Chapter Three : "Memories & Reunions."

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Hank seemed kind enough, I'd learned his name after practically making him show me where the professor was. He was tall, wore a thick pair of glasses and a typical white coat. But he was far from the center of my attention. Pietro had been on my mind since I got here. I still felt sore, and the massive migraine I had didn't help. My dark red hair fell past my chest, I was doing my very best to ensure I wasn't noticed alot. I don't know how safe this place is, and I intend on finding out.

"Okay." Hank stopped abruptly, letting out a breath before continuing. "This is it," he gave me a small awkward smile before knocking softly and heading the other way. It was good enough for me.

"Come in!" I heard a voice call, I turned the knob, pushing the door open slowly. I took a step in, shutting the door behind me. I lift my gaze up off the ground, forcing my eyes on them. I'm met with a pair of bright blue eyes. The entire room grew silent, the two men I didn't know shared a confused glance. I hardly cared. His hair had streaks of silver, it oddly blended well with the slightly darker blond tones. He looked the same. Older, but the same. It was him, Pietro.

We were staring at eacheother for what felt like hours. Does he even remember me? I parted my lips to speak, but nothing came out. I didn't know what to say yet there were thousands of things I needed to say to him all starting with "It's me." But I didn't. "Uhm, who are you?" I heard a firm voice ask, I turn to stare. He was sat in a wheelchair, he was completely bald. He had strong features yet soft eyes, he looked like he cared. "My name is Wanda Maximoff." I managed to get it out, I didn't even bother to stare at my twin, anxiety quickly taking over. Fear of what? It was a good question.

"Wanda?" I heard his soft voice, I turned to stare at him. I could see the faint prickle of tears in the corner of his eyes, the absolutely heartbroken look in his eyes crushed me. Did he really miss me that much? Was he okay? I ignored the questions the man in chair was throwing at me, instead my legs started moving for me. He met me half way, engulfing me into a much needed hug. I'd dreamt of this, waited for it, it terrorized me knowing I might never get him back. But here he was, it felt fake, like it'd be ripped away any second and I'd be left alone again.
After some time we finally let go of eachother.

"I don't understand." I heard the older man speak again, this time clearly. He probably thought I was crazy or something. I looked to Pietro hoping he knew these men and could explain to them he knows me.

"Peter, I thought you said she was missing." Charles looked puzzled, examining the girl as if she was a riddle that needed to be solved. "I thought so too." He muttered, "What." Erik spoke up, he'd been staring at Wanda, confused desperately trying to read her but that wasn't his gift. It was Charles.

It'd been a minute or so for the twins, they'd been so wrapped up and overjoyed seeing one another they'd forgotten the two older men. "Alright let's just take a seat and figure this out." Charles furrowed his brows, gesturing for the three of them to sit down. Wanda followed Pietros lead, sitting beside him. Erik sat near her, but not so close. They were both fairly unsure of eachother.

"I'm Charles Xavier, the professor here."- Charles had little time to actually speak, the once stunned and happy Peter was now just pure excitement. "And this is our father, Wanda, Erik Lehnsherr." He didn't miss a beat, "He's like us, Wands." He happily explained, pointing at a very uncomfortable Erik. Like us? She thought. "Peter, calm yourself." Pietro or Peter leaned back trying his best to not say another word.

"What happened, Wanda?" Charles asked calmly, looking to her intentivly. He could read her if he wanted, but he wouldn't want to start off with a betrayal like that.

Wanda paused, she met his big round blue eyes. He was patient, immediately willing to help this girl he just met. "Well," she started off, not knowing where to began or what to tell them. Yet they all listened patiently. And then it hit her, I can't tell these humans this stuff. They'll lock us up. Charles noticed the concerned look on her face, "You can tell us, we're here to help." He motioned towards Erik, wanting to include him in this. He held his hand up to his chin, he knew something was holding her back but prying could make things worse, he noted.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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