Chapter Two : "Mutants."

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WestView, NJ

Wanda walked with her head down, her hood pulled over her head tightly, almost like a shield from their harsh stares. They all looked at her the same way, with disgust and hatred but she pushed through. She was already feeling an immense amount of guilt, bringing back dead Avengers for her own sake. She'd missed her teammates so much, the thought of losing another family was something she couldn't deal with. Wanda approached, a sorrowful look on her face. Monica didn't share that same look, she had a look of pity in her eyes. Monica parted her lips, words not forming yet as she stared at the sad red-head. "They'll never know what you sacrificed for them." She spoke, her words were soft and kind, a clear attempt to reassure Wanda.

"It wouldn't change how they see me." She responded softly, Monica blinked, unsure of how to respond. "And you, you don't. ." Wanda paused, staring at Monica. "You don't hate me?" She asked, unsure of the response she'd get back. Monica shook her head sadly, there was an unspoken understanding between the two. "Given the chance and given your power," Monica took a deep breath. "I'd bring my mom back." - "I know I would."

Wanda sadly smiled at her, understanding that. "I'm sorry." Her voice cracked a little bit with each word, her face was still red from all the crying she had done. "For all the pain I caused." Her eyes gazed around, clearly gesturing to West View. Monica nodded softly, "I know."
"I don't understand this power." Wanda said, looking to her. "But I will."

Their conversation was cut short, the sound of sirens began fading in. Wanda gave her a gentle smile, turning to leave. "Goodbye, Monica." She turned on her heel, with ease she was flying in the other direction away from all the angry people, away from West View.

Somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains.


She brushed a strand of hair out of her face, Wanda sat, her legs crossed comfortably. Her hands glowed a beautiful shade of red, with a simple twitch of her hand the old and scratched up pages turned with ease. Ruins, symbols littered the pages. Her eyes scanned over the ancient book, somehow she understood. It shouldn't be possible, she thought. But here she was. She paused, her breath heavy and uneven Wanda flinched slightly, She could hear Agatha's taunting words in her head, -

"You're not from this world, you aren't supposed to be here." - "Give me your power's and I'll send you back, back to your real family, back to your brother.. to your father." She shook her head, feeling pained, confused. She needed answers.

She'd been ripped away from another family, lost another brother. She needed to find him. She needed to find Pietro.

Agatha didn't get what she wanted, and Wanda received her revenge. Agatha's hands were clasped together tightly as she looked up at Wanda, Agatha pleaded, looking up at Wanda with innocent eyes, but she was far from it. This was the woman who tore her away from her family when she was just a child, took her memories away, tortured her. Agatha's once cocky attitude was gone, and she was now begging for her freedom. Wanda stalked towards her, each stride more confident and powerful than the last. Agatha was on her knees, a panicked look took over her features. "Please." She pleaded softly, Wanda smiled gently at her. "I'm sorry." She said. - "No you're not," hissed, looking at Wanda with disdain.
"You're cruel." A twisted grin spread across her face, making Wanda tilt her head in confusion. - "Just like your father." She practically growled.

Wanda scrunched her face in confusion, "What are you talking about?" She asked. Agatha cocked her head to the side, a sly grin placed on her face. "You don't know, do you?" - "didn't get all the info, huh?" She taunted once more, playing the sick game like she always did. Wanda's face quickly faltered into a serious glare. "Tell me, now." She said, her tone was low and threatening. Agatha dropped the grin, now looking bored. "Your father." She spoke, her voice bitter. "Magneto" .

She shook her head, snapping out of the memory. shaking the idea of her father not being her father into the very back of her head. I will get my brother back, that I know is real. She thought. Her finger landed on a page, it read. "The Multiverse - To enter a world that differs from yours you need something that belongs of that world." She paused, slumping forward slightly. She was stumped for a moment, before the thought of Agatha taking a single strand of her hair and using it popped into her head.

Wanda yanked a strand of hair out of her head. What do I do with this now? She peered down at the book, it offered no instructions. She shut her eyes tightly, attempting to focus. I can do this. She sighed, not believing a word she'd just thought. She opened her eyes, greeted by no changes whatsoever. Pietro. The thought of him, his unruly silver tipped hair, his goofy and mischievous personality. The confidence he had when she had none. She visibly winced at the memory of her big brother, it was supposed to be them against the world. Now it's just me. She let out a disheveled sigh, the pain washing over her. A feeling she'd grown familiar with.

Her hands sparked, the red energy surrounded her. Wanda gazed down at her glowing hands, then up at the strand of hair. She shut her eyes, forcing the memory of her brother to the very front of her mind. She could still remember his laugh, his silly smile. I couldn't protect him. Her lips trembled,

Wanda screamed out, a surge of pain taking over her entire body she felt like she was dying in more ways than one. She collapsed, landing on her knees. Panic, fear, loss. Pietro. She hadn't noticed but she was sobbing. He was dead. My brother is dead, No, that Pietro wasn't my real brother. She fought the idea, she still mourned for him. red energy flew out of her in a fit of rage and grief. It hit anything nearby, nothing could even touch her. Her head was hung low, her unruly auburn hair covered her tear stricken face. The panic was overbearing, her head was screaming so loud. "It should've been me." The words kept spinning around in her head, her eyes shut closed so tightly .
"When I open my eyes it will be over, it was just a bad dream." -


| The school for the gifted youngsters. |


"Ah!" I screamed, My hands barely caught me, my entire body felt like electric. My eyes were still adjusting to the brightly lit room. The floor beneath me was cold.

I force myself into a sitting position, my entire body felt sore from that slight movement.
My head was spinning and I felt like I was going to vomit. After a few moments, the feeling began to fade and I actually felt human again. My vison returns slowly, I take in my surroundings. It looked like a dorm room, a nice one at that. The room was rather large, clothes littered the room. It was lived in. 

I could faintly hear children in the distance, my gaze fell towards the door.. I furrowed my brows, finally picking myself off the ground. I wiped the dirt off my red jacket. I didn't have time to find out, something caught my eye and before I knew it I was walking, no, running towards it. I hastily pick the picture frame up, in it is a boy and an older woman. "Pietro." I said aloud. It worked. I felt a rush of joy come over me, I hugged the frame, pushing it close to my chest. I was so close to getting my family back.

I wasn't going to waste any time, I can't risk missing him. I walked out, opening the door with my hand rather than my powers. If there are humans here, I don't want to alert any. I'm met with more doors, and a fancy hallway. Teenagers walk buy, carrying books and folders. It only confirmed my theory. My eyes fall onto a taller man, he looked slightly older than the rest, wore a lab coat which I found odd. He didn't notice me behind him, "Excuse me?" I spoke up, peering over his shoulder.

He jumped, clearly surprised by my sudden appearance. He turned to look at me, he calmed down quickly. "Yes?" He said.

"Do you know where Pietro is?" I didn't know how else to phrase it, if he's here this man might know. He blinked, I could almost see him thinking about it. "Pietro..?" He said his name like he was thinking about who it belonged to. "Uh, if anyone will know it's the professor. Go see him, he's in his office."

I could feel a large grin forming on my face, "thank you so much." - "Now, where is this office?"



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