Chapter 28

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The second Delia's shift ended she virtually ran out of the aquarium. She didn't even bother saying goodbye to Ricky or Damian, at this point her mind was too focused on the ocean. 

Not once in her life had she felt such a pull to anything. What started out as a soft calling had turned into full-on yelling, screaming at her to just take a dive. 

So as she ran out of the aquarium she fumbled with her keys, trying to get to an empty beach as quickly as possible. As she got into her car she wasted no time by driving off and in the direction of the  'secluded' beach, hoping that this time she would remain alone. 

Now had she ran into a state trouper, or any time of law enforcement for that matter, she would have most definitely gotten a speeding ticket, but luckily for her, she didn't. The second she set foot on the beach a smile spread across her face, it was deserted. 

Dropping her bag in the sand she simply started running towards the ocean, as fast as she possibly could. Once the water touched her feet she jumped, lunging forward and into the water as she felt the tail appear. 

Before she knew it she was swimming around, playing and doing all kinds of things in the water. For a moment she popped back up, looking back at the beach, which was still deserted. Happy and content she dived back down, trying to determine what her next step would be... What would she do? Where should she go? 

She paused and just looked around, almost as if she was trying to find something. It was then that she decided to simply swim deeper into the ocean, to just explore. As she swam she saw more and more fish surrounding her, and the ocean floor dropping deeper and deeper below her.  

It was all fun and games until she was startled by the sight of a rather large shark. Startled Delia stopped in her tracks, trying to determine her next move. However, as the shark got closer she realised it was a lot smaller than she had first thought. 

She then released what above the water would have been a chuckle, now she didn't quite know what to call it. The shark simply ignored her and swam past her as she watched it leave. 

Turning back to her original path she saw something else move in the distance. Narrowing her eyes, she stared at it, trying to determine what exactly it was that she saw, but one thing was for sure, it was green. Once she realised that she immediately sped toward it, swimming as fast as she could, curiosity completely taking over. 

As she sped towards it, the green thing started moving away rather quickly. Undeterred she followed it, almost feeling like she was getting closer to it. Then suddenly, it disappeared altogether. Confused she stopped, looking around trying to spot it once more, but it was gone...

While she was still trying to spot the green thing, the water around her started getting darker and darker. Surprised, Delia looked up, noticing a boat above her. Startled she ducked down, then realising that she was far enough below the boat for it not to hit her. 

A sigh, or what could only be described as an attempt at a sigh, left her mouth as she relaxed. Her eyes, however, remained fixated on the boat, watching it as it floated above her. It was strange but very cool to see such a vessel from an angle that she'd never seen before. 

Slowly she moved to the side of the boat, to see more of it. As she did so, she noticed just how familiar the boat looked. For a moment she debated on whether or not she could risk sticking her head out of the water and checking what kind of boat it was. 

It was then that suddenly something fell into the water above her with a splash. Startled Delia moved her hands above her head, shielding herself. As the item sank lower she recognized it to be part of Damian's measuring equipment, a camera to be more precise. 

Panicking at the sight of it she quickly darted away, hoping that it hadn't spotted her. 'Oh shit' She thought, 'I hope that that isn't Damian.' But she knew one thing for sure, she wasn't staying to find out...

As fast as she could she made her way back to the shore, back to the secluded beach. Before she knew it she was out of the water and standing on two feet once more. 

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