God for WiFi. I checked my Kik, and Prodigy sent me the cutest text.

**Text message*** (Sorry if you can't see emojis)

Craig💑: Babygirl, I'm going to miss you so much! I swear I'm coming down there when my tour ends because I miss you too much! Why jhu gotta leave me girlllllllll!😢😂 but really tho I'm coming down there to see you. Love you baby. 💑 💏 🙇  

Krystal💎:💋💗💜 Boo! I miss you too! I Can't wait to see you! I'll be back in NYC soon! I just touched down in Jamaica.  

Craig💑: Imma slideeeee in Jamaica right now then!

Krystal💎: Boy if you don't get!  

We talk for about another hour or so. We're in different timezones, it's late as hell where I am so I'm letting him sleep. My grandma just drove up to their little blue house, and I followed behind her.

"Your Papa's still sleeping, so be careful how you come in Kimberly." She quietly unlocks the door.

"Grandmama, I'm Krystal. Not mama."

"Oh, I'm sorry!" She laughs. "You two just look so alike."

"Yeah... it's cool."

Grandmama hasn't been the same since after mama died.

"Is my bedroom still the lavender room?" I hung my coat on the coat rack and took off my shoes.

"It's been that way for years." She walked to the kitchen and left me alone in the livingroom.

I walked up the stair and eased my way to the lavender room. The lavender room was my mom's room when she was my age. I made room in the closet and drawers for my stuff and jumped in mama's big, fluffly bed. Then somebody tries to FaceTime me.

"Can't they see a girl's tryna sleep!" I answered.

***Phone Conversation***

"What?" I turned off the camera as I started getting ready for bed.

"Don't you dare what me little girl!" There was laughter in the background.

"Uncle G!" I slipped my basketball shorts on and turned on the camera.

"So I see you just touched down in Jamaica, and you were about to go to sleep." He said.

"Yeah, but how's your honeymoon?" I waved to Liyah in the background.

"Great! Aye, where only a couple miles from where you are."

"Oh really? Where are you guys?"

"Actually we'll be over there to see you tomorrow."

"Wheeet? I got plans!"

"How do you just make plans and you just touched down?"

"My friends Octavia and Abrianna taking me somewhere! I won't be back till around tomorrow afternoon."

Little known fact: Abrianna and Octavia used to live across the street from me, but since both of their fathers are in the Army, they had to move around a lot. They were bestfriends before they met me.

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