Chapter One "Rescue You."

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Peter found himself daydreaming again, it seemed repetitive at this point. As the date crept closer, so did those memories. The anxiety swallowed him up, the shame and guilt was suffocating him, he knew it. But nobody else did, he kept it to himself, shouldered the pain. Not even Charles could see through his mask. It was normal for him to lose focus, get lost in his thoughts. This didn't come as a shock to him, it was getting closer and closer to that day. The anniversary of Wanda's disappearance, disappearance he repeated the word in his head, he still held hope that she was okay. The latter wasn't an option. he hated thinking about it. Peter hadn't mouthed a word of it to a single soul since. Was that "weak of me"? "Everything was fine," it repeats, his mind running faster than he could keep up with. This didn't stop his mind from thinking back to when everything changed for him.

It was early in the summer months, we were no older than eight. I had gotten my powers the summer before, making Wanda incredibly jealous. She'd whine at our mother for hours, usually ending up in a huge tantrum. Peter found himself grinning ever so slightly, remembering how feisty the young girl was. Brave, she was. Everyone always thought that Peter was the "problem child" but in reality, it was Wanda. Wanda was amazing, but she had a nasty temper that she let get the better of her.
Peter remembered her in vivid detail, from her lightly freckled face to her fiery red auburn hair. She had wide eyes, revealing a set of beautiful forest green eyes. When she was happy, so was everyone else. Her smile could light up an entire room. He felt a sense of comfort, remembering her like that.

But it stay like that, shortly before it all happened everything was changing fast. Faster than Peter could keep up with, even with his speed. Wanda grew cold, distant. Snapping at him and their mother for seemingly nothing. She'd hide in her room, Peter cringed thinking about how he couldn't do anything to help her. The two were so close, a deep bond you could only share with a twin. It only took a week, exactly a week. They were playing hide and seek, one of their favorite games. it was a way for them to pass the time, their mother was off busy trying to provide for them.

If Peter wanted, he could find her with ease, even without his speed. but he never did. He always let her win, seeing the frown on her small face made him upset. Magda had called for Peter, telling him to go outside so their sister could properly focus on her studies.
the entire neighborhood was suburban, something Magda had dreamt for her family. Peter could still remember every little detail, like it'd just happened. He had analyzed it so thoroughly, almost obsessing about it in his early teens. But his mother never told him anything. It was a mystery and that killed him. It was a Thursday afternoon, Magda was humming along whilst fixing up dinner for the two.

Wanda began humming as well, her firey red auburn hair fell infront of her face. She was scribbling in a notebook, her feet gently swaying back in forth. There was a sense of serenity that day, calm, peaceful even. "Wanda." The voice taunted as it drew out her name. She scrunched her face tightly, that tight feeling in her chest rising as the voice continued. "Wanda I know you can hear me." It said, it was a woman's voice. It always had been. She tried her best to push it back, ignore it.

She shook her head slightly, it was such a small detail, nothing her mother would notice. Wanda lifted her head slowly, looking to her mother with wide eyes. She wanted to beg for help. "Don't even think about it." The voice warned, it was low and shook the young girl to her very core.  She lowered her head in defeat. .

"Peter, what is it?" The professor's voice echoed loudly, snapping him out of his daze. Charles looked worried for him, feeling the unease. Peter had been lost in thought, remembering that day vividly, truth is he blamed himself. He was playing while who knows what, happened to his once happy family. He felt a wave of guilt wash over him, he'd never forgive himself.

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